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>Wonder of Stardom Championship Match: Saori Anou (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Natsupoi (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Future of Stardom Championship Match: Rina (Oedo Tai) vs Ranna Yagami (God's Eye)
>Mayu Iwatani (STARS) vs HANAKO (EXV)
>World of Stardom Championship Preliminary Match
>5*STAR GP Qualifier Finals: RED STARS-A or BLUE STARS-A
>Tam Nakano (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS)
>rest of card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240727_sapporo1/?mc_id=1031

>World of Stardom Championship Match: Maika (EXV) vs Natsuko Tora (Oedo Tai)
>High Speed Championship Match: Saya Kamitani (Queen's Quest) vs Mei Seira
>5*STAR GP Qualifier Finals: RED STARS-A or BLUE STARS-A
>Mayu Iwatani & Hanan (STARS/Eye Contact) vs Tam Nakano & Natsupoi (COSMIC ANGELS/meltear)
>rest of card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240728_sapporo2/?mc_id=990

Previous >>15298930
red belt natsuko
white belt poi
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saw someone discussing G1 say Stardom had "quite the finish to the show" what did I miss?
First for OT
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a lame konami heel turn and oedo tai
are you guys still so sure that Tardo won't put the red belt on Natsuko? It's not too late to accept it
oh that's it? dammit I wanted something trainwreck funny.
I am worried about how much Okada likes Oedo Tai
Oturkla Tai are losing the belts against the Saya and Maika in the first defense
you keeping on saying it won't make it come true, I hop you will apologize for your naivety on sunday
>I am perfectly fine losing my own title just to betray my friend
always retarded
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I'll take the L and readily admit I was wrong. Will you?
Nobody cares about hag drama
Luscious Venus
remember that most of the people complaining pirated the stream. and can't afford 5 dollars too support the product
was obvious that okada is rewarding those who immediately tweeted that they will in stardom

Tag belts are meant to be hotpotatoed
As expected, twitter trannies are fuming
Good. That means that Okada has actually booked something with real heat
this does kind of suck. but still i don't think there's been a bad goddess match yet this year. tags have been nonstop kino for a long time
Maika will beat Natsuko, and then the rest of Oedo Tai will kick her out
stop confusing "this is retarded and makes no sense" with real heat
>this is retarded and makes no sense
Explain how it's retarded and makes no sense
stop samefagging. natsuko was cheered and the crowd booed konami. spamming won't change anything
the heel being cheered is good now?
you have no humility or honor
of course not
>nooj thread liking the foreign heel
>stardom thread hating the foreign heel
i don't get it. but i hope they team up for X over 2
Saya is too clingy and I don’t trust her not to fuck up
they will what in Stardom you fucking faggot? learn how to type or leave.
>different threads are reacting differently to completely different wrestlers
thanks for the worthless update.
>So that's it
>I betrayed you!!
>Well, I guess that's how it goes.
>It's been a long time since I've been betrayed!
>Small waves are here!
>This is terrible
>What is this? It's boring. The audience is also shocked.
>Okatarou is incompetent
>Konami has no talent.
>Stardom is boring lol
Kittos group needs to get fucked out
Syuri already retweeting every clip about the match kek at least wait a little
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Did I like Nighter?

loved this, they’re a fun crew.
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Definitely not worked
suzu is still fat sadly
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The future or a red herring
>Stardom Korakuen, Momo Watanabe & Tekla became the tag champions in the main event after Konami betrayed her. Konami returned to Oedo Tai. She certainly didn't say she was quitting Oedo Tai. Hina and Lady C have officially joined God's Eye to defeat Oedo Tai.
Hassy is right, Konami never said she left OT
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Karate's Eye
>Hina and Lady C have officially joined God's Eye
>Hassy is right, Konami never said she left OT
And she won the title by using an Oedo Tai steel chair, which Syuri wasn't enthused about
>Hina and Lady C have officially joined God's Eye
Lady C will never ever get any kind of push and is stuck being a jobber forever. She's Kohgo tier.
>Lady C
>Ami when she returns
Damn, God's Eye is a visual faction now
Does Konami or Momo become the leader when Natsuko loses to Maika?
why would i care what 5chan shitters think. they got worked by hazuki and koguma of all people
the Oedetty Tai Era is upon us
>continues to lose on every show
God's Eye is very weak. There is no strong number 2
The comments from the twitter trannys are genuinely hilarious
It will be Tomoka. She's beating Mayu in the 5Star to get that bump up the card
the joshi expert podcaster/journalist ones or jap bald uncle coomer ones?
Joshi expert podcaster/journalist
The bald uncles coomers are worked but in the correct way
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ranna you moron
that is a midget rookie, she couldn't beat an egg
Not surprising that a Ghoulia fan has the worst opinions https://x.com/GIULIAxDDM
remember the Artist titles? Okada doesn't
whats the payoff?
good thing for all these seething trannies that they can go and watch marigold with its high level in ring action and captivating booking
they complain about Marigold, too. You're being very insecure.
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There's an angle
syuri beats konami
maika beats natsuko
maika and saya beat momo and turkla
oedo tai continues to lose nearly every match
trannies continue to lose their shit any time ot actually win
>they complain about Marigold, too.
Lmao, no they don't
the trannies complain and yet don't support the product. typical.
I find it strange how the trannies are happy to go after tarpo for shitty booking but rossy was getting away with it for years and they were slurping so hard
They will lose the big matches against the babyfaces
>maika beats natsuko
>Cosmic Angels challenge
I'm fine with that. At least they're a real faction unlike anti-dimes EXV.
Cosmic Angels vs ExV on 8/4. Watch the product before you seethe
Yeah, they literally don't financially matter at all
I like how Oedo Tai didn't give a shit about winning the belts and were just happy to have Konami to fuck with Syuri
syuri konami TLD
natsuko beats maika
momo and thekla retain
Tam Yuna and Kuara win the artist belts
This unironically just killed my love for this stardom run for Konami, like I don't understand how can you do that with someone like KONAMI.

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Then anon wakes up
I want to see blonde Yurie
As the heels are taking over STARDOM the dwarves crew are taking selfies
now we just need hazuki to rejoin oedo tai so along with momo and konami we can have the three jobber to the stars in the same unit
lol and they did a meet and greet with syuri and konami before the show today
their tweeners why would they care
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>konami gets fat
>joins ofatty tai
it is like poetry
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it doesn't make sense, especially as a heel because you're supposed to be selfish
None of this would've happened if Kamitani didn't lose
many such cases

zoomer fuck squad is great
i want too nurse her back too health.
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Thousy bros, we're fucking back
A thousy on a weekday. Let's see Marigroom's attendance next week.
>I just wanna say stardom is fine it's long journey for new season after pedophile Rossy Ogawa got fired from Stardom. But here they're the pedophile supporters is saying it's boring cause pedophile Rossy Ogawa is not there
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i lost
>Let's see Marigroom's attendance next week.
1,025 claimed
interesting what happens when the main event isn't a maikek match
doesn't matter still cute so still a win
Forgot the new unit, nvm, deleting it
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opiates for clara - i lost and the loss was my fault
you should distinguish between full and part-timers and note ami's longterm injury
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who is the cute chubster?
support masked players
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Ranna finds it unbearable
Miyu abandoned Hina

Full cards for Sapporo
their new rookie Big Haruka
No Natsuko on Saturday
No Anou and Kurara on Sunday
>maika, mina, saya, syuri vs momo, thekla, konami, ruaka
no idea who is getting pinned in this one lol
Please prepare the cute chubster for us TAKA
Ruaka or Momo
hell vs heaven match
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Be scared Oedo Tai, be very scared
Jumbo vs Misawa
Momo is a draw
>Wonder of Stardom Championship Match: Saori Anou (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Natsupoi (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Future of Stardom Championship Match: Rina (Oedo Tai) vs Ranna Yagami (God's Eye)
>5*STAR GP RED STARS-A Qualifier Finals: Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Waka Tsukiyama (E neXus V)
>Maika & Mina Shirakawa (E neXus V) & Saya Kamitani (Queen's Quest) & Syuri (God's Eye) vs Momo Watanabe, Thekla, Konami & Ruaka (Oedo Tai)
>HANAKO's US Tour Send-off Match: Mayu Iwatani (STARS) vs HANAKO (E neXus V)
>Starlight Kid, AZM, Suzu Suzuki, Mei Seira & Miyu Amasaki (-) vs Hazuki, Koguma, Hanan, Saya Iida & Momo Kohgo (STARS)
>Tam Nakano (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Saki Kashima (God's Eye) vs Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Match 0: Lady C & Hina (God's Eye) vs Xena (E neXus V) & Rian (-)

>World of Stardom Championship Match: Maika (E neXus V) vs Natsuko Tora (Oedo Tai)
>High Speed Championship Match: Saya Kamitani (Queen's Quest) vs Mei Seira (-)
>5*STAR GP BLUE STARS-A Qualifier Finals: Lady C (God's Eye) vs Miyu Amasaki (-)
>Mayu Iwatani & Hanan (STARS/Eye Contact) vs Tam Nakano & Natsupoi (COSMIC ANGELS/meltear)
>Syuri (God's Eye) vs Konami (Oedo Tai)
>HANAKO's US Tour Send-off Match: HANAKO (E neXus V) vs Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Trio Gauntlet Match: Mina Shirakawa, Xena & Waka Tsukiyama (E neXus V) vs Starlight Kid, AZM & Suzu Suzuki (-) vs Hazuki, Koguma & Saya Iida (STARS) vs Saki Kashima, Hina & Ranna Yagami (God's Eye) vs Momo Watanabe, Thekla & Rina (Oedo Tai)
>Match 0: Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Momo Kohgo (STARS) vs Ruaka (Oedo Tai) vs Rian (-)
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miyu did nothing wrong, look at this picture for proof
Based Suzu drawing the house
built for awkwardly titfucking my awc
Maika, Saya, Syuri and SLK vs Natsuko, Momo, Thekla and Konami

If you've literally given Stardom any money ever you matter more than """"joshi twitter""""
Wonderichaels and Worldetty
I can't believe Okada has did this my LIFE is literally RUINED. FUCK the Odeo Tai!
I only did once and it was for Grand Queendom last year
Same, but that's more than what the podcasters can say
>Tam Yuna and Kuara win the artist belts
It's Tam, Anou, and Poi challenging
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>Eventful house shows
>Well built PPVs with title matches that can go either way
>A weekday thousy
Keep on cooking brother
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twitterfags and pooncasters don’t count unless they spend the dosh to support the players.
i can’t imagine spending hours of my day online trying to give the impression i’m a huge fan of something while using it to get attention, it’s gotta be a sadder life than anyone posting here by a country mile
joshi twitter is a minstrel show of /stardom/
did suzu get work done on her teeth while she was gone? they look less of a disaster than normal
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Glad we got past the Maika complaining to Tokyo Sports no one is challenging her stuff. Marigold doing that now with 3 different wrestlers.
The factions are almost perfect now as well, all that's left is combining QQ and ExV when Mina fucks off to AEW, and kicking Natsuko and the clown out of OT
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He's peaking things at the right time, just before the 5Star and on the road to Dream Queendom
>Marigold doing that now with 3 different wrestlers.
I like the story of Utami and Mirai fucking sucking
Is she tall?
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don't mind me just posting a couple top tier visual players
one guy is slurping so hard right now
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seems to be around the same height as jumbo inoue
>GOTH Asuza
Oedo Tai won
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in 15 years Ruaka will still be a heel jobber in STARDOM
based if true, money and miles
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>tfw you are a twitter tranny and stardom draw a thousy with an oedo tai garbage match instead of a formulaic plodfest
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>Thank you for today.
>I thought I could win.
>A moment of carelessness was the cause of our defeat. It's frustrating.

>But I heard a lot of encouragement and it gave me the strength to do my best!

>Although he wasn't able to make it to 5STAR, he will shine brighter than the other players.

>There's so much going on today...
>I just can't forgive bad people.
AZM not as cheerful without libations
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putting together a squad to end Oedo Tai for good
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when you get told as you're walking out - change of plans, c going over tonight.
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Innovative offense
lets see momo and thekla fingerblast each other
Rina having to explain to her classmates why her elbow is shattered
Am I getting worked or this shit looked a little too real?
Ruaka didn't care and went straight to the face
Rina is lucky she's young that shit would destroy the shoulder of anyone older than 20 yo
it is the other saya that is meant to be the botchy one
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think she's just reckless. manages to hit poi with the corner of the box here
they don't teach you to get your hands up and protect your face in the gatoh move soft play area
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Saki is so brave
At least she tried.
For a former chicken shit heel turned Babyface that's a big step.
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Ranna takes a newspaper to the face and nopes out of there. She's not built for this yet.
What a maneuver a beautiful avalanche slingshot suplex or "the Gori special number 2" because" Gori special" is already taken.
Guess finally taro is stopping this nonsense Gori push.
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STARS watching Konami turning on Syuri
>Zooks thinking "damn Konami, I was thinking the same"
menhera behaviour
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Our boy is really cooking.
OT getting heat was something that no one here thought it was possible anymore and this MF actually actually put some real heat on them.
Guess minussy hitting so hard opened taro's mind to dimesland.
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>Put me in GE
>Make my twin double champion and I'm her personal jobber
>Booker decided to give the belt to some girl with only a few matches in stardom.
>I'm the designed jobber in a faction with C in it.
>Took my girl away from me.
I would have hatman on speed dial if I were Hina.
Every Stardom wrestler is getting jobbed out to the ActWrez Girlz in Marigold. Wouldn't be much different there.
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2 players that I want to have sex with
Taro took the Vince McMahon approach to tag wrestling a big joke and a great filler for your shows.
That was the role of the trios belt, but then he forgot they existed.
surely, Stardom will do the right thing and let Sendai Girls have its belt back, right?
meiko satomura using saori anou as a transitional champ to protect her roster from jobbing to each other would be a majestic polticial play
>I haven't named it yet

>Reverse Oklahoma Stampede

>This is a technique that I learned from TAJIRI and have been secretly practicing.

>Let's practice more and more so that we can lift anyone in any situation.

it's dumb to hot potato your belt like that regardless. Saori vs Mika should not have been for the Sendai title. Meiko gave her one title defense in 10 months.
Xena and Waka QQ would be worse than dissolving the faction kek
My brother if sacrificing Mika for a 3 seconds anou's reign is a "majestic political play" then yes "majestic" as fuck.

Meiko is as bad as a booker as much as she is as a woman not giving birth to minoru's child.
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Stardom had a good show and set things up well for the future so Marigold employees seething.
DASH winning the singles belt will never happen probably, Saori is holding until Chihirowinslol
lmao no way she is going to be doing that on most of the roster
Lmao, the marigooners are losing juice way quicker than I thought
This goof has no self awareness whatsoever
I don't follow New Japan. What is House of Torture and why are the trannies seething about it saying Oedo Tai is copying it?
It's a mega heel faction led by EVIL that ruins every match with interference
the main heel group in New Japan that cheats all the time. The difference is that House of Torture isn't constantly portrayed as geeks and jobbers. The two factions also look identical.
Go look at photos for when she dresses up like Pekola if you want to see that.
who is getting tomoko watanabe?
QQ used to have Bea as their gaijin, Xena would be an upgrade to that. And Waka would just be the designated jobber, every stable needs one of those.
Punished hair diaper player
The Zaps are joining oedo tai because tarokun needs to see the trannies seethe more
I need some thick n' thin action with Koguma and Saki.
people with ukraine and lgbt flags on their twitter profile really mad at okada for some reason
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Jesus lmao
losing makes you thirsty
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Eat a pizza
What happened next?
>My heart has always been with the Oedo Corps.

>God's Eye is a fighting group? You should be thankful that I stayed in a boring comedy group.

>This is where the real female sleeper artist comes back to life.
I liked Mayu and Tomo's interaction
what a nerd
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>It's a topic that won't go away, so I don't really want to write about it!

>You are free to think and say what you want!

>But don't forget that sometimes it can hurt people!

>It's also important to think from the other person's perspective!

>Well then, goodnight for the second time

Peaches and cream colored player
Lots of twitter pronouns seething without explaining why they're seething
I support Honkler-chan
Sweet, free wifi
support masked players
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cuter than kitto
She saw you calling her fat
if we're thinking it than the bald uncles are
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cosmic angels are the other heel unit
I do as it's my fetish
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>boring comedy group
didn't know she was in exv
GE already lost all of its aura once mirai left it's basically buried into the ground now
>Reverse Oklahoma stampede.
Isn't that move needs to go from turnbuckle to turnbuckle finishing with a powerslam?
Her move looked more like a sit-out dominator variant feels more like Ricky's roshambo.
so is anybody going to join Queen's Quest?
They have to let EXV drag on a little longer before Pieka can join because killing it already would be an admittance of how retarded it was to make it exist in the first place
Oedo Tai in the year 2024 is not interesting to me. This isn’t new. And sadly, STARDOM has decided to put the majority of everything behind the group while effectively phasing out Queen’s Quest and now God’s Eye. DDM ended this year, too!

The Konami switch feels unnecessary, especially since God’s Eye is now Syuri, Saki Kashima, a rookie, two undercard talents, and Tomoka Inaba when she’s around. Ami is gone for the foreseeable future after all! Sure feels this group is on borrowed time. Syuri has been put on the back burner for the majority of this year, now she’s going to be stuck fighting Oedo Tai. Great…

This year alone we’ve pretty much seen Oedo Tai take over and it feels they’re far from done. It’s not exciting, much like the majority of their matches. Ending the FWC title reign to tell this story wasn’t necessary or worth it. It might be the worst part! They were carrying the company!

The reason I enjoy Rina and Azusa is because they don’t really feel like they’re part of it most of the time.

An eye roll from me once again with the Konami turn — it’s my number one frustration with current STARDOM. Especially doing a whole match just to do it. Between this and the fake Momo turn, I’m done with it.

All I hope is that Maika can survive Tora on Sunday. I’m not going to be all too confident about that but the Tam match still feels like the way to go for Maika and the Red Belt.

Anyway, these are my OT frustrations. Not here to debate. This was just my limit. Talk more this week.

Bro Maika and Saya are 2 weeks away from fucking in the middle of the ring
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Don't forget to support Rian's father shooting stand
fucking kek
Jobedo Tai can't win a midcard belt and Konami can't leave the dweeb faction because... um it just can't happen okay sweaty.
kek what a carny
Can't those retards just drop Stardom already and focus all their attention on Rossy's fetish circus instead? No one needs to see this dogshit "analysis"

Also, is this the mouth breather Scott?
>The reason I enjoy Rina and Azusa is because they don’t really feel like they’re part of it most of the time.
Surprised he doesn't have a problem with the two kids in the faction!
send suzu a nice xeet
Truly a Rossy disciple
Why would you be surprised about Scott E being a pedophile?
>Also, is this the mouth breather Scott?
fraid so
natsuko tora would be the first world of stardom champion that i like in half a decade
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I hate to bring up twitter again, but it's pretty interesting how no one there is talking about this number but they can't stop talking about marigold's fake numbers
They won two big matches, that means that the whole company is built around them
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Stardom doing a decent number goes against the tranny narrative that it has lost ground to the new hottest promotion in town
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and this doesn't include rina drawing with nanami, thekla drawing with kurara, momo losing in aew and sendai girls
the purpose of a heel is to put the babyface over
Almost want to see Fatsuko win the Red belt now to see all the trannyfag ex-slurpers go ballistic
red belt Natsuko
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OK, we don't need to go that far
natsuko tora is one of the most engaging characters in stardom to the casual fans
Ari loves Natsuko so I hope she tears an ACL in one of the throw away 6 person tags leading up to her title match
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Why do they always cry about Oreo Tai having the same match every time when that is true of every single player. Fucking marks. I don't see any meltdowns about Maika matches when she spams the same 3 moves the whole time
is it time to send konami to fat camp like suzu
She doesn't have any more matches before it
they should do vignettes of Natsuko, Momo, Ruaka and Konami going to fat camp together
>Ami loses a title to a child
no difference
>MIRAI loses the title to a foreign stick of wood
first hit
>Ami and MIRAI lose their title together after Mariah buries her twitter
made them look like geeks but it's still God's Eye
>Syuri takes in a charity case who doesn't fit the vibe at all and makes God's Eye into half-a-joke
the first crack; this should have been only a temporary arrangement for a brief comedy angle
>Konami feuds with God's Eye and MIRAI over this obvious misfit and loses
this is the precise point that lead to the current situation
>Ranna comes in as an unvisual weird rookie
nowadays she looks like the only one of the group besides Syuri that actually belongs but it took several seasons to build to that point; but back then it was just another burden disturbing the vibe of The Original Three
>MIRAI leaves
devastating to the point of improbable recovery, as she was the heart and soul of God's Eye and the focal point; only mitigated somewhat by Konami rejoining full-time
>Hina and Lady C join
deadweight that couldn't even shine and make-shine Queen's Quest which for the longest time was reduced to being discount God's Eye; group now even more of a mockery and shell of itself
>Ami goes on leave for an anticipated year+
2/3 of original members, who were the core of the unit, now gone
>Konami betrays Syuri and leaves
Now that just leaves Syuri and Ranna as the remaining credible members flanked by ~3 shitters

1 Future candidate, 1(% chance) improbable World candidate, 1 joke High Speed candidate, 0 Wonder candidates, 0 Goddess candidates, 0 Artist candidates

Grim's Eye; I don't know how they come back from this and frankly a not insignificant portion of the problems come from Syuri's somewhat ineffectual leadership, so the chance of course correction is low atop that
bullying kids at fat camp
>Why do they always cry about Oreo Tai having the same match every time when that is true of every single player. Fucking marks. I don't see any meltdowns about Maika matches when she spams the same 3 moves the whole time
Noticing and admitting players you don't care for just carelessly recycle their matches every show is the first step toward realizing that even your favorites do it to and that the promotion you've been praising was lazy trash all along.
>they should do vignettes
nobody does that anymore
>the tranny narrative that it has lost ground to the new hottest promotion in town
Who is saying that?
the worms in his brain
The ones that Sonny sends DMs to
I will if Suzhuge does a (revealing) bikini or lingerie photoshot in her current state.
they should grab Rian, she looks like a little homeless baby
Having to pretend that Stardom is cooking with the Konami turn, and pretending Marigold stinks must be really difficult. My heart truly goes out to you. It's a tough burden, but I believe AEW fans that don't actually watch Stardom are up to the task! Nobody is stronger.
look at her little brother
this guy's genes are lesnar-strong
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how do we stop this (the tweets not ruaka)
>pretending Marigold stinks
it's not pretend
Maricold actually sucks terribly

>cooking with the Konami turn
her reasons for turning make complete sense
syuri is a bad leader whose let her unit go to shit and there's literally no reason for Konami to remain with it
What was she doing up so late at night?
having to pretend maika reign is great so I can performatively seethe when loses to a fat jobber is hard work
hire somebody normal and not an embarrassing mark
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maricold finally has a worse match than the review bombed cosmic angels bra and panties stardom match. oh no they're exploiting the women by having them act sexy!
At least Thom tweets in English. Switch to Maripiss and watch how 90% of the Twitter content goes untranslated while the 10% that goes through is uninteresting.
all but one of those matches has a gaijin in it. I think I found the problem.
wwr menheradom
Soya and Paika Nueen's Nuest would be no worse than what came before it
Based They/Them Ace
that one originally had zayda in it too, but she was injured and then nagisa decided she didn't want to work that day.
Marigold has an English account. What are you on about?
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Rina is a superstar in the making, everybody loves Rina. She will win the red belt before Hanan.
Maybe learn reading comprehension and you'll find out in short order.
What language is this?
Nagisa was never good.
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>Lead Graphic Deseigner for Bodyslam.net
oh no, the fan events taking place in Japan don't get translated onto the English account. The horror. Missing out on so much content.
the language evidently inscrutable to newfriends
I'm shocked the tranny marks like the member of oedo tai who doesn't show up half the time and has been booked as a champion for over 400 days
Rina Reigns
the schizo had a temper tantrum and now nobody is making new
better than okada and his oedo tai rocket push
They've lost more matches than won in the past couple of months. Is that a rocket push?
New >>15313398

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