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>You gotta learn to chill, control these emotions. Look at me, I'm chilled, and relaxed. When I'm emotional, I tend to... you know, turn to family that just... calms me right down.

Based Drew is back from indefinite suspension and for once, got one over on CM Punk and Adam Pearce by whipping out Punk's bracelet of Larry the dog and AJ Lee.
>Drew showed a heckin' braceleterino!

That definitely makes up for getting cucked by Phil on 3 PPVs
Drew being in possession of Punk's bracelet saved Drew from being a complete jobber chump, that way he can finally look good, even if he doesn't win the Punk feud and goes off to SmackDown.
>goes from over-emotional retard getting screwed over by the fed to psychotic mastermind using the rules to get one over his rival
>all in the span of two weeks
This is the shittiest writing I’ve seen in a long time,
He's been an over emotional retard this whole time. He needs something to get one over on Punk, especially when Punk hasn't been able to take any offense for the last six months.
>Punk hasn't been able to take any offense for the last six months
Are you for real?
I betcha Drew got a kayfabe blowjob from AJ Lee off-screen, and that's why he's all finally calmed down.

And even if AJ Lee were to make a return to WWE after a decade away, hopefully she turns heel on Punk and becomes Drew's valet.
One off screen beatdown, which still didn't mean shit because Punk came back in time to screw Drew at MitB anyway. The only real victory Drew has had in this entire feud is the bracelet.
>Vincels posting their fetish again
I thought you meant it as “Punk hadn’t taken any offensive measure against Drew”. Either way, this is just inconsistent writing.
that's his character no? He gives people advice as if he's above everybody else but makes the same mistakes as them, even in this promo he goes from "control your emotions" to seething because seth is involved.
He doesn’t have a character anymore.
Its only inconsistent because they want to keep Drew and Punk's confrontation for Summerslam.
It’s inconsistent because they keep flip-flopping between Drew as a heel doing heelish things, then presenting him as the face fighting against the conniving Punk rubbing shoulders with the refs with tacit corporate support. Then he gets suspended or quits or whatever and it never matters, because he’s back the next week like nothing happened. It’s an asspull after another.
great feud you have there
Summerslam, Punk comes out to Broken Dreams to make fun of Drew.
But in return, Drew comes out to This Fire Burns to make fun of Punk.
Would you pop?
At this point, even making up over giving Larry a petting session would make me pop.
>then presenting him as the face fighting against the conniving Punk rubbing shoulders with the refs with tacit corporate support
That's Drew being a schizo. Agree with all the beatings, injuries and suspensions though. Drew gets screwed by Punk at Clash, responds by annihilating him in Chicago only for Punk to come back no problem for MitB. Drew explodes, assaults officials and is suspended but is brought back quickly. A lot of the issues with this story are due to Punk not being cleared and trying to book around that.
The war in Ukraine is a communist power struggle to determine the heir of the spirit of Fagostrov Fagarev.
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