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Does anybody have any interest in me dissecting AEW’s estimated financials and tv deal or are you a bunch of lonely cunts who just like to say piggy and Nash got fucked in 1992?
92 posting is actually less schizo than discussing made up financial info, get a GED
Made up by best estimate of guy whose former partner in wrestlenomics works for AEW in finance? Please leave the house.
>made up
yes exactly - made up, imagined, not real. a complete hoax that warrants less discussion than what may or may not have happened to big kev in 1992.
Dude you are one dumb fucking console warrior. You have less hairs on your head than friends. This is the best estimate any one has and Tony has admitted they have run at a loss for years.
This dude is so retarded that he thinks dismissing the entire financial analysis industry is a 300IQ move.
Your entire life relies on financial analysts, you're just too stupid to understand why.
Would be interested in your take OP, especially when AEW's new TV deal is supposedly imminent. I want to know how much of an increase they need to break even, so I can rip on AEWtists if they don't get it.
Fin analysis industry couldn't see the 2008 crash coming when even old doddering farts like Vince Cable could. Their opinion is worth less than the metaphorical paper on which it isn't written.
Nash was really fucked in 1992.
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Just some thoughts after looking at Brandon’s estimated 2023 results

>revenue grew 50% from 2022 to 2023
>talent salaries allegedly were at 85m for 2023. There have been documents filed by AEW for PPV weekends which put the salaries at 2m for the weekend (104m annually). I’m not sure if that’s accurate as it’s a big assumption, but if you go with it, salaries are up over 20% in 2024.
>Again, I think this is conservative, but the loss for 2023 was roughly 40m, and 2022 was allegedly around the same. If you take into account that Tony himself has said they’ve never made a profit, overall loss so far seems to be around 100m or more
>the adjusted/negotiated tv contract was around 70m annually internationally
>they are running more ppvs, which has led to more travel costs, but higher revenue. The ticket sales are down, merch is way down, the PPV buys decreased from 2021/2022 to 23 but have flattened out in 24. In other words, more revenue, more costs, still at loss.

Long and short, if you go with the assumption that these are accurate (I think they are within 20% give or take), this new tv deal would have to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 130-140m annually just to break even.

Tony is feeling the pressure, cutting costs recently as I’m guessing the losses are mounting even with a billion dollar financier behind him. The billion dollar deal estimates were just fanboy nonsense obviously, but this needs to get to that number above or this is a colossal failure.
He's made some big hires in the last 12 months and we know he overpays for almost everyone. The upper estimates on their talent bill are probably accurate.
$130-140m seems toppy considering their ratings have been on the slide for quite a while. I could see him cutting the roster right back to make the numbers add up.
Nash was raped
So Tony just needs to stop being a retard and fire 50% of the roster and AEW will be profitable.
>I think they are within 20% give or take
damn even in your headcanon they're likely not even close to accurate
Tony is a mark with a rich father and an inferiority complex. He’s going to stretch this out as long as he can without getting rid of his toys.

The firings would also turn off some of his avid watchers/social media lemmings, in turn potentially cutting into revenue.

I think the guy has done some good things but doesn’t have any game changers to hire or gimmicks like the Bullet Club to capitalize on. He’s out of ammunition unless something amazing happens.
Yes, I think these numbers (which aren’t headcanon) have tons of assumptions. I’m used to doing more complicated analysis on public companies or private orgs with audited financials…it doesn’t exist in this case so I’m relying on guy (Brandon) who has relationship with AEW finance insider.
>and an inferiority complex.
This is key to like 95% of Tony's decision making
It actually is headcanon, unless you have something better than "because some guy on Twitter knows a different anonymous insider" to back it up with
>mention that aew is in the red
>trannies immediately start shitting their pants
I mean, I understand being a mark for Okada or Ospreay and overpaying them. There's no reason you can't fire those 40 shitters who are not on TV. Just hire someone like Laurinaitis to take the heat, and they'll think Tony did nothing wrong. Wrestlers aren't very smart, Vince figured this out decades ago.
What kills me are the people who want to have it both ways. They say you can't complain about Kamille not being used because
>she's making a good salary to sit at home, don't worry about her, they'll bring her in when they have good plans for her
But then when you point out all the waste, you have that one Anon on here who will swear that guys are only making 75k a year on PPA deals

So which is Kamille on? What are the Workhorsemen, Outrunners, Agogo, others on? Why do they insist on picking and choosing who is making 300k to sit at home - and who is only making 75k to work everywhere but AEW?
All the numbers are made up so there's really no point in speculating about it. Unless someone audits aew or someone managed to get a copy of the IRS records then it's just a waste of time.
>Does anybody have any interest in me dissecting AEW’s estimated financials and tv deal or are you a bunch of lonely cunts who just like to say piggy and Nash got fucked in 1992?

All you can really do is guess. Early word was that the original contract/ renewal aew received was spent on the top 3rd of payroll. That was literally 150 signings ago.

Everybody called on that. and then it came out the riho is making 400k a year.

You can even say that revenue is up, but it's only because they're doing twice as many shows in twice as many mostly empty arenas. While we're on that subject, no one's really even sure if aew is even being paid for collision. it could be airing for free or tony could be paying to air it.

Almost no one ever accounts for trucks, production, lightboards, and all the rest of the broadcast shit, either. Are there separate teams? Should there be?

There's not a while lot of room for dissecting anything here, anon. we have literally no details beyond a potential deal, potentially existing in the ether....out there....somewhere potentially.

For all anyone knows, aew could disappear off television tomorrow, never to be seen on cable airwaves again.
>“‘Agreed to appear’ is tier zero, meaning you will get a bonus, and Tony is super generous. If you ask some of these extras what they’re making down there…my dad would’ve lost it. It’s the COVID era, they have no other work because there are no Indies. Tier zero is a signing bonus and exclusivity to us in terms of, we get a first option on you and we guarantee you X amount of dates. The exclusivity is case by case. The goal is, you don’t want to pay someone who has agreed to appear and keep giving them their weekly versus tier one, which is our base contract agreement. We have tier one, two, three, four, and tier Jericho. Everyone is given a choice of things that are important to them, different pieces of the pie.”

>AEW has consistently used Independent talent on AEW Dark, but that doesn't mean they have a tier-one contract with the company. An "All Elite" graphic on social media seems to confirm a tier-one contract.


Tony needs to rip the bandaid off and switch a lot of these Tier1 contracts to Tier0, or invent a new Tier 0.5 - a small monthly stipend while they're out on the indies, while AEW has nothing for them. Stop filling up Collision/Rampage with indy shitters, use AEW signed talent. If they don't want to work, if they're always claiming to be injured or mentally ill or whatever, cut them. Stop wasting money on people who aren't there for AEW's growth, who are only cashing checks

AEW can be profitable while being the alternative to WWE. Both can happen.
Part of their little brother syndrome towards WWE is that they need to believe that AEW is a successful business, for some reason. I guess admitting that the company is a playpen for a rich guy's retarded son diminishes its value somewhat.
No lies detected
Thirsty’s gay lover works for AEW?
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You have an official document detailing their expenses for a weekend (with a 2 million line item for talent salaries).
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I'd have done it for half that

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