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Welp, Dynamite is fucked tomorrow
Why is he doing this? He could have picked ANY DAY and ANY TIME yet he chose to counter-program Dynamite? Evil shit right here.
Raw got cancelled and sent to SYFY
Holy fuck. AEW will have another record low kek
Good thing they got the new tv deal last week already
Bidenetty isn't a draw.
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AI kino incoming.
>too feeble to run again
>not feeble enough to still be president

who wrote this angle
>what is the difference between 5 months and 4 years
He hasn’t been cognizant the last three years so what’s your point
AEW fans are literal autismos that don't give a fuck about anything but AEW. This won't make a difference in their ratings because they don't care about sports, politics or anything else. A meteor could be hurdling towards earth and they'd still be on their knees in front of the screen for their Wednesday fagslop.
Evil fucking President.
Sup rovert
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>Welp, Dynamite is fucked tomorrow
yea dynamite might go sub 400k for this.

biden is likely stepping down to ensure kamala gets the delegates and campaign funds smoothly. will be a monumental moment in US history and a disaster for dems. nobody will be watching ricochet debut over this
LMAO no 600k incoming. Fuck you trannies
kek they do live to slurp tiny's shit
biden has already stepped down and she got the delegates + record donations
I hope someone hides an electronic fart box near him and just goes wild pressing the button each time he tries to speak for some Vince era kino
>Biden face turn for retirement run
>goes out on his back to put Harris over
Finish the job? Where you been the last 5 days?
>Biden was the Janetty all along and Kamala was the Michaels
Bidenetty isn't a draw among the general populace but since mainly BBT libtards watch AEW its gonna lose a lot of viewers.
Troon mental gymnastics will always amaze me.
Biden never drew a dime or a vote, that's why they had to close the polls
Was this ever explained?
Literally just an optical illusion. There were dozens of angles and full live video of him talking to the crowd there.

Based slow boomer gimmick
Lol. Excuses already. Why not get a Monday slot and compete head-to-head with RAW? Scared?

What a bunch of clowns.
Biden is like 90. Of course he's an E-Chad.
So much THIS.
You know this is not AI generated because the hands look normal
just goes to show that politics is fake and gay like pro wrestling
biden and trump are both on the same side (WWE's)
god you people are fucking stupid, can you not parrot fox news for a few minutes and try actually using a wrinkle in that grey matter for a bit?
you couldn't dispute the logical conclusion so all you could do is respond with ad hominem

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