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it's gonna be nothing
nah 2 bz goonin bb
How come not a single dirtsheet knew about the WWE Netflix deal before it happened yet every miniscule movement in this WBD AEW deal is getting reported on?
most journalists currently care more about the innumerable crimes that have been committed by WWE executives than any sort of business deals they're making
Netflix was a new deal, leaks come from mid level people and lower. There was no mid level people working with Netflix at the time because they weren't needed
because WWE is an actual company trying to do business and Tony Khan is an internet mark trying to look cool in front of other internet marks
Paying for access to a geriatric mark's forum and reposting what the shoot retards high on their own farts yap about there isn't journalism.
>ask why dirtsheets didn't know about WWE/Netflix deal
>get mad at the answer
WBD say nothing is imminent
The Netflix deal was just before all the Vince shit came out and even then they also had no idea about the Vince shit as well.
I actually did explain it unlike you but okay.
yes, at the same time the Netflix deal was coming together, actual investigative journalists were busy looking into the much more explosive story of Vince raping and shitting on people. you're so close to understanding!
None of them had a single clue about the Vince shit before it came out. They weren't looking into shit beforehand.
OK seriously are WB trolling AEW at this point? I've heard you console war faggots cry about this for weeks now.
They want my input, I dunno what to tell them, is not an absolute waste of money but won't beat disney

Is wcw all over again
Because not a single one of these people who cover wrestling is a "journalist". They're all modern fan page/dirt sheet failed writers who wish they were insiders and do this to try to feel important. They've literally studied Meltzer and realized you only need a few hundred brain dead followers to not only make a living but feel validated that you're a real journalist. There is no journalism in wrestling. The closest thing we have is Van Vliet and Ariel.
"in minutes"? going on 40 of 'em here
Nah wcw actually had good wrestling consistently. Even when they had stupid main event storylines there was still fun stuff on air. Also they weren't tranny faggots.
I hate it when people compare AEW to WCW because they are nothing alike. TNA has much more in common with WCW (and has been around longer than WCW was at this point)
That'll be $5
Tony's vision is an ECW/MidSouth hybrid with puro/lucha influences
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You already know the answer to that
>every miniscule movement in this WBD AEW deal is getting reported on?
this is complete headcanon btw every update is a non-update with little to no details
We knew Fox might not renew, USA was in talks as well as FX and Amazon. The Netflix decision was late in the game and once they started talking the deal came through almost instantly
His vision is EWR but he could never book such kino.
That is kind of fucking dire if true, isn't it?
kek and another non-update, absolute pottery
Zaslav is about to get the best head of his life from Tony in Paris.
Wow its fucking nothing
SRS doesn't know shit.
>reported the worked attendance for all in
>didn't know about the sale to tko
>didn't know about the Vince allegations
>didn't know about punk debuting
>didn't know about the WWE media rights deals
he doesn't know shit
AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HogKwab won’t like this one!
Dirtsheets know all about what's going on in AEW but not in WWE because AEW is filled with a bunch of indie shitters with the indie shitter mindset of wanting to get in the good books of people like Dave and SRS
Zaslav is going to keep punting on this deal because he simply has more important shit on his plate. This NBA deal will decide whether he gets fired or forced out of WB or if he gets time to move forward with his re-direction. The NBA has to decide whether to move forward with Amazon's deal or WB's. The only thing WB has in their corner is a long history with the NBA. Amazon trumps them in terms of reach and exposure. Long term it's also probably the safer bet in terms of the health of streaming giants. The only other possible thing WB can offer is the fact that Amazon has football and WB doesn't. The NBA might feel they would hold more sway and get more attention by being the biggest sport on a particular platform. Point is Tony is going to wait and stfu. As he has been doing. Regardless of what happens I don't think WB is going to offer the deal Tony needs for AEW to be profitable. Zaslav will offer a 3-5% increase on the prior deal and think its generous considering AEW is on par with NXT which is set to make $25 million a year.
>Either company is not planning to announce a new deal imminently, and we're told the framework of a deal has not been agreed to by both side

Who wrote this fucking shit?
People also have to keep in mind AEW draws like 1/3rd the max viewers they get on TNT and TBS so it isn't like its a draw program.
Not saying this in some "hur hur console war" way. Just that it isn't really attraction programming.
wellllll, you know
is this real? weren't they saying the deal was done already? am i dumb? $5/month for this?
The simple answer is that the WWE deals were so large that the numbers would speak for themselves once they were reported. The AEW deal is coming in so much lower than first anticipated that Tony is pre-seeding the cope with the dirt sheets that the negotiations went great, the deal is incredible, and that any increase whatsoever will mean that the company is now super duper profitable.
>another backfire
kek like clockwork
>that'll be $5 paypiggies
>an offer has been made
>no agreement in place
How do you say “lowball” in French?
>has not been agreed to by both side
c'mon, people pay for writing of this quality?
retards who pay for this can't read particularly well. can't alienate their audience.
It's not. If Zaslav loses the NBA to Amazon he is going to lose 6 billion in passive revenue from ad sales. That is huge because it was helping to bite into and offset the massive debt the merger created. Even if they keep the NBA the cost of the show will dramatically go up because of matching Amazon's bid. They'll want to in turn offset that increased price by getting more subscribers to Max. The idea is that Max's BR Sports would be an additional add on to Max for possibly $10 more. It would have MLB, NHL, and hopefully the NBA. Without the NBA they dont have much to offer. No part of this would be helped by AEW. Not in subscribers. Not in passive revenue for ads, and not in adding it to BR sports to "enhance" that package. Truth is Zaslav would be doing this as a favor to Tony's dad who I imagine has a lot of sway. But to a point. If they lose to Amazon here Zaslav may not want to draw attention by then handing Tony a couple of hundred million.
I'm still waiting to see MJF's plane ticket that SRS swore up and down was real kek
Indeed. Tony has been coasting off of favorable deals his entire existence. I'm kind of surprised AEW even warrants that much investment on the backend from WB considering the current media environment. TV isn't what it was even 5 years ago.
TK gonna wine and dine Zaslav with some croissants and shit
hon hon
Because Jericho is one of the biggest dirtsheet feeders in the industry, and has been since the 90's
Now think of what it will be five years from now, and whether WBD would want to still have it on the books with a deal that was an increase from their 2019 deal.
Shad is all these social circles and that's what Tony leeches off of. AEW never got on TV through merit and it shows. Shad just wants Tony occupied and not creating PR headaches for things like the Jags or Fulham. AEW offers WB nothing that it couldn't generate either with it's own huge catalog of content or through some alt sport telecast they have rights too like Moto racing or cycling.
The whole reason Shad is coowner of AEW and did this whole thing was to give Tony something to fucking do like you said kek
Its hilarious in one way but sad as fuck in another because if Tony just did book it like EWR/TEW it would rule.
Hire Cornette and Vince Russo to work remotely, have them both submit ideas, and use the best and worst of each. Do it pussy I dare you. Bet you pop a milly then.
Tony himself leaks shit to dirt sheets.
As an owner of the company he can also write off the company’s losses on his own taxes. He’s a smart guy, there’s a reason he went from common street shitter to billionaire. Unfortunately his son did not inherit the dimes gene.
hahahahaha ohnononononooooo so there's still no deal
>As an owner of the company he can also write off the company’s losses on his own taxes.
This too. It's a huge write off, and honestly it's an excellent way to launder shit or hide losses or gains. His son gets a toy, Shad, keeps him busy and away from the real businesses. It costs a couple hundred million but saves billions and is a perfect tent for anything he wants hidden financially.
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>hahahahaha ohnononononooooo
>not honhonhonhonhon instead
They are into a ton of shady shit in Jville and have gotten local PD heat enough times that it wouldn't shock me if they are funneling money for more than just tax reasons.
Trannies bukkake in 3, 2, 1...
Tony was banking on this huge rights increase, even back in 2019 he was saying he was staking his whole company on the 2024 increase
update, update big update i want the update your a pedophile
Bischoff has talked about how Time Warner used to hire/assign crew to WCW to put losses on that division and make all the other divisions look better. Its better as a conglomerate to have 5 profitable divisions and 1 that sucks, instead of 3 profitable and 3 unprofitable

Shad is likely doing that with legal team, video production, social media, etc. Put them on AEW's books - have them work for Jaguars, Fulham, etc most of the time. I don't know how much of Escort-Esquire Meghan's salary you could write off, or if she'd sleep with the boys FOR FREE
Sean Sapp should be beaten in Minecraft
Should get the Nash treatment
But like nash, he's willing.
Yea the case against the Jag employee for $66 million is suspect because of the role he had with the team and how much he was able to steal. More than likely he was aware of how the books were being cooked or was helping to do so, and began skimming from the top himself. The legal team thing this anon mentioned is also on point. AEW is basically a shell corp for Shad.
It makes sense if you can get away with it.
Stealing from daddy's team to pay Mercedes Nomilly's salary.
Every sports owner does shady tax shit, tons of loopholes
ya just gotta
He should be raped in Second Life
Everything the Khans do is a shell for Pakistan's laundering operations
>Big news in minutes
>3 hours later
>Still no new deal

Pfffff AEW sux
Still no dealy?
It was a nothingburger
>We're announcing that we have nothing to announce
>The plan is to have more plans
Typical dirtsheet BS
Why do people give these faggots money?
It's funny cuz it's true.
Tony needs to realize that WBD is not as loyal to him and AEW as he is to them.
AEW superfan desperately wants to believe Ospreay vs MJF was a "game changer", it's part of their narrative now. As if a media company worth tens of billions of dollars is suddenly going to alter their offer by tens of millions of dollars yearly based on one single airing of a TV show that didn't even beat it's YoY average

It was a great match. Ratings are trending in the right direction. But 4 weeks of rising ratings isn't going to replace the last 18 months of stagnation and decline. We joke about Mone/Okada/Ospreay not being draws, do we really think WBD executives aren't doing their research? Aren't surveying social media, minute-by-minute ratings, merchandise sales? Of course they are.
The update is there's no deal yet, but tony is very close to landing a huuge deal in two more weeks
Thank you for subscribing!
>you still going on about that tv deal? well, i'll talk to you about it but you have to come to paris first
>what did I think of what? aus play vs emm jay? shut up tony I'm trying to watch the tennis

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