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>so he finally turns on chad gable and does nothing after
HHH hijacked the storyline because he decided to give the title to Bron Breakker;
Gable was turning on him

Now he has the girl and a chance for a solo push with manager

I wouldn' complain
I shoot enjoy this lad and tozowa as a pairing.
We'll get Otis vs Gable after Chad puts over Howdy at SummerSlam.
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>long term booking
Hate to say I called this. It's exactly how those moments always go. WWE is really good at building up the heel bully to the heel partner that people want to cheer now because they're being bullied. Gable and Otis, Roman and Sami, Charlotte and Dana, Orton and DiBiase, Miz and Riley, Miz and Sandow, etc. They'll build it to be white hot. The person on the bullied side gets an amazing reaction. They finally do the turn and it's a massive pop. And then it's all gone within two weeks because they can never follow up
Meet the new Vince. Same as the old Vince.
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Vince gave him the money in the bank briefcase then just took it away from him, maybe he will get some kind of story going, but I don't see him winning the IC title.
Because the follow up to that story is supposed to be “he beats the bully in a match” but in the booker’s minds they’ve made the bully character far too pivotal to the rest of the show to suffer a lost at that point in
This dude is gonna make it big one day. He just needs some time yet. How old is Otis? If fatboy can keep his legs under him, he could be the next BamBam or Bossman.
Otis vs Bron for the IC title at Mania brother. Otis wins and Chad immediately starts the feud because he can't stand that Otis won the IC title before he did.

They fucked this story up though. Otis was getting monster pops for just facing Gable, the people wanted him slam Chad into paste. Otis fighting for Tozawa and Maxxine as they and the crowd cheer him on against the asshole Gable was such an open goal.
sounds so fucking gay
You're free to tell me where I'm wrong
Yup. Or even in case where they do get the win over the person who bullied them then ok now what? Because the story is over and the bully heel is already going to be going on to their next thing while this new emerging babyface just flounders and loses all of their heat because the fans didn't actually care about them as an individual as much as they did the story and circumstance
They've had a couple of major screw-ups lately and that was one of them. They could have had an epic storyline out of Alpha Academy splitting and ended up getting nothing out of it. Gable should have kept bullying them. Gable could have won some kind of stipulation match to force them to stay with them and we could have gotten something where Otis eventually fought for his freedom and became a huge face off of it.

They broke up Truth/Judgment Day too early. That was a fantastic and unusual story that had so many legs to it that they left unexplored.

They also messed up Liv/Dom by bringing Rhea back. Yeah, their segment was entertaining this week, but they had months worth of storylines they could have done with those two...then they could have brought Rhea back and extended it even further.
>They've had a couple of major screw-ups lately and that was one of them.
Agreed. I also feel like they blew the moment itself by teasing it too much. Having Otis put his hands on Gable at any point before the actual turn let out too much of the tension just for it to not actually be it just yet
Bray ruined another push. Yesterday should have been Otis vs Gable for the IC title with Otis going over. Instead it was Otis getting beat so Howdy could do spooky shit
He just had a segment yesterday. This thread is retarded
How did that segment end anon? Was it Otis finally giving Chad what he deserved? Was it Chad and the Creeds beating up Otis and Tozawa?
>A segment

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