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How are these the same people, or even the same race?
It's been 20 years bro
Shit happens to your mind, body, and soul when they make you butcher and rape a baby while filming it
Latin genes turn on all at once.
He started wrestling in his 30s didn't he? and that was like 20+ years ago
is he white?
>skin colour
my friend...
Looks like profesor badass

Needs a vest
Estrogen will do that to you.
Its called aging and not blasting gear like a maniac
This. Went from being a real life Hercules in his younger years while he still could to being a suave and dapper old man. That's exactly how you age gracefully.
Why did he go bald? He was in his 30s with a good hairline even though he had been blasting tons of roids for years. Then, a few years later, he was balding hard.
Why is it everybody forgets dude's a spic
He is half Greek, and half Filipino. He used to look like a Greek God, now he looks like some old Filipino guy in Manila.
He's not. He's half greek and half filipino.
Melina's mentally ill and she used to ride Batista's dick back in the day. You think she'd still go for current day Batista?
more like half geek and half flippyshitter
tell me again that hollywood isn't a cult
I don't care they call any fanbase of anything a cult

Look at this

Anon collects toy cars
Imagine that, you stop doing roids and working out and you immediately look 50 years older. The only thing that ages you faster is Ozempic
He got aids from getting fucked by all the Hollywood producers
>hollywood is a fan base
He doesn't want to play big man roles forever.
Can't be, it must be a fake with Batista's face on a photograph of Moby.
He's at least 50 years too old for that. I mean, you know, Hollywood producers...
Tell that to Terry Crews, he already said he got groped by one of them before when all that metoo stuff came out. An actual homo like Baptista would gladly accept those advances
Top: Young, steroids, hasn't accepted his gayness, works out a lot, works for Vince who loves giant muscular men

Bottom: Old, no steroids, accepted his gayness, doesn't work out a lot, works for Hollywood which loves gay men
>off the juice
>is bald
>20 years older
>different lighting/camera definition
>"erm... why does he look different?"
Benoit will always be booked innocent in my Fed.
Getting older and he got off the juice. Rocky got skinny when he first went into Hollywood.
Hes Greek and Filipino, puto
it's all fun and games in your prime when you roid out your mind
Is still fun to me protip I don't have an ex
I say this very seriously. Anal sex is not to be played with. You are mingling your life force with the waste of your body. He let a bunch of Satanic Jews fuck his ass and now the demons have changed his body and his mind. He literally isn't the same person. His body is covered in Illuminati tattoos and he's wearing a Merivingian Bee. I wouldn't doubt that he's a vessel for a demon now.
>Filipino, puto
Strangely enough, a lot of Filipinos have Basque surnames, like his. Bautista is Basque as wel.
Filipinos are honorary. Basically cousins.
Kek I was there for the original thread. Good times…
He lost height, lost weight and lost a clue.
Couldn't agree more, glad we have more guys on this board who are privy to this kinda thing, especially knowing about Napoleon's masonic bee... Being the assfucker as opposed to the assfuckee is okay though, right?
I thought it was later - I remember him mentioning lying about his age because his real age would hurt his prospects.
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He has drawn infinitely more dimes in Hebrewood than he ever did wrestling and he also doesn’t have to roid himself to the gills or pretend to be straight. He went over the wrestling business clean. Contrast that with someone like CM Punk who has to drag himself around the country, snapping old man ligaments every few months whenever he’s in a ring for longer than 2 minutes and pretending to like working for people he despises just so he can make his mortgage payments. It’s one of the most soul crushing ways to spent your latter Middle Ages I can imagine.

It’s not an age thing so much as his lifestyle is unimaginably different now (for the better if you’d ask him I’m sure) He looks older than pic related who has to be 20 years older than him.
He looks like an 80 year old Cambodian.
Heard he was really 38 in 2005. That would explain a lot.
doesn't lwo have a pinoy?
>Being the assfucker as opposed to the assfuckee is okay though, right?
Nope. It all needs to be avoided. Sex magick is not something to be played with.

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