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its unironically true. i'm a nxtchad and i have no clue who this bitch is but everyone is talking about her like she is some huge deal
I don’t know who this is
edrones are still big mad that they lost ospreay, okada, and mone in a short period of time.
Fucking kek. This is the most self aware shit I've sen in a while and so true. Anything to "own the aewtists"
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Why are AEW fans so mad when WWE signs new talent? They literally have dozens of former WWE talent. Do they just want everyone?
Yeah, and only the Mexicans knew about Vaquer before Forbidden Door. CMLL is a bitch to keep track of though, most Aussie indies are on Triller along with Delta's TNA title shot against but Delta's home promotion is on YouTube for free.
probably one of the biggest aussie wrestlers since rhea, a literal who to basically 90% of the world but she’ll be huge.
>t. been wrestling for MCW for almost five years
>Another Aussie worker on /pw/
Being /here/ is good fun and can help you get a clue, but letting it be *known* you're /here/ is a kiss of death. I made a "here to say the word" reference backstage at WSW because Ziggler was there and another guy's ears pricked up, he looked at me from across the room and silently mouthed "niggaaaa" and now we're sworn to a solemn code of silence. It's a fucking curse tbdesu.
AEW fans pretending they know every indie wrestler is funny shit. They still think Hologram is Ricochet kek
Joshi Chads knew about Vaquer
Show me where this is actually happening because you've got it all backwards man. WWE fans overhype any new signing they get and immediately make it about AEW. It's all obvious cope over how the Ospreay, Mercedes, and Okada signings went. No AEW fan is crying over Ethan Page or Jade Cargill. In fact most wanted people like them gone. No one on either side even knows who Delta is
>learn about a cool wrestler
>see she's actually good and has a great look
>like her and think she'll be big
>more people learn of her due to exposure
>UMMMMM EXCUSE ME??????????????
Why are wrestling fans like this?
This desu. Like, good for WWE for signing new talents and try to build them up, but I’m still hyped for Ospreay/Moné/Okada, shoot glad that that shitter Page is gone and no amount of discourse online will change that.
The aewtists act the same way. All these brand loyal morons act the same way and project the same behaviours at each other completely hypocritically. AEWtists only react to wrestlers if they've been memes hard on twitter and only after their name flashes on the trons, the guy can be standing there with iconic music playing and the room will be silent until a name appears and the crowd pretends to recognise it.
which city did you work? i was incredibly close to being on the brisbane show
I'm seeing people putting her signing as equal to Giulia and Vaquer but I legit had never heard of her until today.
does every signing need to be groundbreaking and game changing? this bitch is a literal who even to the most autistic fans. it's nothing, just tell the truth in that you never heard of her like everyone else
>been memes hard
why are gAyEWtoids always seething? No shit no one knows who this bitch is, but that just means she's on the same who level as a the average gAyEW wrestler.
Unfortunately the shittier Page isn't gone
Damn, good luck to anyone in the roster with lots of luggage.
They were never mad about that. AEW fans were malding over that Mexican woman for weeks

Nobody thinks Hologram is Prince Puma lilbro

>as a the

Worker's rights Phil.
Yeah only drones do this…..
With much love brother, I am not snitching on myself. If you're not the MCW guy from earlier, I've been hearing that Queensland has been kinda wavy over the years compared to other states. Don't have to answer anything that let's you snitch on yourself, but if you're a QLD local, I'd love to know what promotions, guys and girls to keep an eye on. I know Mitch Ryder pops up here and there, and I know that a few QLD guys, possibly from further up north, work with I think Michinoku Pro? Which is a cool thing to have, especially if they can travel there and back cheaply. Luv me Sasuke, luv me Hakushi. Simple as.

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