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What are the most athletically impressive things you've ever seen in wrestling?
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Unironically the 1992 incident, some say he wasnt human during that fateful night.

Verification not required.
john tenta was like 25 here lol
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Gotta be Lesnar related. Either him crossing the ring in two steps or throwing The Undertaker on his shoulders like nothing.
How big is a ring? Like 16'x16'? I forget. Still breddy cool moving like that.

John Tenta is Based af
Imagine him vs. Bron Breakker

His jumps were off the charts, angle killing himself from cages was always astounding
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Didn't he go and do real sumo for awhile?>>15315608
Bossman was no slouch, either.

Both were good big men.
Twelve thousand stars of David.
pre-wrestling ye, actually was supposedly quite good (he was undefeated so I guess that's something) before he quit due to the xenophobia
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sumo strength isn't something to mess with
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i always pop HARD for big shows kip up
dude was crazy athletic back in the day
Thought that, yeah. Just making sure I hadn't imagined it, lol.
Didn't Braun used to do that at house/dark shows, too? And someone made him stop? Am I making shit up in my head again?
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Retarded kipup spam aside, this dude is the best pure athlete to hit a major promotion in the last decade, maybe more. Truly hope he gets a clue about how to navigate main roster behavior and politics.
Lex Luger picking up Kevin Nash for the torture rack like ot was fucking nothing.
Good moment. Far from unbelievable, but yeah.
This looks like AI
That's racist, lol.
Holy Based
Jake Roberts said Tenta and Haku had a sumo match at an airport once.
I'd believe he has.
Or wouldn't put it past him, lol.
That’s really impressive. Boss Man was a huge guy.
New Jack launching vic grimes
I don't have it handy real quick but the clip where Bob Backlund lifts with just one hand a guy who's keeping a hold on him, to set him on the turnbuckle.
Backlund is a fucking mutant. He’s gotta be pound for pound the strongest guy to ever get in the ring. There’s tons of clips out there with those different kinds of stalling suplexes. Particularly those verticals where he would hold someone in the crook of his elbow. The move he did that was like a gut wrench from a wheelbarrow and he deadlifts them in a really awkward way, drops them and catches them in a full Nelson and holds them. He did that to CM Punk in TNA and he must have been retirement age. Also he made atomic drops look cool, he held guys up like an Angle Slam but would take off running with them on his shoulder and slam them into an atomic drop. Legend.
It was cooler when he did it to the Giant
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Two things about this: First Goldberg picking up The Giant like this and second, the Giant being able to get a full leg extension.
>Backlund is a fucking mutant.

Kinda looks like Sloth from the Goonies, too.
Ah! Ninja accountant!
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Later that evening...
>Truly hope he gets a clue about how to navigate main roster behavior and politics.
I still don't understand wtf he was thinking no selling Priest's finisher. They would have the tag titles by now and been pushed to the forefront of that dead division.
Not surprising Quake daddy HEEMED Haku outside a Denny's and fake tough guy faggots have been coping ever since
Man, one thing about it, WCW didn't hurt for big hoss types in those days. Made shit like that almost laughably common. Now it's more "flippy shit", for lack of a better term. I don't know what the prime ratio is, but we need more roids or something.

How come if you take two big guys and two small guys. Have big vs big and small vs small. Same match. Same moves. Same level of selling. Whatever. And the two big guys are going to be more impressive? Am I size-ist size queen bros?
Maybe, but you're definitely a redditor.
Now that last bit hurt. Lol.
Or like the kid from that movie Mask. About the deformed retard.Like a howdy doody or a Ron Howard but also kind of retarded and the big fake chompers.
He was insanely strong though. He wasn’t tossing around luchadores or Adam Cole. He was gut wrench deadlifting off the mat guys like Iron Sheik and Don Muraco. Mr. Backland was also a based gimmick that was a few years too soon. Him screaming
>I feel like GOD
To end a promo on pre attitude era Raw was crazy to watch.
Oh yeah. Dude was like 50 and that strong then. Crazy.
Man, that shrug of the Undertaker onto his shoulders made me mark for the dude. It usually gets underlooked as a Brock feats of strength. Props for you to bring that up.
16 might as well be 20, 2 steps is fuckin nuts being that heavy and bulky. Impressive either way.
Geezus Christ please stop posting this gay shit already lmfao
Steiners, Vader, Bossman, BamBam, Road Warriors, the Giant, Sid...

Giant Gonzalez... Lol.
That's a gnarly webm, though
Maybe not the most athletic thing a wrestler has ever done but it genuinely wowed me. There's a very small list of wrestlers ever that I would think could do that and make it look like it was nothing.
either lesnar doing a shooting star or john cena shoulder carrying edge and big show
You could probably pick any Gargano or Adam Cole match and it would have at least 3 impressive feats.
I think part of it is that it is built into our brains to know that bigger means more power and more pain. It's the reason real combat sports have weight classes. You probably can't even imagine what it must feel like for someone the size and power of Mark Henry or The Giant to punch you.
anything Jeff Cobb does is more impressive than that
im a redditfag nigga im too lazy to convert to webm

Oh, I tried. And I learned. And now I'm far too old, weak, and fragile to fight anymore. At least for fun. Getting the shit beat out of you is fun when you can get up the next day and it not hurt, lol.

But yeah, caveman brain. Big=big pain. Makes sense now.
The difference is Jeff Cobb (who I think has good looking stuff in the ring) is doing it 8/10 nights to guys that are smaller than him. Backlund was doing it 10/10 nights to guys bigger than him. Also it was 40 years earlier and Jeff Cobb looks like he has about 40 pounds of muscle on ole Bob. Some of those moves would never be even be considered to use in the ring or they would be the finish. It was a different business back then, Bruno was the big face before Backlund and he was using a goddamn bear hug as his finish.
The moves they do have in common, the deadlifts, drop and catch moves and stalling suplexes I find Backlunds stuff to look better. The stalling vertical with the arm extended Cobb uses his other arm to keep the guy in place, Bob does it with one arm to guys way bigger than him. Cobb is doing 3 dozen of these moves a match though whereas Bob would do half a dozen. Just a different style of working different era. It would be a matter of taste, Cobb is way faster in the ring and wrestling in general is better now and more watchable but I think Backlunds stuff is way more impressive all things considered.

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