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Why doesn't he just kill her himself?
Is that the Tr*mp s*ooter?
He doesn't want to kill a woman.

>2 more chicken fritatas

I don't know anything about NXT but this guy has an amazing look. Does he have any charisma? He looks like a late 60s early 70s rock star, there's few people in wrestling that has a great idol look, he looks like he has decent height too
>no wren gf
He can be pretty funny.
he's regals kid
Holy shit. I had no idea Dempsey was Regal's son
Charlie Dempsey. He's William Regal's son, he can shoot, catch, grapple and talk. He's singlehandedly the reason why NXT is working with other promotions because Regal wanted his boy to work Japan and got him an AJPW title shot. He's in charge of a stable of NCAA wrestlers, one of them is deaf and he's had two former members of the faction whacked by the mafia. He's been slowly losing his mind a la Travis Bickle and it's so fucking dimes. An anon in the gamethread recently said he resembles a Metal Slug character and I audibly kek'd.
>tfw a customer walks in my restaurant
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>resembles a Metal Slug character
This is too perfect
Besides his failed pipedream of producing a black star despite 99% of them being shitters, HBK has a serious eye for talent because he is a natural talent himself.

Gaytch clawed and scraped and schemed his way to success because it never came naturally to him. The resulting inferiority complex had him pushing endless "student of the game" shitters both because they are literally him and when they didn't work out it only makes him look better in hindsight.

TLDR: HBK does not give a shit about muh hard work and muh passion. You can't teach the look, you can't teach talent, and you can't teach the it factor. You either have it or you don't.
nice to see his dad taught him about the importance of facial expressions
>He's been slowly losing his mind a la Travis Bickle and it's so fucking dimes.
That sounds cool, but what is Madi's function? What's her story?

I think she's cute!
She caught them disposing a body and is blackmailing them into helping her
I think he's finally hit with Oba Femi. IN 3 years Oba is going to headline a WM match.
Look at him! Tell me he's smart enough to have figured out where to hide a body. He just needs time!
Oba still in the braids with the anal beads around his neck or was that somebody else? I don't remember.
Sorry I asked.
he’s the Chicago chef n*gga except with non of the charisma and more of a gay face, he’s also genetically dimeless
Oba is the next Keith Lee, in 3 years his BMI is going to be headlining a truck stop scale.
No kids no broads don't you know nothin'?
He cant lay a finger on her without the madibros worldwide having his head
Oh fuck that's grim but believable.
>Based angry Italian guy who pays me to do stuff sometimes.
Its how the grind goes for big athletic guys like that, after all his feats of strength get old, he is going to start doing flippy shit which will wear down his joints and ligaments which will reduce his mobility which will kill his metabolism which will make it impossible to not to blow up.
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He doesn't want to make Wren sad
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This ship is gonna be huge with the CW crowd
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Joe Hendry gonna fight Dempsey for Wren's heart.
Her face looks proportionate here
Proportionate to what? An Easter Island statue?
Triple Hitler hired that racist NWA girl? Not surprised
Say his name and he appears
Love Madi. Simple as.
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She's a coal burner!"
b*den lost
I haven't been paying attention for a few weeks. What's the angle here? She's trying to worm her away into the No Dimes Catch Crew and had some blackmail over Dempsey?
yeah she caught them murdering damon kemp and now is using it as blackmail to force them to help her win matches
Kek is it implied they had Tony and the Fsmily whack Kemp as well?
no, dempsey got mind broken by tony d after losing the heritage cup and started larping as a mobster. he killed damon himself
>it's going to end up with Wren falling for Dempsey but still acting like she's only with him to score wins
Based or cringe ?
God Shawn's NXT is so fucking based.
Mixed tag rules. Only women can kill women.
Wren fren board
he's literally me
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Tramp scooter? No I think she just walked to the ring.
I love NXT
He's been pretty based lately. I'm enjoying this angle.
This should answer it. Adorable wholesome and based.
You're forgetting the other part which is that Tony and the Family are sitting around and laughing at him.
this dude is what smarks thought kenny omega was

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