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Iyo On Tour Edition

(Iyo is in Japan for the WWE tour with Asuka, Kairi, Dakota, and Meiko... and maybe even a surprise appearance by Giulia and friends?)

previous: >>15281651

Social Media:

IYO photobooks:
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Iyo is the best
God did his best work when he made Iyo Sky.
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That nigga was really cooking that day
I am excited to see Japan fans post a million really good images of Iyo during the tour weekend. Also hopefully recorded video of the match itself. Please Japan.
Sexo Sky
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Iyo Sky is the greatest woman on Earth.
Please don't post ugly Jews in the Iyo general.
Post uncommon or rare images of Iyo's pits
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I'm unironically in love (love love love) with IYO
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What do you love the most about iyo?
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reminder, IYO refused to go on the yuro tour because she "didn't want to go to a third world country"
For me it's her autism and thighs
her canonically weak bladder and natural unshaven bush
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Iyo with a bush sounds hot ngl
I just know that bag and hat is worth a couple thousand dollars.
Daily reminder that Iyo lost lmao
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Iyo ruined all other women for me. I feel nothing but contempt and disgust when I see a woman other than my beloved, the Genius of the Sky.
you should take your meds
You should take this crown, KING.
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So what happened to that archive of rare Iyos on that Japanese website?
Nobody ever posted them or put them in a new MEGA?
Basically anything that was new was already posted, most of it had already been circulated years ago
Iyo paid the Yakuza to burn down Johnny Gargano’s fathers’ restaurant
How prevalent is the Yakuza in Japan? Do they get involved in wrestling or do they just not care or are they just a meme in general.
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Does anyone have the good news?
Iyo is still cute and still the GOAT.
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Yes, IYO had a regular bowel movement today and only had to wipe twice. Ganbatte, IYO-chan!
I want to live inside IYO's vagina, taking occasional trips to her asshole
Iyo is cute. There I said it.
how real was this?
Japs dont wipe, have you seen their toilets?
does it all for you
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my medication is Iyo
my prescriber is Dr. Odate
Iyo has a phat, juicy and hairless cunt
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Alex retired in shame because of that.
she has nice arms
Her cute autism, love of Buc-ee's and her thighs.
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Poor Iyo she has to spend two weeks in Japan after wrestling Utami then she has to go back to Orlando and wrestle Sonya Deville.

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Chibi CTRL
These gals are chibi incarnate.
Even here Dom and Liv are the most dimes
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[Tremendous News]
Antis sliding right now bros.
Where is Iyo?
Based Codester with the pure blue eyes.
Chibi Of The SKY
In Tokyo cuddling with Kairi.
Is she really?
I desperately need to take this cute little Jap to an all you can eat buffet. She needs to get Yuna levels of fat.
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1st an emoji, now a chibi, is there anything Iyo can't do?!?
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Dave Meltzer made an enemy of the Iyo Nation.
>is there anything Iyo can't do?!?
Get am American boyfriend.
>Get am American
Good morning
I saw a story about it on the UPI news wire.
That will change when I bump into her at a WaWa in the greater Orlando area.
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For me, it's her pits,tum,thighs,boobs,ass,feet and face.
>not mentioning her knee-pits and hands
Another Joshi just jobbed on the 502k show. Glad Iyo is in the primary fed.
we don't care about that tranny slop here
Iyo will never have a 5 star match :(
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Why does Lo not dress like this in America? She shows more skin in Japan than in the USA.
I bet she has an innie vagina
Daily reminder that Iyo lost lmao
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We should be getting Iyo content from the Japan tour in a few hours.
>30 hours
>77 posts
That's what two weeks and nothing new does to ya.
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I wonder if she'll be there to watch IYO
Iyo is wrestling the shitter Liv for the world title on the Japan tour.
Testing matches for after Summerslam
they can't even give the Japanese wrestlers token wins in a Japanese house show tour. Ridiculous.
Gotta push the joggers (who even casual fans are losing interest in) and the woman who is going to crash and burn once she loses the title over actual talent, pal!

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That's not true. Meiko is winning!
Iyo apparently lost clean to Liv. This company fucking sucks. And either she is double booked to lose tonight, or they are going to be immediately feeding Giulia to the joggers.
Don't get mad over house shows anon. It's not canon.
Liv is hotter and more over than Iyo so it makes sense.
Antis patrolling the thread 24/7
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Iyo with Asuka
I like Iyo but Liv is hotter imo and she's objectively more over at this point.
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>Iyo apparently lost clean to Liv.
based Liv
She is more over until she loses the title, then she will go back to being a heatless shitter when she can't be involved with Dom and Rhea's storyline anymore.
You sound hurt
>/Iyo/ losing its shit over non-canon house shows.

Grim. And you called /Kabuki/ dumb for doing the same thing.
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iyo is doing double duty tonight and gonna job twice, now in an eight man tag match (damage ctrl + tiffany vs bianca, jade, meiko, and bagley)

gaytch is a fucking retard
Anon is telling the truth. Who else in the Raw women's division can she work her act on. None of them have a man she can manipulate so she can achieve her goals. An it would be blatant queer baiting if her did it with a woman.
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This is MO town
Hairless CTRL
Subjective. I consider Iyo to be hotter.

>/Iyo/ losing its shit over non-canon house shows
It's clearly only one dude. Same guy seethes in /Kabuki/ too
Based MO town.
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>pulls double-duty to make the Japanese fans happy
Yep, she's the GOAT!
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Is it official that Iyo "co-main evented" mania? Does WWE consider that a co-main event? If so then more proof she's the GOAT
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They've come so far together.
Imagine this without the long sleeve shirt
I will impregnate Iyo so she can compete with mommy booba.
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Iyo is the best
So many people say this
Anti's fucking lost
is the rumor true bros?
Fraid so. She's the workhorse of WWE.
Rate her promo skills

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She lost both matches KWAB
No wonder she's not cutting promos in the fed
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Looks like the anticord woke up.
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Technology is incredible when you think about it. This is like hearing the words of Jesus Christ or Muhammad.
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WWE released a new Iyo render!
New renders, multiple new shirts, partnership matches... Iyo keeps winning!
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There are some reports out there from people in attendance describing both Iyo Sky matches in Osaka today as "piggy-esque".
Because she'd blow everyone else out of the water with her promo ability.
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There are some reports out there from people in attendance describing both Iyo Sky matches in Osaka today as "divinely revelatory".
Many reports have said this.
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>posting the edited version
Here is the unfiltered one.
Not everything is a cord you fucking zoomer
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Please Remember That This Is Liv's " Bitch!"'
Iyo needs our support more than ever.
Many reports have said this.
They need to give Iyo one win during the tour.
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Wtf? Does Iyo kiss Kairi with that mouth?
One reason and it begins with an N.
iyo-chan <3
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Beautiful moon!
$3 Milly Gate CTRL
Troons sure are angry today, did Iyo sell out over 30,000 tickets in Japan or something???
Afraid so.
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those lucky bastards in the background got to be in a photo with Iyo
the most blessed day of their lives
Which one of you is this
This patriot is a true warrior for the holy word of Iyo
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Iyoiism is spreading.
That hint of belly has me feeling a certain way.
I was wondering that too. Seems too based for X tbqh
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Sweaty Iyo yum
imagine how stinky IYO got after having two matches in one night
It's the purest way to live and to spread peace and love.
Asians don't smell I'm afraid.
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Cardbros... this is the one... this is it... I will not rest until this card is in my possession... such a clear image of IYO's pits... commemorated forever on to a collector's piece... it will be mine
Based pitbro
I don't mean to be coarse, but I would lick IYO's pits so hard I'd be able to taste the soap she used once back in 2008
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Unironically based shirt. Very seriously considering getting one
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Blessed image
>the japanese crowd cheered for Liv over Iyo

Piggybros... It's iyover
I was told that IYO lost twice in one night
we want to fuck io!
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Hory sheet I love iyo
I was told that IYO SKY did not get cheered in Japan (and she also lost twice)
Antis are running victory laps over house shows. They've gotten desperate.
I was told that CHARLOTTE FLAIR did not get cheered in AMERICA (and she also lost 22 TIMES TO IYO SKY)

>Why didn't the schizo say Chuck was buried?
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Sure. I don't post here 24/7 like you do spamming your Oinko meme. The question is do YOU have any hobbies?
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>the WWE Universe (fans) in the venue erupted in huge "Iyo" chants
Another anti narrative BTFO
subhuman filth are dishonest and untrustworthy, not surprising
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>ugly middle aged guy dressed as Iyo
Average Iyo fan? At least the Asuka fan is a real female
>seething over cosplayers now
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Me on the left.
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Looks like IYO will be at Summer Destiny next year too

Rossy says Iyo has asked for another Marigold opponent for next year's Sumo Hall show
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Rossy also called Iyo the GOAT pretty much.
has no title
Asuka seething
Daily reminder that Iyo lost lmao
Daily reminder iyo is the GOAT
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>Genius Of The
>anti posts deleted
Based Iyojanny
Maybe Iyo can finally get a 5 star match against Mayu next year when she leaves Slopdom.
she really did kek. even in her home country that little piggy couldn't win
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Midcarders don't beat primary players like Liv.
Based Japanese mother. Too bad Iyo is a Christmas Cake.
there is nothing wrong with a Christmas cake
Yuzuki can still get it. I want to make Iyo a mom so they have one more topic to talk about.
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seems like there is no heat with io and mio anymore
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Kek it do be like this.
>gets a megapop for the splits in your path
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I thought Dakota was a dyke, but apparently she's dating Eddy Thorpe now lol
Iyo pinned Bianca
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Iyo pinned Bianca clean, holy based
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Iyo tagged with Dakota v Bianca and Jade
She was dating Shayna for years, so she's Bi, and Eddy Thorpe is very fruity and camp, so I guess they suit each other in that sense lol
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Antis will NOT like this one.
The Japanese cameras are so good wtf

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