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IT'S UP!!!!!!!!!! IT'S UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unapologetic bumping
Holy Szechuan Sauce, Batman! I've got to tell my wife and her boyfriend new Corny just dropped!
the only contents from Cornett I care about are aew ratings, dynamite review, ppv review, guess the program (dimes segment)
trump sucks but corny never drew a dime
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Corny isn't surviving this election is he?
>*a muffled "SHUT THE FUCK UP ADRIAN. IM TRYING TO SLEEP" is heard from outside the cuckcave*
'fraid not
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He called Trump a cumstain.
This IS, sadly, a true statement.
Hillary lost btw
Hearing Corny go off on this made me realize just how unbelievably out of touch he is with the world. He's fucking convinced republicans are a gang of supervillains coming to Castle Cornette to burn his dog and force his wife to lose weight. How does one get to these levels of delusion? It has to be more than just never leaving the house.
His fat pig of a wife makes him watch MSNBC all day
>He's fucking convinced republicans are a gang of supervillains
Since McCain this has been the Democrats play every election.
>"We aren't the best, we might be lovable goofs but the other team is literally Hitler so who cares what we believe in support us"
and no I am not saying voting matters or the right will make things better just telling you what the Democrats strategy has been the last couple of elections. It's so much easier to view politics in the frame of capeshit with good vs evil and it makes you feel like the good guy supporting "evil" as the "good guys" force Biden to quit behind the scenes even the day he resigned as a candidate he said shortly before that he was staying in and his own staff was unaware of the resignation and heard on Twitter first but we must stop cheeto hitler at all costs!
Did he say anything that can get him banned? Joking about Trump being shot? Not watching that but is there anything? These fuckers like the ones that joked about Trump dying need to learn lessons to hold their tongues like they did for the right the last 15 years
>you are just as bad as they are
wrong I am worse. Your effeminate reddit shaming tactics don't work on me.
Ahh... Corny threads.

/pw/pol/ generals.

Unironically I just want a president that will ban anime, porn, and shut down 4chan just to make nerds seethe forever.
He's literally like the 1970s southern wrestling marks he saw in the crowds, thinking they are witnessing a battle between extreme good and extreme evil with no nuance or shades of grey.
Remember! Banning things doesn't stop them, just makes them illegal.

To stop something, you have to take it away or destroy it.
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>18 minutes of straight seething
Why is he like this
He's full of shit. He's a lying jew working a gimmick. He's actually a racist piece of trash who hates himself more than he hates his fat wife.
No, I'm not saying the racist part as a bad thing, just showcasing he's a hypocrite.
>Banning things doesn't stop them
No, but that's why you order police and military to inspect every home in the country and send perps to the gulag to be put to a firing squad. That's the kind of presidency I want. I'm not even shitposting either. I'm deadass.
Vote Democrat then. They tried to ban violent video games in the 90's.
Welcome to the Democrat party
when is he going to talk about his ol' boy joe hendry
dobson vibes
>its only brainwashing when the other side does it
you had me until you said deadass, so I hope they kill you too
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Son of Dob or you mean someone else? Can't recall Dobson sperging out about politics but I was always more into Chrischan.
Everything is a console war.

>Some people don't know that.

Heh. Is there a word for "sad and funny" in English?
Funny you say this, because he actually brought up a good point about how Hogan was known as an act and full of it but now that he's at a rally it's 'real'.
i agree with most of jim's wrestling opinions because that's his field of expertise.

he' a fucking moron in literally every other facet of life. from food, bills, home maintenance, class, lawn care, cars, the economy, comics, moviees, entrtanment, business, politics...you fucking name it. he's an across the board dumbass.

...as any proper wrestling personality should be.
Yep, went full Jew mocking the goy: "[Trumpers] are genetically ignorant" (about "so clearly documented" blabla evidence that Trump is le bad)

Corny could have truly said this. He's blindly anti-European as most Americans where brainwashed by the media fully owned by JP Morgan in 1915, and thinks that all German/Danish/Swedish women are porn actresses just like the Jew taught him

>How does one get to these levels of delusion?
He's a socialist (that is, a cuck: a testosterone-less schizophrenic with some deranged sense of guilt because he/his father never worked but city-dwelled in sybarite faggotry), so in particular a gnostic: he (sees himself as if he) is enlightened, in the right side of history, like academics, him and his comrades are here to save the world with *your* taxes (that's why everybody needed to help collapse society is an oppressed group to be saved: blacks, women, black women, arab women, pajeet immigrants...). Equality, Statism: two religions merged in supreme cuckoldry

>Did he say anything that can get him banned?
This anti-White racist Jew-adjacent Dixiecrat cuck? Maybe: "[Trumpers] are genetically ignorant"
>pizza should come with chips!
>No one eats pizza for the crust!
>Rap music? What is that?
>I don't have a generator because it involves installing one
>I don't have a modern TV because well they are complicated
>fix my internet now who what?
>I have an iphone and have no idea how to work it because it's stupid
>Hogan did everything he could to forward his career thus nothing he says or believes in is true
Why are the IQs of liberals this low?
He actually did say the Nazi shit I listened to five minutes before turning it off because he just comes off as a kid violently frightened of what's under his bed
That's virtually all of America to be fair. There are huge star spangled banners hanging from the rafters of dystopian amazon warehouses as if the sods who work there should take pride in the nation that denies them decent workers' rights.
NEET hands typed this.
The closest to NEETdom I ever came was my year in the army.
and tried to ban rock music in the 80s.
The Twisted Sister guy showed up in full gear just to KWAB Hilary, who lost btw
This is the history retelling they do. Yes conservative groups said in their opinions games and certain music was bad but that was it. Democrats actually were the ones to push laws against them.
I know Big Kev takes a lot of heat for that whole Yale thing, but I appreciate the Kliq This style of liberalism more. They hate Trump equally as much but in a detached 2000s NPR sort of way. Back when they'd have Colin Quinn or Ron Paul on and things weren't that tense yet. Maybe it's my age but ending friendships because of politics is very alien to me. I can't imagine being friends with an all around nice guy like Kane and having a category 7 spergout because he supports a candidate who is basically a centre-right Bill Clinton.
>TGBL jumps in
>"uhh but he's right in wanting a further 200 billion sent to God's chosen people to defend against Palestine"

Every time
I wonder why Cornette never spoke about all the pictures of his boy Logan Paul hanging out with Trump? You know he got tagged in them.
Can someone listen to the segment in the uncensored episode and report what they left out in this one?
I'm a communist who grew up around racist nationalists and have life long friends who are and we'd do anything to help each other. Unspoken though is the reality of our politics, like if there was a government that'd want either of us sent to prison/gulag'd or sent to the wall/helicopter we'd both support our obvious picks.

Libs and typical conservatives also believe this in a roundabout way, they'll be sad that their friends are getting taken and be against it but they wont actually *do* anything about it except vote in like 40 years when the dictatorship evaporates in power when all the leadership ages out in favour of bureaucrats.

Domestic and foreign policy has the lives of hundreds of millions of people hanging in the balance, you can forgo that thought to have a beer with a friend on the weekend and watch the football but you should still take politics seriously.
>Is there a word for "sad and funny" in English?
This is my favorite thing leftists do
>"Well I am a terrible human being who would support jailing and killing my opposition so of course my opposition believes the same about me so my extremist views are justified"
Oh no we've had these conversations and it really isn't hard to find conservative "kill all commies" types. NATO fans or people who love cops aren't subtle. Like they were black bagging people in unmarked vans during the BLM riots and taking them to blacksites, you'll find a sizable portion of people who thought that was epic. Most of the people on this site are like that.
I don't give a fuck about your anecdotal garbage. This has been the lefts MO for years. Point the opposition as cartoonishly evil so every extremist and illegal act you do is justified because you are fighting "literally Hitler". If anyone on the right believes this it's probably because they are sick of decades of man children trying to destroy a functioning society by trying to kill anyone that disagrees with them.
i'm pretty sure he mentioned it. he just didn't have a spergout warranting a youtube video.
The lack of self awareness in this post is hilarious. Google McCarthyism
>Google the thing that was proven to be right based on the current state of our country
McCarthyism was right, though. Hollywood was and still is riddled with communism. The current Vice President, and new candidate for the presidency had a campaign video in 2019 that was shoot commie propaganda. that's how out of control it's gotten.
>Democrats are communists

You are shoot retarded
I couldn't take 1 minute of it. Please post links of Jim discussing comic books or Indy guys killing themselves.
He's right though. Every way they are damaging this country is how communists do it. Must be nice to live in a majority white place where you don't have to deal with stuff like this.
I must have missed when the Democrats dismantled the private sector and seized the means of production.

You are what happens when a brainlet gets their entire political understanding from Ben Shapiro. You have 0 understanding of what terms actually mean
faggot europoor, or worse, irrelevent countryman hands made this post.
>Republicans are the party of the stupid, gullible, dullard sucker

Jim don't miss
>I must have missed when the Democrats dismantled the private sector and seized the means of production.
They are currently working on that as they are destroying the economy and the dollar. What the fuck do you think happens when all these corporations fail? The government seizes them.

Seriously I bet you are some retarded European who lives in a mostly white area thinking you know how everything works outside your safe bubble, literally the worst people on the planet.
>irrelevent countryman

You are equally irrelevant, the only difference is that workers in most European countries have more rights and protections than you.

You are mentally ill, the Democrats are corporate stooges who are paid significant sums by lobbying corporations to protect their interests.

If you actually think they're trying to create a communist economy then you barely have IQ higher than a dog
>Trump is Mango Mussolini

Always makes me kek
Where do you live Eurofaggot?
and he ran away. I accept your concession Eurofaggot.
both of your statements are false
by that he means the national flag is being prominently displayed, which isn't strange in the slightest.

When Trump wins, can we remove these people? They do nothing obstruct America and its people whenever they feel pride or patriotism.
Corny is just as deluded and wrong about wrestling as he is about politics and that's a shoot brother
I'm voting Trump and Jim's making fun of AEW shtick is old. Really the only good part if the show besides Territory stuff.
I'm a Hulkamaniac, not a Cucknette Cucklecttible.
He's a literal cuck and a liberal many such cases. Enjoy your jeet president
I’m surprised Jim hasn’t trooned out yet
I think while Jim is a democrat he says these things to make his wife happy who probably is more extreme than him.
i made it till about 9 minutes and i just gave up. cornette has no point. its just nonstop unfunny insults none of which make a damn bit of sense
>le orange man is bad
>all republicans are illiterate hillbillies
how can any sane person look at what biden has done for the last three 3 years and think he/the democrats deserve another term? they cant.
>calls trump corrupt
biden is even worse. what is influence peddling. he is taking millions from foreign countries
>how can any sane person look at what biden has done for the last three 3 years and think he/the democrats deserve another term?
When you genuinely believe that the other choice is evil, you can't make a logical choice. Everything is skewed because the one side is a two-party system is literally Satan and Hitler at once.
>When you genuinely believe that the other choice is evil
i guess thats what he actually believes. he just sounds like an unhinged mental patient. he is unbearable to listen to
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Based Big Dimes Donny still effortlessly working Corny into a shoot.
I doubt Trump knows who Cornette is, or even that he is a wrestling guy. Trump is too concerned with being a leader to the masses that vote for him to be angry at some crazed liberal who has hated him always no matter what he did or said.
Maybe reddit is more your speed
Promo's good
cornett isnt gonna let holk fuck his ugly pig wife
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Blah blah blah. You don’t tell me how to live my life commie faggot.
You gotta love the Hulkester, you just gotta
That's literally their gimmick brother
I'm not a liberal, and I enjoyed Hogan at the rally, I just can see a good point.
He is racist and anti-LGBTQ. That's what's so fucking weird about him. He mixes that with favoring socialist policies. Only a cuck could get to that political philosophy
If you are the guy I was quoting you are a liberal. If you aren't he was there because it was rally so he came as an entertainer
>talks about how everyone is marks
>closes out with that he donated to some anti-drumpf grifter organization.

Kek what a mark
>I'm a communist
Which one of the 10 requests in the 2nd chapter of your commie trannyfesto is your favorite?
The monopolization of banking with ZOG central bank? Or the abolition of family? Perhaps the equal obligation to work? Or just boring vanilla abolition of private property?

>conservative "kill all commies" types.
Why would we want you to survive one more second? We read your trannyfesto and see the history of what you did racially genociding Russians and Germans with Bolshevism and London-Moscow-JewYork WW2. You hate civilization (person + freedom + property, as from 1215 Carta Magna, faggot) so we hate you back and urgently need to weed you out as the terrorist anti-society that all of you are.
>NATO fans or people who love cops aren't subtle
We don't love violent cops; we appreciate honest cops; we should have distributed security with one mandatory known weapon per home.
>NATO fans
We hate all the mafia structures created by the Jew and Jewlovers to tax, oppress, harass and destroy Western civilization, from the 30 Year War all the way to WW2 (NATO, CIA, UN, WTO, IMF, World Bank, MLK, neocons, EU, the 2008 crisis, covid, Zelensky)
It's another one of Corny's regular 20-minute anti-republican rants because he's ashamed of his southern accent, and he doesn't want to get canceled again.
perhaps he'd love to see the Venezuelan and Mexican and pajeet flags close to his home soon now that they are more and more everywhere, and these immigrants that Biden loves so much are hyper-nationalists (hopefully many are very religious too so Corny gets to see many crosses and Virgin Mary figures all around through his castle window from his cuck chair)
Oh hes mad Brother
You don't understand:
>white = bad
>nonwhite = good
>LGBT = untouchable

Do you get it now? This is legitimately how leftists think.
Your victim complex is showing
I love his watch alongs with classic wrestling, too. Touring the territory segments are good but, sometimes Jim can get a little too far in the weeds. Any mention of politics is an immediate skip for me.
Yet Corny says nothing about Logan Paul meeting Trump.
Imagine if it was an AEW where the best wrestler.
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Because going after Logan means going after his rabid fanbase and all the disease that comes with it.
Logan is also a celebrity before he’s a wrestler.
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>I'm a communist
>all republicans are illiterate hillbillies
said the man in rural Kentucky.
Corny is such a strange creature.
His views regarding wrestling are turbo conservative. He shoot thinks that wrestling should never evolved past the 70’s southern style, where there was a bunch of gimmicks that got heat from racial stereotypes. But in politics and lifestyle he hates southern conservatives and wants everything to change. It’s such a disconnect that I can’t even wrap my head around.
this nigger really thought he was sounding smart typing this shit out
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I love that all these years later Cornette still seethes being less important than Hogan. Corny could have a dozen more podcasts and sell a million shirts but when you ask a random guy about wrestling odds are it's Hulk they remember.
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I'm fucking ecstatic to vote for Trump. He causes so much seethe by simply existing
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Get back to me when you can uphold an adult conversation.
Imagine if Trump wins. He may get a stroke live
He is so mad because he knows trump is winning. Jims politics are at most teenager level and every time he starts to talk about them i hear a terrified old man thinking about death and lashing out at the world because his time on this planet was worthless.
elmo already backed out of his 40mil per month pledge to trump kek, they're scrambling
Get back to me when you kys liberal.
pot meet kettle? The lack of awareness from you people is tragic.
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MIGAtards seething
Fuck Zion Don and the Recucklican party
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Stop being a bigot nazi. Israel will be our 51st state and there is nothing you can do about it.
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Yale thing?
Not until you look up the Venona Papers.
>This anti-White racist Jew-adjacent Dixiecrat cuck
He also used 'white' twice as an insult when talking about Hangman Page, even Brian Least called him out on it, "why do you keep saying that"
Imagine what level of mind-broken gigacuck you'd have to be to support racism against your own race. Absolute STATE of cucknette
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>the tears in that comment section
It all makes so much sense his fans are like that. kek.
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do you think he kills himself when Trump wins?
>he's right about every single thing, except when he criticizes what I like
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>framing Zionist Trump as pro-White
>You people
You are playing pretend and making up shit because your whole stance is
Act mature.
His dad died when he was 8 and his mom gave him way too much attention as a direct result. He truly believes he is better and smarter than other people because his mom raised him thinking that. The fact that he isn't happy should make him realize she was wrong.
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Yea but it'd be funny if Trump was enough of a mark to know him and either mention or quote him in a speech just to watch Jim's head explode in seethe.
>this is America
He can and did. Nobody stopped him or tried to stop him. Problem is, it's "inspiring" more stupidity. But hey, keep going, baby. Doesn't affect me kek.
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>But hey,
>keep going,
>Doesn't affect me kek
I didn't know Nash was a Hebrew name.
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Bahahaha what a bunch of faggots
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>Can't recall Dobson sperging out about politics
You missed his last run, brother.
what a mark
This guy is such a faggot
'fraid so
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I usually make it about 30 seconds into Conry's Orange Man Bad spergs, I can't watch the entire 25 minute clip. The guy is a total shit for brains when it comes to the real world, it's so bizarre to watch.
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this is a real woman, this scares the left
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this is hilarious because it shows how out of touch corny still is
can't wait to vote for Trump and laugh at the left
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crazy liberals are more insane than crazy conservatives. There, I said it
It’s unironically the same mind disease that hogan has.

He worked himself into a shoot. It’s just that simple. You keep working for your entire life it becomes a shoot.
I love how 10 min of this rant was just laughing at that ugly bitch. Goys are truly losing it, imagine having to pretend to support that ghoul.
>google the mother fucker who was objectively correct
is there a longer rant on the podcast? with the way people are reacting here i was expecting at least 30+ minutes
>Democrats are corporate stooges who are paid significant sums by lobbying corporations to protect their interests.
That is literally the ideal communist economy. Why do you fucking morons not get it. Communism the ideal isn’t fucking real. It was created by capital. It exists to serve capital. It’s propagated by institutions owned by capital. It is more capitalist than capitalism itself
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'fraid not
>more rights
>can't even carry a knife, let alone a gun

Anybody or group who agrees a man can be a woman is a danger to humanity. Dems deserve death, it should be legal to kill them with how they think.
Why do they look like that
Looks like Rick Rude chugging a beer
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Kek. More TDS. I'll never understand it. Donald Trump,
>starts no wars (first USA president in our life times to do so).
>scores three historical peace deals.
>makes the globe a better, more stable place.
>makes it so prices around the world are lower.
>makes sure to protect free speech.
>returns powers to the states.
>works to decentralise government power.
>pushes for green renewal power in places where it makes senses.
>works to help protect gays in places where they face genuine oppressions and discrimination.
>lowers your taxes so you have more money.
But this somehow makes him Hitler? Only in clown world. Fucking kek.
>rapes women
>steals government documents
>multiple time felon

I accept everyones concession, kamala is atleast an intelligent human being and no whatever drumpf is.
>proves TDS is real
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>He called Trump a cumstain.
That's because Shitstain is reserved for Russo
You already outed yourself with this, Oliver.

Kek. You can't be serious.
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i have boomer fatigue. i couldn’t care less what the aging left wing faggot says about the over the hill right wing clown. it’s all so tiresome
He’s really run out of insults
why are libs tarded?
because he is low vibration
>Cornette is right once again
How does he do it?
But enough about Biden
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Obvious bait, but sure I'll bite.
>rapes women
Tara Reade, and shall we even get into Bill Clinton?
>steals government documents.
Obama and Clintons say hi.
>multiple time felon.
By corrupt courts. Just like with the Pedophile stuff, if they had anything on Trump, they would have hit him already.
Meanwhile, in the real world, Trump has pardon various wrongly convinced black and hispanic people.
Since when was Trump a socialist?
everyone I diswike is witerawwy hitwer! >:C
Jim Cornette is a literal cuckold, which invalidates anything he has to say about anything. Between all the jabs and the 25 years of fast food every night, it's only a matter of time until Brian Lastowitz is without his meal ticket. Fuck both these faggots.
Yeah. Corny has a good mind for wrestling sorta but not irl stuff. The irony is that I’m convinced all the politics stuff is a work and they all have drinks together in a secret bar with no cell phones and just laugh as marks donate millions to their work campaigns.
Well that's what women do if their panties bunch up.
I recommend viewing it same as you do wrestling. In the end everyone getting upset on either side are just stupid marks getting worked. Don’t be a stupid mark.
>communism is when capitalism, actually
>half the video about Eva Braun fingering herself or something


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