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TONIGHT from Nashville, Tennessee
>"The Learning Tree" Chris Jericho(c) vs Minoru Suzuki for the FTW Championship
>We hear from the new AEW International Champion MJF after his 5.75* match vs Will Ospreay last week
>Hikaru Shida vs Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.
>The debut of "The Glamour" Mariah May
>The Elite(Kazuchika Okada, Young Bucks, Adam Page, & Jack Perry) vs Team AEW(Darby Allin, Mark Briscoe, The Acclaimed, & Swerve Strickland) in BLOOD & GUTS!
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The Fate of AEW will be Decided Inside a 'Blood & Guts' Cage | AEW Road To: Blood & Guts, 7/23/24

AEW's Tony Schiavone was presented with the Gordon Solie Award
Based card
You're telling me Bruv guy already lost his belt? TK really knows how to cool off guys and kill their momentum lmao
And when did the FTW meme belt become a real thing that gets defended? I thought Hook just carried it around as a nod to his dad
This would be kino if Swerve was nowhere near the match and MJF was in his place
>MJF being selfless and working in a team

So exactly how much Smackdown do you watch?
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And with that, I will watch your sho-
>Unfathomly based Lil Nigga
>Da Boi!
>Based Nigga
>Based Hanger
>Based Perry
>The Acclaimed
>Schizo Jew
Whoa, whoa there, Tony, no need to keep drilling. You've already struck oil :D
Aint nobody watching this faggot shit
It wouldn't be selfless for one and he has worked in a team before.
>autistic virgin can't do anything without mentioning WWE
You are a NPC
none of the blood and guts matches have ever been worth watching

i have learned that this show is a hard pass
It makes no sense for MJF to be in this match. He's a selfish heel who hates the fans. I'm sorry you have a Smackdownie level brain.

when the best part of your hour long cage match is when the guy helps blade his opponent in a heap on the mat while the camera watches, your match sucks
>MJF has never been a face
>your autism doesn't understand hypothetical situations
>you are an ugly faggot
Have sex and seek sunlight you brain dead virgin
Willy at home with Ngubu again?
>being this upset your fantasy booking was called nonsensical

Keep crying lol
>being this autistic
>being 34 and never lost your virginity
>being a console war faggot
I'm upset that subhumans like you are alive, kys
It's really not healthy to get this upset.
>shitwheels ruining a gamethread with his meltdown
love to see it, even his own people hate him kek
shoo shoo
Don't care, you should kys
It’s not about MJF being a face before, it’s that he JUST made a full heel turn. He even gave a promo about how he will be doing everything for himself because the fans turned their back on him.
It makes absolute zero (0) sense for MJF to be part of this match in any capacity, let alone as part of team AEW.

I like MJF, but you just come off as some retarded fanboy for him.
I'll do it right after you show any kind of emotional composure KEK
>this autistic faggot thinks there's any emotion behind my posts
not only are you a virgin retard, you're a newfaggot that thinks mean words mean someone is angry.
kys and do the world a favour
Another autist that doesn't know what hypothetical means
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We eatin good today, Elite Chads
Your hypothetical is retarded.
“It would be kino if it was MJF”
It wouldn’t make sense if it was MJF.

Even MJF got brain damage for a week and became a face, who the fuck wants cringey face sitcom MJF again?
Wasnt the last blood and guts a complete mess?
Guys, please be honest.

Is this a good show to watch if you're not a regular AEW viewer? I watch WWE and I've been watching TNA because of the NXT crossover. I've also watched a little bit of New Japan but I don't follow it very closely. I used to dislike AEW but it's been a really long time since I've given it a shot. CM Punk was still there last time I watched a full episode.
Holy fuck the autism is off the charts. Bet you wear those autism headphones because loud noises make you sperg out
This is the most pointless and forced Blood and Guts match yet, which is saying something.
fuck off retard we don't want your kind
very ugly women
No, the obvious tantrum means that you're angry.

>everyone is wrong not me

Take your L
>newfag r*dditor is an autistic virgin
what a surprise
Why are AEW fans so mean? Autism?
They've never had such a heatless faction vs faction match
Calling everyone who points out your shit is nonsensical autistic won't make you feel any better lilguy
The only people that can get heat aren't involved because Tiny Con can't book for shit
It’s probably the single most story driven and dynamic Multiman like this they have ever done.
There is unironically months of story going into the match.
The entire elite faction is all built on winking at the camera and telling you what you’re watching is fake
>two people
Autistic virgin, bet you can't understand sarcasm either, all autists should be killed
>Suzuki jobbing again
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The drones are extra uppity today so you know Dynamite is gonna be good.
Months of boring story with a bunch of dimeless wrestlers, wow.
Name 'em

That's 2 more people than who are agreeing with your shit and it's killing you ya self-loathing autist incel KEK
Coconut theater continues Friday.
This show isn’t for piggies like you.
>the autistic virgin trying to call me what he is
Solo Sikoa is more dimes than anything in AEW and he fucking SUCKS
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comfy blood and guts cage match tonight bros
Who are these dimes wrestlers that should be in the match?

Yeah that's literally what you're doing.

>and the pig left Plato's Cave but he thought something was wrong because the sunlight burned him
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>This show isn’t for piggies like you.
Who are the pigs again? Seems all you gayew trannys can do is call other people what you are yourself, kind of weird.
>no u
>l-literally no u
Autistic virgin
We don't sign our posts here. Squeal more about how your fantasy booking is nonsensical.
Yeah we know you e-pigs sneak out of your pen often to come to these shows often.

Keep buying tickets and hold that cornette sign high lmao.
That's what I dislike most about the Young Bucks. It's not the flips, it's the ironic bullshit they do.
hopefully the elite loses tonight and they disband. hate this storyline so much, havent watched in weeks.
hopefully the elite wins tonight and they come out stronger than ever. love this storyline so much, been watching every week.
Autistic virgin
Not even gayew trannys go to most of the shows so why would anyone else? You faggots have half empty arenas constantly and can't even get a milly
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>Making the post 12 hours before the show to artificially increase your game thread count in your shitty little console war bs
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I'd sooner watch biden ramble incoherently.
I won't be doing that tonight I'll be having a nice steak dinner enjoy a few drinks, make love and watch something as background noise maybe a youtube video or too. I stumbled upon someone recently that I just find hilarious in his topic choices, his timing, his jokes and the few points he makes plus he has a giant back catalogue to bounce around.
In what way is this "bad guys take over the company" any "faker" than any previous one, at least this time the people doing it actually have titles.
You've literally been getting worked by The Young Bucks for 11 years.

We don't sign our posts here.
>thread made 12 hours early
>it's more active now than it will be during the show
Autistic virgin
You've screeched this how many times now and you still don't feel better, do you?

They won't have an answer for this
Autistic virgin
I don't like the way the wrestling while essentially winking at the camera and telling you it's fake. I think their constant references to internet rumors and drama is beyond cringe.
It's like watching autistic 12 year olds LARP as the NWO. Just like most of the Bucks/Elite's careers
We all know that Hulk Hogan never referenced "internet drama" never cut a promo on the observer or anything like that.
I shoot miss Toni & Luther
That was cringe too
keep repeating this with zero self-awareness lol

>It's like

This isn't an actual answer btw
Wrestling is inherently kinda cringe bro, it's people pretending to fight while doing nothing people in actual fights do.

Literacy that matches the opinion.
What's the story?
>e-drones cannot follow a basic faction warfare/hostile takeover story without Cole fauxshouting the expodumps into their sow's ears

>faction warfare
The Acclaimed, Mark, Darby, Swerve aren't in a faction
>hostile takeover story
Tony took control of the company back 2 PPVs ago I thought
>Wrestling is inherently kinda cringe bro
Nobody makes me cringe except the Young Bucks and joke wrestlers like Orange Cassidy. I can watch WWE and that stuff is like wonderful art to me.
This is a man too dumb to understand what "artist's shit" was about.
Autistic virgin
Nothing in that post was an opinion, tranny
Slopdown got Lachlaned
you are actually happy for this garbage?
Why are you so upset?
What a dreadful card. MJF has to carry the show yet again
Shida needs to open up dr. Baker and teach that bitch a lesson. Break her nose again. Won't happen, but it will be a good match. I think this will be a good show. Unless people tune in to watch Brandon and he leaves the presidency. That could fuck up the first half hour of dynamite. But since aew skews conservative, shouldn't be too bad of a ratings hit.
based autist
No milly, low attendance numbers, shit ticket sales, shit merch sales and no casual fans.
Company for autistic virgins
why are you crying?
It has Squish, Shida, and Lil Nigga. Three of my favourites. Why wouldn't I be happy? The only way the card could be better is if it was Hayter facing Shida, and a few other OGs were on the card, or the likes of Fletcher and Takeshita. But on the whole? This is a solid card. I shall be renewing my subscription and watching.
Even Hook didn't defend the FTW on TV as much as Jericho does, and it's his dad's damn belt kek.
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kek what a stacked card, I'm so fucking hype for tonight
Do you not remember The Pinnacle? Because when you're with The Pinnacle, you're always at the top.
The Learning Tree, a thousand episodes, a thousand years, Learning Tree Forever.
That should've been his run in 2023.
Actually stoked for Jericho vs Suzuki more than anything
we know, Chris
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I love how blood n guts are the 5 guys who actually got over with the AEW fans despite Tony's best efforts vs the 5 guys Tony insists on pushing even though they lose viewers every appearance.
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Briscoe finna get hog wild
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When will Tony learn?
bruv doesn't really need a belt, and two big losses in a row plays into the story where he separated from callis and now probably starts questioning that decision since he hasn't won shit without him, or at the very least becomes a tool for callis to use against him. ftw belt has always been defended as an 'unofficial' title going back to when taz just gave it to brian cage.
christian has been good because he hasn't been overused. dude is old. let him take his naps.
>ditch Don Callis
>start losing
Many such cases.
>Joe Biden speaking at 8 P.M.
Elite bros... why would he counter-program us like this...
Why does Tony counterprogram Rampage with ROH PPVs?
Why does sucking dick make me gay?
because you vote democrat.
So what? All AEW fans do. We love sucking dick!
Shida looks dimes as fuck here, shame she's gonna have to job to someone she's so much better than.
Nah, the core AEW fans don't support those pedos. Sadly, thanks to fags like Phil, he brought with him all his tranny fans.
>Shida looks dimes as fuck here
>Shida needs to open up dr. Baker
No, I should.
God, I love AEW.
team AEW looking like team Invasion
Should be a debut or return tonight. Usually is when this guy tweets
Hayter bros, time to be disappointed again...
>no Important announcement by Tony R. Khan
It's probably a surprise for a battle royal
guessing sammy
at this point even if she is ready they might as well hold it off until wembley
Hangman is still over no matter what and Swerve actually loses viewers but otherwise, you are right
What crazy shit will Darby do?
>possible Shida vs. Hayter II
God Yes!
Rico I think
AEW sucks and you are all losers
What's the over/under on the number of people in this thread that have showered in the last week?
Blood and Guts always sucks
imagine watching this cringe. only people with severe autism or retardation could enjoy it unironically
Projecting again bitchtits?
I want Hangman to completely ignore the match and just murder swerve.
Bro thinks he's in a WWE show thread kek
Who hurt you?
Jericho puts a damper on the card but looks good at least. It'll for sure break 800K ceiling
Wargames always sucks too.
>It'll for sure break 800K ceiling
Depends how long Joe Biden talks for
no way he can go longer than 15 minutes
Dynabased time soon bros
People who are AEW fans, is the show looking good tonight? I haven't tried AEW in a long time but I'm in the mood for a lot of wrestling right now.
>Britt and Shida
only thing that could get me to watch this in months
Card looks good. Should be fun. I just like wrestling and am not a bitch about what company I'm watching.
Yeah I'm not brand loyal. I just haven't enjoyed AEW in the past. But I've been loving WWE and I've been watching TNA lately and I just feel like giving AEW another shot.
Im gay as fuck and I need BBC in my ass before tonight's show
Oh right forgot about that alright 730K+ will be a success
2023 aew was some of the most boring shit ever, just endless pockets mox and jericho. it's been much better this year, but I would stick to dynamite. rampage a SHIT and collision is only for the sickos.
Hey Vince hows the case going?
Well, I wasn't a fan of AEW even when Cody was there. I liked MJF a lot, but a lot of the presentation just seemed pretty cringe to me. I did watch the first few episodes of Collision and that was really good, but I stopped checking it out after they fired Punk.
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>excited for the show
>genuinely don't care about blood and guts
Anyone else?
>it's been much better this year,
It's been much better in the last month or so, you mean. January to May was shit as well.
only here for Britt and Shida
I rarely watch AEW, but I do tune in for Blood and Guts, and am always disapointed. The last one I remember watching was where Homicide or whoever got injured and just laid there for 45 minutes.
I don't like cage matches because half the shots are from outside the cage and I think that's fucking retarded.
Watch it drunk and or high its 20X better
Same. I'm bored of it. They do it every year without fail when it would be better as only for multi man feuds that get super personal. It's become like the HiaC PPV, which should also just be a special match, not a fucking PPV/PLE/Pegged Lesbian Elephant, whatever they call it now.
The nutjob Darby Allen will probably jump off the cage onto a table so look forward to that at least
the last milly happened last blood and guts, im sure there will be another today
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CM Punk won
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Any Shida merch?
Am I blind or are they really charging $40 for a fanny pack? That's even more offensive than the shirt prices.
>shida schizo here
Damn, Shida really hoovering up those freebie tickets with her mega combo meals.
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>Selling only the worst merch imaginable
kek based
Shit looks bootleg flea market
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true, I just hate having to watch through the fence
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>That'll be $40 + tax
Based Lil Nigga.
Low IQ confirmed
Their T shirts are so weak. The FTR shirts and Big Bill with a footprint for the "I" are the only good ones ever.
Crazy in 5 years they haven't had even one hot tee. Better than you bay bay probably the most popular, not really great.
>WWE and that stuff is like wonderful art to me
You sound like a massive faggot, you def got bullied as a kid
at least one of malakai's early shirts was pretty good, would have mistaken it for some death metal band if not for the aew logo.
This isn't a 3 hour Raw show lil bro
huh, buddy murphy signed a new aew deal.... in february
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Blood & Guts on one screen, Mister Metokur on the other, and Biden on the third one. So much content
Where the fuck is Mina?
>Mister Metokur
Big Dimes Jim, might actually hurt AEW's ratings...
I dont hate the Hoodie or the hat but the rest are awful
slobbering on my cock right now (i am lying)
Dude, the logo pisses me off too. Why does it have to be so prominent on the front?
i could see Malakai coming up with something good.
Guys, are we really going to see somebody's guts tonight?
Meh, it's just more boogie slop
So who gets injured tonight? My bets are Suzuki, Shida, and Darby
Tony’s ego when the ratings drop tomorrow KWAB
E-drone here. I'm coming in good faith to check out this show. I hope I enjoy it. What are the storylines I should know?
Well that is a given
If we're going to have to watch so many divas matches I don't see why they can't involve mina
Where my Bruvs at?
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>the hotel parking garage
based interview jobber trying to get some info from big Willy
that AH lmao
Bruv going to cry like a bitch
I wanna give the lil sailor girl on the left a unwanted but reluctently kept pregnancy
>the debut of Mariah May

hasn't she been on TV for months?
carjacking on my tv set!
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it's her new gimmick, ya gimmick
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Max looking dapper ngl
Babysitter poster getting his goods early tonight (or not, he's usually late).
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she was acting like Toni so this is the debut of the "real" Mariah
This nigga got teen cheerleaders for his entrance lol
Ospreay shooted his own career in the foot because he's shoot retarded. Aura is gone. MJF is the only draw.
>AEW audio is shit
fucking here.
All rats
Oh vey how did he manage this one?
MJF the only draw in AEW
I missed heel Max bros
MJF is getting over as a face again with the aew crowd. Needs to do something to piss them all off
Wow the audio guy finally caught the bleep! Things are looking up!
I thought she was already the Glamor when she debuted? Granted it lasted like 2 weeks tops before she started cosplaying as Toni, but I could've sworn it's happened.
Why would they turn him face? Are they stupid?
He just got shut the fuck up chants
Netinyahoo gave MJF big energy after his speech in Congress today, you can tell Max is feeling it

missed it on my machine :)
Max's hair transplant unironically looks good
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Only the highest quality of slag for me
Christian 'n' Kike connection
Max is clearing Biden in this promo battle
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They literally cheered when his entrance music played. They aren't even booing his will osprey material
>Workin' hard is for poors

so wait, when I slack off at my job...I'm rich despite making $8.50 an hour?
Are we one of the poors, guys?
He's not wrong
It was about equal only Max was doing it on purpose
ngl this cgi joe is well made
PAC finna coming out
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Weekly reminder that MJF is just a GEEK with a good promo
Big Medusa vibes here
62 post early, seriously kys
No that just means you are a poser
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>international championship is now the American championship
>it's an "mjf gets a customized belt" episode
Wow, fresh material here
/pw/ won't like this but Max is unironically too American to be a truly great heel
>the only America that matters, South
I thought he was gonna call the US a third world shithole and praise Israel lmao
What part of Ney York you from guys?
Jesus this belt has a third name already unless this is new lineage.
>buddy and Malakai stuck

Feel kinda bad ngl. They have terrible
Agents. Why would they sign that contract lmao
Based, fuck Brits and Eurofags
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I knew they were gonna have an American championship. I even almost made a thread.
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>The Shioriposter whi hangs out in the AEW threads that hates Biboo
Lmao this is great
10/10 in bongland bruv
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This is my first time watching AEW why doesn’t WWE have any heels like this guy?
is this guy proud of a downgrade?
Yeah...this is Kino.
Lol Tony really spent all that money on a massive custom flag they'll use once?
When's Bobbo coming?
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I'm from all five burrahs. The Bronx. Staten Island. Queens. Brooklyn. Philadelphia. Manhattan.
Why do you do this? Skip gamethread numbers?
I want Pac and Osprey to have a mumble off
missed opportunity baka
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huh wat u mean?
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Franklin square, a town or 2 over from plainview. Everything MJFZ says is true everyone here is so antisemitic. I was called a jew my whole life meanwhile I'm Roman catholic and made my confirmation with everyone who called me a jew
>dolly parton is mid
Deport that fan.
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Everyone being a schizophrenic now has made that gimmick stale for me.
Why does this bong hate America?
That is an amazing belt
He should have
>american hero
>is a jew
>from jew york
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I love Biboo though shes great
fuck off jew
>american nightmare at home
The mypillow of beer
Only works on boomers, and the genuinely mentally-impaired (4chan users)
Why did Meltzer say this guy is a great promo? His voice is atrocious.
Audio is so fucked Bruv Man is even more incoherent.
Is this a MAD TV skit?
The leather on MJF's strap is immaculate.
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>still trying to make Chris Daniels a thing
Fuck off Tony, you killed him dead already
That just makes me nostalgic for smoking weed in the creek and fucking guys girlfriends in high school. Good times
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money is why
Why is Osprey so hoarse?
no need to age yourself
Match 2 should have been anything goes
Caster turns if the faces win the advantage
That's just how he talks
So is PAC just a joke then?
Disgraceful treatment of a supremely talented wrestler desu
Wait, so is Ospreay still International Champ? This was just to introduce a NEW BELT?
All that tea britbongs drink
that is a beautiful looking belt, once this gimmick belt is over they should definitely put a white strap on it
I'm afraid to report that Jungle Bitch Hack Fairy is no longer a pillar
no, dumbass
Hi guys!
Someone start Gamethread #2
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He gets to watch Hobbs plow Anna up close and we don't.
sucking dick, can confirm
My favorite jobber
Faggot Henley etc etc time to migrate
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>tune in
>Jericho vs Suzuki
nice perfect timing
nah how about 3
Jericho doesn't like this
Choppa long time
we don’t like it either

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