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/pw/ - Professional Wrestling

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>forgets the gas on
Gooooooooooooood morning sir!
i don’t like him or watch him wrestle but that’s fucked.
Wish his family the best and hope they can rebuild
>badly damaged
You think?
He should start a new restaurant and call it "The Vanilla Midget"
This is where Nash got filled with ravioli
How does leaving on a burner burn the whole place down? I never understood how that works, the burner is on an oven away from everything
Kill yourself
>He is 82 years old
So he fathered Gargano at 45? Explains a lot actually
Is his the big titty Sister ok?
Ever heard of large flies? Cheech...
Going to take Johnny a lot of legos.
Kek, this is a clear cut case of insurance fraud.
I can't stand Johnny Sameface and would prefer it if he never wrestled again, but this is fucked up. I feel bad for his dad (and for Johnny). I would expect that, at age 82, the dad may just hang it up and retire. That's a real shame though because he clearly loved his work if he was still doing it at 82!
yea, ive seen some serious fires, and most of them still had 50% of the roof
this looks like the fire department wasnt called for several hours
If its a 50+ year old building then it is a 99% chance its a electrical fire.
Or there was an explosion, which is possible if they used gas burners
Use your DIY skills to rebuild it 4head
what was the name of the restaurant, or address?
I'm 40 and don't have kids. Should I even bother or am I gonna end up with a gay reddit midget for a son?
You absolutely should have kids, but do so with a younger woman. The dad's age isn't really the problem, typically. It's the age of the mom. Older women tend to produce kids with developmental issues.
That's good, I knew I'd have to get a young broad anyways. Too bad America sucks so bad or else I could get a hot 20 year old Colombian that's desperate for a green card.
if you aren't meticulous about cleaning, a bunch of grease will get caked onto various surfaces in the kitchen. especially the hood of the oven. the grease is highly flammable
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>when a civvie orders a hamburger with EXTRA ONION
no wonder his dad broke under the pressure. you don't know until you've been in the kitchen, you just don't fucking know.
thank you for your service, Jonathon Reddit Sr.
This is all Johnny Reddit's fault. He was the only one able to get inside the oven hoods and clean them and they've been building up ever since he joined WWE.
>82 year old dad
>Gargano is 36
>His dad was in his mid-40s when he had him
No wonder he's so Reddit.
Good thing his son is a millionaire that can just build him a new one, right?
Funny how you call him that while posting a reddit award winning image
almost as if it fits
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He has insurance and is a millionaire. He'll be fine.
Nothing a bit of duct tape can't fix
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>inb4 he cons his dad out of the insurance money and opens an antique toy store in Florida
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Threads like this remind me that a lot of /pw/'s posters have crippling, terrible fucking mental illnesses.
>badly damaged
might be understating it a bit
>get a hot 20 year old Colombian that's desperate for a green card
Are you me?
It’s called insurance fraud to save a failing business
>The dad's age isn't really the problem

Not true, children with older fathers are way more likely to be autistic or have other problems. Mens sperm absolutely degrades in quality, only difference is men can can continue knocking up women long past the point where they really should whereas women's junk straight up gives out.
So you are saying Mr. Woodhouse was like 65 when he knocked up PigCripple's mom?
How was the Gabagool tho?
That is not what happened dummy!

Lets just say it was Arson, and the perpetrator was Adam Cole BAYBAY
>parents in their 40s when they had him
That explains the toy-fixated autism on top of the stunted height.

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