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BREAKING: AEW wrestlers and fans are unable to conceptualize ideas without framing them in a way that compares them to slop for children
It backfires on them every fucking time kek
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>This is our Marvel civil war
Sad day for a certain someone always saying WWE does capeshit.
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Both companies are slop.
WWE is the Scorsese fed. AEW is the fed for neurodivergent ADHD gamers. This is an indisputable fact.
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>This is our Marvel civil war
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Come on, even WWE fans have to admit this was epic.
I lurk reddit for actual wrestling discussion free of rape and peds and see that SquaredCircle and Jerk both invoke Star Wars, Marvel, and Harry Potter regularly. I think it's a manchild problem not specific to AEW.
>referencing some comic book thing that happened 10 years ago and expecting us to know what they mean
do boomer comic nerds really?
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>I think it's a manchild problem not specific to AEW.
I'm not a virgin manchild or a nigcel, what does this mean?
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How did pro-wrestling go from wrestling to anime fighting?
This is pretty based I can't lie. Meanwhile WWE badly acted romance angles and Goosebumps lmaoooooo. Meanwhile we've got the wrestling equivalent of the Avengers. We literally cannot stop winning.
Millennial-and-younger wrestling fans are mostly emotionally stunted manchildren who predominantly enjoy other manchild entertainment, and those fans became/are continuing to become the wrestlers of today.
I actually did enjoy this.
People don’t know how to have fun, maggle.
Don't compare wyattslop to GOATbumps ever again you faggot
>"This is our Marvel civil war"
This is exactly what Cody described the main event of Mania as
Goldfish brain drones cant think that far back
>Team All Elite Wrestling is led by an Exfed guy
>Team Elite is full of home grown talent who became most famous by building AEW
What the fuck is this storytelling
Not that same guy but Goosebumps was boring as all shit when I was a kid.
Don’t know what anyone ever got out of it. It’s theme was always the sign that Saturday morning was over and it was time to go outside and play with friends.
He was faggy for that too

no leggies?
how the FUCK do you even say this without cringing right afterwards
These two have such good ring chemistry
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>BREAKING: AEW wrestlers and fans are unable to conceptualize ideas without framing them in a way that compares them to slop for children
WWE going PG slowly drove out the men that loved wrestling which catered to normal adults. PG era brought in man children, fats and literal retards
You're neurodivergent and you seem to have an axe to grind with AEW which by your own words was made specifically for people like you.

WWE is the Quentin Tarantino of wrestling. All of their good ideas are stolen.

AEW is like Jon Favreau. It's enjoyable but if you look at it under a microscope, you can tell he has no idea what he's doing and the cool shit happens by accident.
I mean wrestling has always been a manchild thing to enjoy. So you're just pointing the finger back at yourself and all of us. There's no high ground to stand on as a pro wrestling fan older than 10. Accept it. It's all good. Everyone has nerdy interests. No problem there. The issue is definitely that latter point and more so how whored out the business became. You can't even blame all the skinny fat midget retards who have become wrestlers. It's the people before them who didn't turn them away and instead took their money just to make a buck and trained them and broke them into the business who are at fault. It used to be gate kept so much more strongly. Maybe it's an internet thing too just in terms of the wealth of information we have at our hands. Go back a few generations and no one would have a fucking clue how you break into the pro wrestling business. Now anyone can google up schools in their area and find somewhere to train. That's a whole rant no one asked for. You can read more on my blog
>expect blood
>this is like marvel's civil war
Yes, all of those blood filled marvel movies
>You're neurodivergent and you seem to have an axe to grind with AEW which by your own words was made specifically for people like you.
A lot of words to say "I'm an angry, projecting pseud who tries to psychoanalyze 4chan posts but isn't intelligent enough to make a cogent point"
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You're not very smart, are you? It's okay to admit it, a lot of people are in the same boat as you.

WWE was not for adults under Vince Jr. It was a kid's show from the moment he bought out his dad until 1997 when it became trash TV for horny teenagers. Then it became an actual TV show for like a year in 2000 and went back to being trash TV until they decided to make it a kid's show again. Now under HHH, they have the right idea letting Paul Heyman book because he actually understands what keeps people tuning back in.
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That's a lot of words for "oink "
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e-sloppers acting like WWE is some avant-garde shit for intellectuals will always make me belly laugh
Oh, that's what you're mad about. You didn't have to post in a thread predicated on disavowing capeshit just to be angry. You could have ignored it instead of pretending to be intelligent.
>A lot of words to say "I'm an angry, projecting pseud who tries to psychoanalyze 4chan posts but isn't intelligent enough to make a cogent point"
There you are! You let the cord down.
pro wrestling IS slop for children
Hello from a front page board tourist, faggots! I haven't watched professional wrestling for 21 years and I'm glad I stopped. Pathetic!
>Hello from a tryhard edrone! I'm going to lie about how I saw this to try and make it seem like other people agree with me. Pathetic!
So this must be at AEWs Wrestlemania then right?
They wouldn't put something that huge on free TV, right?
Nice cope of Cody comparing the main event of fucking Wrestlemania to the same retarded capeshit that Swerve is for a throwaway Dynamite match
Had a clear shot on him but he had to do a gay twirl first...
This is how every breakout actor starts. This kids going places.
Civil War drew dimes, thats why AEW comparing themselves to it is corny while WWE is not because like Marvel, WWE has its logo and own section in the streaming service its a part of. WWE and Marvel draw dimes.
>Look everyone! We're just like our big bro Marvel! We even have our WWE® Superstars™ recording roles for their movi--ACK

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