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Rikishi calls out WWE’s booking of Jey Uso, questions if they are trying to break his marriage up by involving him with Rhea Ripley, and if that’s the best they got for him.

Also addresses people that are tired of The Bloodline

What a fucking mark. Whats jey character? some wannabe black guy spewing some stupid catchphrase? what was Rikishiii character? some samaon with a big ass?
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>Coconut is pissed fellow coconuts aren't being booked as Coco Gods
>Jey Uso
>the top babyface in the company
What drugs is Rikishi on?
not all Samoans are roman reigns.
I think the upcoming angle with Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley might be the best thing for Jey Uso at this time that's not Bloodline-related.

But at the same time, I do understand Rikishi's concern about love angles breaking up legit couples. I can emphasize with him in regards to that.
His sons already have a better career than he ever did, the fuck more does he want? He needs to just be honest and say he want Jey to be the main focus so he can come back in for another run.
>Rikishis podcast
No, no you're alright mate
good thing he's not in charge because Jey is more over than ever and is winning the tag titles with Sami
>jey has one of the top 3 worst matches in WrestleMania history
>Paul realizes this and that he's not a good wrestler and is more of an Entertainer
>Puts him in an angle where the main focus is being entertaining and not wrestling
Sounds like Paul is listening too the fans and also pushing jey while hiding his obvious faults
rikishi being so uppity does not surprise me at all, this coconut nigger lardass owes his career to lawler's son and scotty2hotty, the refusal to acknowledge them in his hof speech was always bush league

Rikishi was always the star out of him, Scotty 2 Hotty and Grand Master Sexay when Too Cool were in their prime for the year of 2000.

When Too Cool came on, more people wanted to see Rikishi.
rikishi was a fucking bum until he danced with too cool for the first time then when they split him off to do his solo thing and it bombed
I doubt he actually believes anything he’s saying.

Saying stupid shit is the internet way to get noticed in todays clown world. I bet before this nobody knew he even had a podcast.
Taylor and Lawler conned him out of merch and appearance money for years which is why he never acknowledged them
I think Jey could have been pushed a little more but Rikishi better be careful. He walks too close to the sun and WWE will cut his family off.
why are samoans so bad with money
It’s all fun and games with Cucky but
JEY? Hell naw not my son. Finna ruin his marriage and shit

if that's the case, then fuck Scotty 2 Hotty and Brian Lawler for stealing Rikishi's money.
Jey had already had more than enough pushes and probably more than he deserved
Definitely not ozempic
Yes because he was a freak show. A freak show that in his own gimmick was boring and only good for stinky ass gags. Too cool changed his character and got him over.
It's odd he hasn't shown up by now
Jey has been around for 10 years being a tag guy. Be happy he’s getting a push even though he routinely stinks up singles matches.

Jimmy Uso is probably even worse as a singles wrestler. He's the one that stunk up his Mania 40 match vs Jey Uso.

Jimmy doesn't seem as motivated to get a singles push like Jey is currently doing, and so that's why Jimmy got stiffed hard several times by Solo Sikoa for being intoxicated at Mania 40.
Why would it ruin a marriage. Don't they know it's a work
>Coconut nigger flinging his torches because his little kahunas aren't being hailed as the new chiefs
Rikishi is bigger than this nothingburger, but not by much.
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Does he know wrestling isn't a shoot?
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Remove Samoa.
what a mark
>Jey moving tons of merch
>Jey getting reactions and pops
>Jey making tons of money
>Jey's dad: WHY NO SINGLES BELT?????
What storyline has Jey been in for the past three months?
doesn't need one right now
don't fix something if it ain't broke
>pro wrestling TV show
>doesn't need storylines
retarded smarks at it finest
What the fuck is this mark talking about? Worked romance angles break up marriages?
rikishi is a punk bitch fat ass
Rikishi always came across as having a shitty attitude in every interview I have seen him give. He probably says this same shit around his family all the time and they all agree because they are an insular ethnic enclave and then just assumes it's true.

Nobody watching the WWE wants to see more samoans
>Jey is one of the longest reigning tag team champs along with his brother.
>Jey was a member of one of the most overpowered (and profitable) factions in the wrestling business in recent years.
>Jey went from being despised by everyone to loved by everyone in a short amount of time.
>Jey now has fans popping in their seats
>Jey has people buying all his merch
>Jey has WWE shoveling handfuls of money
>Jey is actively being saved every week from getting any of the Wyatt family shit on him (RIP Gable)
>Jey isn't getting lost in the shuffle of all the new coconut chewing wrestlers fighting Cody
>Jey is now being paired up with the top WWE female wrestler in one of the companies biggest story angles

"yEaH, bUt WhY dOnT dEy PuT dA bElT oN mUh BoI?"
"wHy He GoTtA dO dA kIsSy KiSsY fAcE wIt Da WhItE wOmAn?"
What a greedy fatass
His kids killing it, he doesn't need a belt
Let him have fun and make that money
Rikishi hates the Jey Uso and Rhea thing because he thinks it'll ruin Jey's real life relationship.

I hate it because I'm racist.
Wasn't Rikishi a pretty shit father to The Usos? I recall Jimmy saying that he wishes he was present at more than just weddings
>questions if they are trying to break his marriage up by involving him with Rhea Ripley
Kek what a mark. There's a reason Rey isn't like this about Dom's marriage.

only Rikishi loves Jey more than Jimmy. Rikishi knew Jimmy was bad news with his constant DUI arrests and substance abuse issues.

he'd be more proud of Jey for striving to achieve main event success, while he'd be more disappointed in Jimmy for drinking away his singles career.
Dom is also not white but you project and self insert onto him, Kys Paco.
>>>Jey is now being paired up with the top WWE female wrestler in one of the companies biggest story angles
Is Rikishi retarded? He says this might break up their actual marriages
It's impossible for a woman to leave Dom
I'm not mexican. I allow it for Dom because he's specifically Dirty Dom, son of Latino Heat. It's implied in his character that the relationship is inherently wrong.
He's a fucking mark.

to be fair, Rikishi was born and raised to treat kayfabe with respect and dignity at a time when being in character in public is a must.
what a FAT markoid. doesn't this obese dancing faggot know wrestling is fake?
This has me thinking. Are there really millions of boomers out there still watching wrestling treating this shit like it's pretty real and think the storylines will actually have major effects on these people real lives?
He should respect kayfabe by not making himself look like a moron. If Jey's marriage hasn't been acknowledged in kayfabe than it doesn't exist.
It sounds more like he thinks wrestling is real. Just listen to the Bloodline part you can clearly see he believes The Bloodline is a real thing for over 70 years.
Please do tell who Jey's been feuding with for the past 3 months
At least he’s getting payed and making money.
Sure thing Juan.
He's mega over and moving tons of merch who cares? Austin more or less did nothing from the period where he forfeit the IC to when he won the world title. He had a single confrontation with Vince and got super kicked twice, and spent the rest of those 3 months doing jack shit of importance but no one gave a shit because they just wanted to see him
they are selling shitloads of those yeet foam hands
Except Austin won the Royal Rumble lmao
So you're saying Jey won KOTR then?
These are two entirely different time periods and story writing. The facts are clear: Jey is selling merch, but not in a way that begets investment. He's the embodiment of a fad. I'm sure LA Knight experienced the same thing.
In Austin's case it was more beneficial because he was basically booked as the main character. Jey is not. Should he be? I don't know. I think his character needs to revert back to being the misguided and confused man with a big chip on his shoulder thanks to Roman. If I had to guess, they're either waiting to see how long "yeet" can draw merch, or they'll just switch after some time once they had their fill. I've said it before, but there's too many stars. If you're asking me if I'd pick between seeing Jey over Drew, or Punk, or Seth, or Cody or many others I can list, I'd tell you no. Not right now at least. They're gonna have to build him up from being a mid card meme merchant to an actual star.
Who cares?
Wrestling is a work, the point is to keep fans entertained enough to continue shelling out money.
If all your fans don't care what kind of match you have as long as you throw your hands in the air and say "YEET", then don't sawdust yourself like some indie goof,
just put on a simple match, and take the check to the bank in the morning.
Your body, mind, and kids will thank you in the future.
I don't think the marks realize he's in kayfabe when he says stuff like this. It was obvious after the first few Rikishi headlines.
Samoans are always such colossal marks. Afa threw a hissy fit when Roman came up short for one single Wrestlemania night and said Roman should quit.
It’s really cringy.
What a useless post in a world where Damien Priest is a WHC.
Again, who has Jey been feuding with for the past 3 months?
yeah his character is way off now
Video of stiff shots?
Or you could book him in ANY storyline and make 10 times more money and 10 times more entertaining TV.
But it's cool you guys are admitting that the second most over guy in the company is not booked in any feuds and proving that Big 'Kish is right
Clearly Priest is the outlier, and very obviously a pet project or something of H. That's the only reasonable answer. Vince had plenty of those, H was bound to have one. What he sees in him is beyond everyone. In my eyes, Priest is at least getting better at promos at a rapid rate, but his work is a bit shoddy still. Not to mention an incredibly bad string of luck at PPVs so far. I don't think he's getting pinned at Slam. He's obviously turning face. And he has that panel or whatever at a preshow or something; so again, H is HEAVILY in favor of Priest for some reason...
Putting that aside, if the company and Jey stand to make more money doing yeet, then I guess they'll do it. Pretty sure the environment there is more open than ever, and I'd think Jey at least has some type of wiggle room to where he wants to take his character.
They do this even when they are. Can never please these Samoans.
such a disgrace by rikishi.
>"ignorant savage headshrinker" rikishi
>"making a difference for the young coconiggers" rikishi
>"arab muslim warrior" rikishi
>"ugly fire breathing sumo nigger" rikishi
that last gimmich would have flamed out if he didn't hook up with too cool. literally would be remembered as a worthless coco jobber if not for what they did for him. him not mentioning them in the hall of fame speech is the ultimate slap in the face and it made me want to puke. what a queer and a jabroni.
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