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I bet this popped the neckbeard audience with their trans flags
It actually fucking did
do u edrones want ur ass kicked!
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that anon should be blaming aew for having so much man on man facehumping. why does aew have so much man on man facehumping anyways
I bet little rock just loved this spot.
my girlfriend (male) and I watch dynamite every week and this spot got us so hot that we sucked each other's cocks all night. God I love professional wrestling bros
cool example from 25 years ago anon
Wtf is this shit
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it happens all the time on aew for some reason.
It doesn't matter retard
>50 years of WWE TV show
>one webm
>5 years of aew
>an endless trove of man on man facehumping footage
I'm not a console war fag. But that's too far. His dick is hitting his face. Like c'mon.
that's pretty gay. shoot gay, though. like it makes me think that there are a lot of backstage gay orgies in aew involving guys like MJF, Ospreay and Garcia and they're getting off by acting out their sex on live TV.
ya console wars aside, wtf is this shit fr
Gay stuff
aewtists just avoid the question
Should I post big daddy v humping people?
no need to brag about your connection of softcore gay raceplay vids anon
It's a visual plea. Ospreay is defeated and tired and MJF violates him. Ospreay is the face and MJF literally fucks him over. Ospreay is accepting of Judeo Chrisitan beliefs and so tries to set aside his differences with MJF by performing a traditional bris circumcision with his mouth. Notice the lack of fight in Ospreay. The supplication, hands on his knees like a choir boy. Notice MJF's hip thrusts, "workman like" a play and perversion of what Ospreay is known for. AEW is gayer than what you like.
KWAFGFHP kek what a fucking gay face humping promotion
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Men humping other men's faces are the knife edge chops of AEW.
im sure you enjoyed big e smacking people in the ass
>im sure you enjoyed big e smacking people in the ass
If that was gay what is this?
Is that supposed to be worse than shoving a dick into a guy's face?
You miss new day twerking on your screen?
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>Doesn't answer the question
If that's gay what is this?
im sure you enjoyed rikishi rubbing his ass on mens faces
embarrassing, gAyEW is the worst
>keeps avoiding the question
Legit can't critique your fag fed. Doesn't matter since you're making the comparisons. If that is gay what is this?
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aew fans only defense is whataboutism
this thread is hilarious and i will never stop laughing at aew
lol you're seething
That's every thread btw
Man, there sure is a lot of homoerotic stuff on AEW! They definitely know their audience well
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kek I LOVE laughing at AEW and I DO be posting face humping webms in every thread!! KWAPAC
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What about all the broncobusters, suckits, and stinkfaces? That shit aint gay??
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bro guys are literally smacking other guys in the face with their cocks in an overtly sexual manner on aew. be real anon.
that's super gay.
anon if those were gay, then what is the OP post?
you're gay
why is this company so fucking gay
every other week there's a new gay shit webm getting spammed
AEW cant die fast enough
no sir, I don't like it
>*Dad walks in*
you're the one watching men sprinkle simulated gay oral sex into their wrestling matches every week.
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it really do be like that.. Tony Khan is a sick pervert
lmao is this some fresh OC? Fukkin saved

I'll give you 20 grand to delete this immediately! 50k! Please do it now!
gay company
Is this true?
'fraid so.
mfw Liv Morgan's butt jiggles
oh no no no no no tonybros not like this
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>you're the one watching men sprinkle simulated gay oral sex into their wrestling matches every week.
wow great example from 20 years ago anon
>MJF vs Ospreay is the modern equivalent of Viscera vs a jobber
Excellent point.
anon if that's gay then what is the OP post?
I'm sorry you're upset that you're being reminded that you like to watch softcore gay porn
Why are you mad that someone is posting a 5 star classic? That's what you like isn't it?
can you defend MJF facefucking Ospreay during their match or nah?
no, they can't. they won't admit that they like it either
>60 minute ironman match from your 2 top guys vs midcard feud between Xpac and Road Dogg
there is an epidemic of man on man facehumping in aew and I think we deserve an explanation
>aewbros, just what exactly is going on here?
Tony is literally a faggot and wants this gay shit on TV becasue it gets him off.
AEW Butts & Nuts
>Face humping that involves the two wrestlers that have AEW tattoos
What did Tony mean by this? Is it a fetish?
>a rib
>Nobody posted Hard Gay humps webms yet
Neck yourselves, all of you.
I thought AEW isn't WWE? Why is the "top" heel copying a mid-carder from 20 years ago?
that's mjf's entire gimmick anon
Someone explain the psychology behind that?
>I sure love rubbing my penis in men's faces
there isn't any other than just acting like a faggot
If this makes you uncomfortable then you're a closeted faggot!
nah bro I just don't like watching gay bliwjobs
Somehow the gayest thing in this big thread of gayness
can just one aewtist please explain all of the man on man facehumping in aew? it's a very simple request
they don't have one. they just complain about these webms being posted. the cord hasn't really honed their message on this yet.
Y'see piggie, in actual wrestling promotions, the wrestlers have characters, which get expressed through signature gestures known as taunts. Do you need me to spoonfeed you the rest?
A heel is taunting his opponent with a sexually provocative gesture
it's done to demoralize and humiliate their opponents and get heat from the crowd
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It's a very old classic heel schtick done in wrestling all the time
how many guys in aew have the man on man facehumping character? seems like a lot.
aew characters are very close to their real personalities. why is Ospreay always the one taking it is a better question
>e-drones think 1 is a lot
'e's shaggin' 'is 'ead
>attitude era
>dx who was known for doing juvenile shit
>2 guys drugged out of their minds
You can't use this as a "bad fed did it" gotcha when aew's slogan is "where the best wrestle" and both times aew has done it's been to their supposed best workrate guy. Post a webm of Road Dog doing this to Austin or Rock.
File deleted.
>the wwe example is from the same time period as when mae young gave birth to a hand, big boss man fed al snow his dog and the owner of the company pissed his pants over a toy gun
wwe's slogan during the attitude era wasn't "where the best wrestle"
anon there are multiple webms in this thread alone
>If you don't like watching literal homosexual behavior then you're actually a homosexual
Unironically kys
>each webm is a different person

I'd say "you can't be this stupid" but then I remember you're an e-drone.

>6 minutes of seethe
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sorry you're right it's Ospreay getting blasted in the face by multiple cocks. what's his character?
The best thing about this shit is AEW fans "whataboutism" where they claim WWE did gay shit but at the same time won't critique or admit the shit Ospreay does is fucking gay. Mind broken.
I thought that they hated WWE and that aew was for real wrestling
sports based presentation
You sound like a butthurt E-drone
>I thought that they hated WWE and that aew was for real wrestling
Real wrestling in AEW means getting face fucked.
>how many guys in aew have the man on man facehumping character?
>>e-drones think 1 is a lot
Literally admits that not only does AEW have a face humping gimmick but that's Asspray. KEK. You are the worst person to defend AEW which is you're so good at it.
yo wtf is ospreay doing in that webm tho
That's sign language for "Come fuck my face."
is this the ring psychology I keep hearing about?
Wrestling, remember when it used to be edgy and fun? This is disrespectful as fuck and great heel work
>anon likes seeing man on man oral sex
you're a faggot bro
Stinkfaces are actually funny. This Gayew crap is just gay.
No I don’t, I would have if he did this shit while I was in the crowd
>This is disrespectful
Modern fans think getting fucked in the face is only "disrespectful". It would have been fine if he asked permission first and shared his pronouns I guess.
yeah remember when undertaker pretended to facefuck Stone Cold all those times?
you do though. you think it's fun when one guy performs simulated oral sex on another guy. you said so here >>15328564
aewfags evacuate this thread really fast hmmm I wonder why? maybe because it's indefensible?
Every argument for this spot has been a variation of "WWE did a gay thing once 30 years ago." He can't admit this shit is fucking gay though.
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it all started here
imagine watching this and being ok with it
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Tony memory holing Joey Ryan being on AEW is the height of hypocrisy.
Humiliation Ritual
it's mostly humiliating for the people watching it
the attempts at explanations from aewtists itt are funny as fuck kek
so they've been watching gay shit on aew since the start?
Joey Ryan was never in AEW, so Tony couldn't memory hole it
this thread has mindbroken one aewtist so thoroughly that he's been Google image searching "WWE crotch shots" for hours and all he's come up with is Dolph Ziggler doing a hip thrust by himself
PiggiEs are really fixated on this webm, I think it excites them
heel is disrespecting face by treating him like a bitch, I don’t get what the issue is here

You acting like MJF pulled his cock out and shoved it up Ospreays mouth
No but I remember when Rikishi literally stuck people’s faces into his asshole
Thats the exact moment i turned it off and never watched again
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he's simulating gay oral sex, anon. is this something that regularly happens to you?
>he's simulating gay oral sex
Yes, he’s visualizing to the audience that the face is his bitch to make them hate him

Again you’re acting like the motherfucker raped ospreys on television
>Yes, he’s visualizing to the audience that the face is his bitch to make them hate him
the only way aew wrestlers know how to do that is by hitting another man in the face with their cocks? also you watched that and thought it was good?
>no guys I swear it's totally normal to hump each other in the face haha you guys should try it on me it's such an epic own haha
you're gay bro
despite all the facehumping aew still couldn't even get an 800k
>I don't get it it's just one guy grinding his dick in another guys face like it's not a big deal
listen to yourself ffs
at first I thought it was just the OP vid but WTF why are they rubbing their cocks in each other's faces so much in aew?
aew fans love it anon
what are these supposed to be
do they really
cool example from 25 years ago, boomeranon
so seriously tho why is there so much facehumping in aew
Remember how in AEW first ever ppv a guy came out with a bunch of dicks?
Why are you even surprised?
>He's just pretending to be gay
>Remember how in AEW first ever ppv a guy came out with a bunch of dicks?
nah I never watched aew
It's Tony's barely disguised fetishist. He's a gay man.
it's the only recourse they have because the facehumping is so blatantly gay
Nigga you’re the one who brought up Austin and The Rock first cause you know all these modern wwe wrestlers are gay as fuck world champion Damian Priest literally had gay threwsomes with Matt Riddle and no one cares Seth Rollins cross dressing in the main event of Wrestlemania shut the fuck up im tired of you bitch ass niggas on here all day like women just yapping if you don’t like AEW just don’t watch dumb bitch
The only way? No but it fit the storyline because Daniel Garcia was involved in their feud and does the same thing, it was a 3 second spot and everyone moved on
I think you’re the one projecting homo, it’s grown men fighting in underwear
Why do you always do this cringe ghetto black thing when you're the furtherest thing from it? Get some self esteem you sad fuck.
Crazy that I see him there at AEW event.
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>guys rubbing their cocks on each other's faces is a storyline
Is this what Tony means when he says AEW is "for the sickos"? Does he think gay people are sickos?
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Uh, how is that NOT a storyline?
yeah Tony is basically saying that if you like live gay sex, aew is for you
Does that make it not gay?
Shut up bitch now you’re the one deflecting cause you have no counteragent for Seth Rollins dressing like a faghot on WWE’s biggest show of the year

Concession accepted
yeah man remember when Seth Rollins pretended to have Damian Priest suck his cock at WrestleMania by rubbing it in his face?
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>this is wrestling
>Fight forever
yikes on bikes
>aewbros, just what exactly is going on here?
Edrones haven't learned about sex yet? That tracks
Seth Rollins has had sex with a woman. Tiony is a childless 42 year old who could easily be a closeted gay man
are you saying the mjf and ospreay had sex during their match anon
super gay
holy kek saved
Is... is this how you think sex goes? Clothed men humping your face standing on a ring post?
he's already gone back to the cord to try to come up with a new cope for why he's watching gay shit
state of rovert
yes that's what I'm saying
Proof that WWE is gayer than GAYEW, obviously.
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Based DX chad
yeah man remember the time that HHH rubbed his cock in Shawn Michaels' face?
That was Pat Patterson
That isn't proper English, and no you didn't. He's never been at an AEW event.
cool example from 30 years ago, boomeranon
No but I remember him dressing like a faggot and Damian Priest having gay threesomes with his Matt Riddle lmao
holy shit priest and riddle had a gay threesome on WWE TV?
I would post something more recent but WWE is PG slop for babies now
No but Riddle was wrestling barefoot with his cock bulge visible as well so thanks for reminding of that!
>I would post something more recent but I can't because it doesn't exist
oh wow anon how many times did he rub his cock in another guys face on TV?
He got fucked in the asshole wore booty shorts and was the world champion kek
he got fucked in the asshole on WWE TV?
just backstage, how do you think he kept his job so long with all those allegations?
wow so noone rubbed his cock in another guys face on WWE TV?
Their TV is run by these two fags, if they could get rid of PG you'd see that every week
>admits that there is no man on man facehumping in WWE
your concession is accepted anon. now why do you enjoy watching men hump other men's faces?
You're the one who posts 200 gifs of this per day, you tell me
you watch them every time? pretty gay, anon.
nah thats you
I dunno anon I'm not the one who watches softcore gay porn every Wednesday night
yeah you watch it every night

Are we done here
yeah that's just like the OP post
LMAO this aewtist spent his entire night searching for WWE humping gifs. holy fuckin triggered
this thread sent the cord into a sputtering seethe
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Agreed, glad we’ve come to a conclusion
>autist can't detect sarcasm
many such cases
that's fuckin gross. aewtists watch this?
Just like every thread, the aew cord got the fuck beaten out of them in this one. No wonder they’ve been melting down so badly kek
Pot calling the kettle
this thread was a really embarrassing showing for them tbqh. they should have just no sold it.
They’re a shoot cult, they’re too emotionally invested in a dead indie to no sell it
I get it but even aewtists should be able to admit that this shit is gay as fuck. they're literally slapping each other in the faces with their cocks ffs
>schizo posting
yes you are
I didn'ty watch aew. does this gay shit happen every week?
so it does happen every week?
Gay as fuck. Y’all trannies built a cult around this?
it's crazy right
seriously is there not one aewtist here who can just admit that this is gay as fuck and aew should stop it
yeah this thread is just full of samefag
but enough about you
Ohhhh so this is why the aewcord is losing it kek
Can you admit you're worked?
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for the sickos (to download)
Serious question; is his gimmick that he's a twink or male stripper or a fag? Why does he do this overtly gay shit in every match? These are his spots his calling.
your discord
worked how?
miss me up with this gay shit
They legit like this gay shit. They don't like it in the "lol that's fucking gay" way either. They watch this shit like Tony in the "GIWTWM that's fucking gay" way.
yeah it's really sad. if this happened on raw, E-GODS would call it gay and condemn it.
I don't think Garcia has a gimmick or even a persona, it's just a charisma vacuum soulless gay tropes piled together
before he was the bottom
I only watch AEW and I love having other man’s balls in my face
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Minoru Suzuki twerking
You got the one with Billy Gunn?
>even more man on man facehumping in aew
it just keeps happening
lol wtf
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>my girlfriend (male)
>girlfriend XX chromosomes
>male XY chromosomes
defend this, ya fuckin gay trannies
well done anon that's good detective work
so how isn't this gay as hell again?
why cant e drones stop talking about gay stuff?
why can't aewtists stop rubbing their cocks in each other's faces
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must be attitude era fans
cool examples from 25 years ago, boomeranon
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i bet these two homos would love to run that kinda stuff back but the shareholders make them show pg trash for toddlers
im sure you'll be happy if netflix lets them though
cool headcanon anon but on aew guys are shoot trying to shove their dicks into each other's mouths. what are your thoughts on that?
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maybe they're looking for a wwe job?
anon can you admit that the facehumping in aew is gay and excessive? console wars aside, just try to not be a faggot cultist for a minute and look at things objectively.
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I think you talking about it all day is excessive. I think you might have HOCD.
so you don't think it's gay when guys are rubbing their cocks in will ospreays face all the time?
>can you admit AEW has too much face humping?
No I don't. I think it's a visual plea.
I don't think about it at all
you've been seething about it being pointed out for 12 hours
I'm just annoyed by your raging HOCD
I'm troubled by your raging erection for man on man facehumping
pissing off homophobes, lil donnie
Another one? Everyday we stray further from God.
will they ever end?
Tribalism aside why is AEW so fucking gay. Unironically. Wrestling is supposed to emulate actually combat sports.

Could you imagine Mike Tyson doing this faggot shit?

Aew is truly a company for mentally ill troons
I don't think anyone knows anon. there is even more gay shit happening on aew tonight apparently
yeah it took one (1) aew show for more overtly gay simulated sex to happen inside of the ring
really? what happened?
some guy got into the buttsex position with some other guy.
oh dear
it's fucked. you'd think one thing everyone would be able to agree on is that rubbing dicks in your opponents faces is gay
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>he's posted this webm 100 times in the past 4 days
this thread really mindbroke you huh
>drone gets caught out as a massive, no life having faggot
Hurr ur so mad
There's no need to be a closeted homosexual about it, I mean it's AEW
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>caught out
Ya seethin
What you chatting bro?
Me on the left
I didn't make this thread but kek the willposting one was me
very interesting indeed

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