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Top Dolla can't even take a genuine compliment without whining
>No I haven't improved
Based Flop Dolla keepin it 100
What a retard. Also
>"You've improved so much"
If he's saying he sucks then we can only take his word for it
Once Jonah had his glow-up, the wrestling world needed a new morbidly obese neckbearded lolcow of ambiguous ethnicity. I thank Top Dolla for his sacrifice.
>no I’m still a shitter
Realistic Dolla
kek based top dolla
Either way congrats man.
he's saying he's always been good just never given opportunities jesus christ you faggots are retarded
what the hell did Midpact even see in this guy to sign him?
He got opportunities but failed to get over
because he's shit and the color of it lmfao
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Why couldn't he just say "Thanks"?
Great question. I don't understand it at all. They could literally hire some random hobo off the street, train him for a couple weeks, and he would be better than Slop Dollar. I bet a crazy methhead gimmick would be fire too.
Not "hood" enough of a response.
His match at the PPV was pretty fun. He's not a good promo and he's not very technically gifted, but he can put on an enjoyable garbage match.
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Impossible to explain how and why I love this man so much
He's right top dolla and PCO had a fun garbage match
Holy shit I wasn't expecting the move to be that shitty.
Slop dolla and queef pee should compete in a killing match that ends in a double murder
not worth a thread
He's working a gimmick. I know its crazy, a wrestler in kay5 on twitter on the deal but flop dolla does one thing right and its staying heel nonstop. Him gloating with that title belt he bought recently was his best work in TNA.
Never been a fan but he's "fine" as a big dumb goofy heel who gets his shit pushed in by his betters. Also gives swann something to do which he's lacked since Mack left.
looks like he got over there, just that he pivoted over the rope itself and landed almost back into the ring
lets get together and sing everyone
>I tried to make it in the nfl
>I tried to dive and I just fell
Gotta love the Cheez-It Champion
he's the best they've ever had...
The last real heel in wrestling.
>Can't rap
>Can't wrestle
>Booked to rap and wrestle

Can we stop posting about this bald mall cop already?
he's actually perfect in the lower card heel position and his connections means he can bring out semi famous rappers to help promote the show
This. That's all anyone's pointing out. Instead he shoves his one fan's compliment back in his face. Guy's a dipshit
Does anyone have the webm of him missing the corner kick,rolling out the ring and breaking the corner of the table from the PPV?
nah thats you
1. There's (somehow) value in being a lolcow tier terrible wrester. Trainwrecks have the opportunity to go viral.
2. He's a big guy. Even if he sucks, there aren't that many of them, especially ones with any real kind of name value. Worst case scenario, you've got a lowcard David vs Goliath match.
Sometimes I think my dream of becoming a wrestler as a hobby is stupid, and then I see the "professionals" in action and I feel hope again.
DDP started at 36.
Anon I got into it a bit late, I was a high school athlete but now I'm in the shape of my life, surrounded by motivated, healthy people working towards a common goal who look after each other. Please find a good school in your area. Your dream is not stupid. I've been training for under a year and even if I somehow never debut, I have friends, a personal trainer, a powerlifting and acrobatics/gymnastics coach all from this beautiful sport.
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maybe my most hated person in wrestling of all time.
absolute dogshit at wrestling, completely terrible. and the guys ego is unreal. can't even take a compliment without coming across as a piece of shit. I think I'm going to tell him to kill himself on twitter.
Fucking howling
>Retard is a fucking retard while calling others retarded
My favourite kind of post.
Incredible control of his body. I could never!
I started training in my mid 20's when I started working out. I played sports in highschool, but never was super athletic or trained seriously.

The move flop dolla is attempting in that webm is called an esculara. It's a pretty basic lucha spot. After one night of learning it, everyone in class was able to do it 100x more graceful than Dolla did on Smackdown.

Definitely start training anon, it's fun.
Not quite my tempo
Twitter has taught people to be rude and mean, to always be "clapping back" and "dunking" on people.

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