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Izzy thread
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I heard she’s a ring rat already
Will she ever be in the big leagues?
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You finna know it!
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huh, what's going on down there?
I am as much of a gooner as the next guy but what did brainwash women into believing it is normal to walk around showing their vaginas?!
nice pussey on this bird
Stop lewding her!
I don't know who that is
No one posts in these threads anymore because some Jenny found out her real age and started banning anons. The good stuff was posted months ago. Too late.
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Lol, wrong! I've never caught a ban for Izzyposting, even back on /asp/.

OP's thread just feel a little low effort
>"Hey everybody, post Izzy!"

No mention of her Championship win, upcoming match with El Rosa Negra, her move to TX, her going to college, training, her new dog, her feud with Thunder Rosa, etc.
I'll take a million Nash threads over a single pedo thread
You're on a pedo board
She going to prom?
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>pedo thread
I just introduced you to the concept of a three dimensional person and you're still minimalizing a female wrestler because she's 17 years, 51 weeks, 12 hours, 3 minutes old - you sick fuck!

Meanwhile, you have no problem with 14 year old Becky having sex with Finn Balor in exchange for wrestling lessons.
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>Will she ever be in the big leagues?
Izzy is doing it the right way, paying her dues on the indy scene. And while she trains, she's going to college in TX. Anons don't know that she's a book nerd and finished high school early (with honors).

Getting an education is her primary goal right now.
they literally wear thongs as "bathing suits" and no one fucking blinks an eye at it.
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>Izzy Moreno first came to public attention as a super fan to then NXT talent Bayley. She gained attention at NXT TakeOver: Respect in 2015 when Bayley's opponent Sasha Banks removing her hair bow and made her cry. This was referenced in March 2019 when Bayley and Banks returned to NXT as the first WWE Women's Tag Team champions. Mention was made of TakeOver: Respect and Banks looked at Moreno saying "Izzy remembers", and Bayley quickly assuring Moreno that Banks was okay now. These events helped inspire Moreno to be a professional wrestler.
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>She going to prom?
it's probably Homecoming
she famously skipped Prom to win her first Hardcore Match
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I'm going to meet Izzy Moreno in person next month! And like Johnny Gargano's Dad, she's gonna burn the house down!
Hope she has a record player because I bought her Taylor Swift's new record on vinyl.
huh what u mean
>And like Johnny Gargano's Dad, she's gonna burn the house down!
insurance scam
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>she's already getting top billing in the indies
this is what the fed exposure does
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crazy right?!?!
next stop...
Is she suppose to be some kind of beautiful girl in England? God damn the standards are low.
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I'm sure you looked like Brad Pitt when you were 14, ya pizza faced faggot. In England, we'd call you a "chimney sweeping poof".
no mention of her OnlyFans?
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Izzy doesn't charge her fans, sorry paypig
I'm Aussie you poof. Every single pom I meet tells me any random Aussie beach is the most beautiful place they've been to. And yes if I transitioned I'd look more like a girl than your queen.
Why does her head look like an inverted triangle?
she looks too much like her dad and not enough like her mom
why there so many pedo niggas on this board lol
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The world is full of "pedos" dummy. Most people are just hebephiles though.
This real?
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>show up to "Deadpool & Wolverine" and Izzy is sitting alone next to you
wat do?
Respectfully watch the movie next to her in total silent
There is literally nothing interesting about this "wrestler" aside from the sheer timing of when she came into relevance, when she was really young.
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she's into cosplay. nerds love that.
No she's on her way to my house for more wrestling training
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>Izzy is only popular because she was a superfan in NXT
if that's all it takes to be the hottest star in independent prowrestling, then sign me up to be MLW Champion because Matt Riddle is my #1 BRO!
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Why does your head look like a brown pakistani penis? Seriously, you have so many fat folds in your neck, it looks like uncircumcised.
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>Lol, wrong! I've never caught a ban for Izzyposting, even back on /asp/.
>OP's thread just feel a little low effort
>>"Hey everybody, post Izzy!"
>No mention of her Championship win, upcoming match with El Rosa Negra, her move to TX, her going to college, training, her new dog, her feud with Thunder Rosa, etc.
bet this fat fuck smelled her feet after training.
you queens should look up "Charm City Gamer" and gossip about that
(the Jews call you "yentas")
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her Dad won't even know ;)
imma finna lick a black man's cum of her tummy once she turns 18!!!
izzy's not even a hot jailbait, her face is busted
>Izzy is doing it the right way, paying her dues on the indy scene
That's not the right way. She would benefit more from college sports then go through NXT. She's just wasting time at mudshows and will need to unlearn all the garbage she picks up there before she can start learning, putting her behind the rest of her NXT intake.
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shut up AEW fag
anon used the word 'mudshow' so he aint an aew fan

holy shit now that you mention charmcitygamer
he has the same typing style
izzypedo might actually be jj/ccg
Does this person have any friends? I don't think I've ever seen another person in any of the photos or videos you weirdos post of her.
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Of course she has friends. Tons of em. She's very popular. Here's Izzy at a house party after her high school won the big game!
>wrestling is so big in some states indie cards can be THIS bad
You can thank AEW for killing the indy scene.

Izzy, for her part, doesn't turn down any shows unless she's already booked. Most wrestlers, even fans like you, think it's beneath a wrestler to do such a small venue. You forgot what prowrestling is all about. Izzy knows that it's all about the grind.
Where else?
very sexy girl. totally knows what she's doing. absolutely wants and needs it and that's perfectly fine. cute smile and nice puffy.
Why you guys dislike her?
I dont get it...
Nobody dislikes Izzy. /pw/ is just a contrarian board.
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Do not underestimate what Izzy is capable of
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Izzy would never kill her wife and son.
neither would Chris, it's a frame up
>nice puffy
virgins do be like that
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Iz has a nice phat ass too
J-Lo style
Actually it's too huge
So remind me again why you faggots care about some generic, gold spoon born nepobaby living her childish fantasies?
why is she wearing leggings at the pool? why does it look like they're on backwards?
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>fall in love or get out the game
Nice photoshop
She's 26.
Thats because Izzy is pro abortion and genderqueer
This literally doesn't explain anything.
She isn't.
Take it Izzy guys!
don't post her feet here
Why is Yoda making that face?
Trying to avoid seeing the cameltoe
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>Zoom in
Anyone have the pool house video??
Its forbidden
Bros why is it so hot seeing a young girl grow and develop into a beautiful woman? Is this what having a daughter is like?
Only if you're a pedo
She literally became over with many here because of her age. Once that's through so will they.
You're wrong, she has that "it" factor.
Someday in the near future she will be doing big things.
her forehead is too big and her chin is too pointy
also she sucks at promos
still wood tho
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Where the magic happens
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I've seen it. No big deal.
Just share
Still can't believe that one is fucking real, so hot, truly the moment she began her journey of using her sexuality for popularity.
No glowie
how is this thread still up
Tranny jannie probably hanged himself
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Future superstar
shut the fuck up
Now I feel bad
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It's cool.
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>izzy is 4 frens
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>Future superstar
She's got an indy show with Joe Hendry coming up! She's officially "made it!"

I believe in Izzy Moreno
how does this thread stay up yet i post franny capaldi in /tv/ and get perma-banned
Imagine the grip of that thing
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Kek. The trick with /tv/ is persistence and staying on topic. For example, don't post Franny outright, provide justification:
>"Twisters sucked, they should have cast Franny. Imagine these tittays spinning around!"

Keep grindin' bruv.
if you like that sort of stuff, you should watch the 90s film "KIDS" - it's about a dude named Telly who only sleeps with virgins (while having HIV)
it wasnt an op it was a post in a franny-centric thread, fuck jannies
>sleeps with virgins (while having HIV)
Now legal and endorsed in the state of California.
This girl is literally 16
yes and posting a legal adult (franny) in /tv/ earns a permaban so fuck jannies in their stupid double standard cunts
Yeah but she hotter than most adult women. Your point?
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/tv/ mods and jannies are the absolute worst, but truth is /tv/ always had a cunny issue
Black volleyball shorts can make any woman appear they have a tight vag, volleyball shorts some how look good on 90% of women under the age of 40
Phone posting is superior for a reason, unless you have a dynamic IP. They hash block content also, 4chan wants blue boards to make money, but that is a fucking pipe dream
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You know what I like about Izzy? She has a potty mouth. Says "shit" and "fuck" in front of her parents. And recently made a joke about pissing her pants.
Slu*ting it up
At that age she is as physically and mentally mature as she's ever going to be.
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>16 year olds

You clearly have interacted the modern teenager. Gen Alpha is so fucking stupid they are going to doom this planet. So I’m just gonna assume you’re pedo filth.
My gf got mad at me for something I said to her in a dream. Women are retarded in general
Why didn't you dump her right then and there? Or at least smack her?
Well yeah I should have said ex really
What did u say to her in the dream?
Shes not as attractive as she thinks she is, Ring rat is what she will amount to
Why are you gay?
Not gay, why are you a pedo?
Her Pateron is wild lmao
Remember when she was hot? Like 3 or 4 years ago. The Wall is undefeated
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she's not even attractive, i swear you only post her because of her age. bit strange
You are the one obsessed with her age, I just think shes a future superstar
Remember back when yoga pants were something fun youd see a woman wear in like target? Now every grotesque fat fuck wears them, society changed whats acceptable but i hope i never run across seing a womans lips while im out shopping.
Don't forget how high-waisted every single pair of pants are now. Women are so desperate to hide their tums for some reason that they prefer to look like bloated muffin tops.
it’s quite sad you know.
they call fans of joshi wrestling, “joshipaedos”.
but then they masturbate furiously to creepy, underage, ugly, freckled, bald whyte girls, and rush to support and defend them.
wtf does joshi have to do with izzy, fag?
Please take your meds
Music makes me lose control. This is not just rock and roll. Hip hop digs right to the soul. RZA beats are out of control.
claude type look frfr
is this you?
yes you got me
I thought that was you! We met in line for Izzy Moreno at WrestleCade, I was the dude who lied to his girlfriend about birthday shopping so I could get autographs.
how is this thread still up
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why not? Izzy has got a badonka donk! she's a phat ass and if u don't like it go touch grass
shes a wrestler and has been posted since /asp/
What "it" factor? Being a generic upper-middle class white girl with a nerdy interest? Save it for the choir, I respect ring rats more. At least they know how to get by.
Aren't u worried that once Tony meets her new puppy that he'll sign her to AEW?

Remember Kylie Rae? No animal is safe.
He bribed the janny
with rare Izzy pics!

When did her ass get so fat? She needs to lay off the Whataburgers.
Wow, cool it with the antisemitic remarks, anon.
only thing that makes sense considering /tv/ hands out franny permabans
Izzy and Bayley will have an MJF & CM Punk like feud in the future.

>I've grown up watching you but you've grown softer and softer

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