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Does this give AEW a lifeline?
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Sorry we couldn’t renew ape hoop but we renewed this 500k draw lmao
fuck off ticket tranny
No because now warner is spending even more money in court just to spend the money they originally offered
They dont need a lifeline
>broke ass WBD couldn't match NBA's C-tier package
>AEWxirs expect a big money deal
Zaslav is going to get fired before the end of the year or step down. Screen cap this.
Zaslav is getting fired which doesn’t bode well for the flea circus
They did match it. NBA said no. There’s going to be a legal showdown per contract stip
NBA ruled that they didn't, chud.
Without the NBA their cable networks are now worthless. It’s probably smarter for them to just turn them into old move and tv re-run channels. Why spend hundreds of millions of dollars for a show that can only beat shitty bravo reality shows? Instead cut a deal with studios to license their movies and shows. You’ll lose viewers but will probably save money in the long run.
it doesn't matter if they matched it or not. It is up to the NBA to accept the offer they want.
It means WBD's networks just got more useless in the eyes of advertisers
I never would have guessed enough normies pay for Amazon for the NBA to move there
>They did match it. NBA said no. There’s going to be a legal showdown per contract stip
No they didn't match it. The Amazon deal for one is strictly streaming. WB wanted the concession of putting the games on TNT and Max. That is not what the league wanted and not a "matching offer". Worse though, as I said before on here, Amazon poison pilled their contract. They gave a 5.5 billion dollar upfront payment to the NBA for the deal. WB doesn't have that sort of capital lying around because they owe $43 billion as is. They secured a "line of credit" fr the payment. Ask yourself if you know someone owes $43 billion already d you feel good with them paying you $5 billion in credit as well? Right.
Everyone loves 2 day shipping anon
You're a fucking faggot
>“If Turner doesn’t license the NBA, their costs will fall immediately, but soon after that, the revenue they get from cable and satellite distributors will fall,” Wolfe Research media and entertainment analyst Peter Supino told MarketWatch. “And the ad revenue they got from putting the NBA on the air will not nearly be replaced by the ad revenue that they get for whatever they put in the NBA’s place. The question for the financial forecast, after all this is said and done, is what fell more, the cost or the revenue? And our estimate is there’s about $600 million of profit [yearly] that’s going to go away, because the revenue will fall more than the cost.”
AEW isn't getting cancelled, the network itself is.
Eat shit faggot Hogwheels, the walls are closing in and all your gay OOMPA LOOMPA shitposting can't save you
They lost about 6 billion in passive revenue which they were using and hoping to use to pay out the $43 billion in debt they have. Zaslav came into power and pulled all the content they were selling to 3rd parties including ironically Netflix, with the idea of loading up Max with it. He ended up bloating HBO which used to be a curated site with premium content, hurting that brand. His major injection of subscribers came with cannibalizing Discovery+ and folding it into Max. Then he course corrected and started saying they needed to sell content 3rd party again while also killing the production of new content. Now this. He's toast. The best thing WB can do is what you said somewhat. Sell out your 3rd party content, downscale, and curate HBO into what it was. The BR sports channel they were hoping would be an add on with the NBA? The thing Tony wanted to be on? It's MLB and NHL now. Who is paying $10 more for that?
I told you for months you didn't know shit. I told you for months exactly what was and was most likely to happen. I btfo out of threads WHILE educating you. I have done more for you on here than your father or any teacher you have ever had in your entire life.
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>The NBA’s desired arrangement would leave Warner with a major hole in its sports portfolio and in the schedule of its TNT cable network, a flagship property that relies heavily on sports to lure big audiences. “The NBA is a significant driver of TNT’s affiliate value, and losing out on a key rights package is likely to hinder” Warner’s “leverage in future affiliate negotiations,” said Robert Fishman, an analyst with MoffettNathanson, in a research note issued last week.

>“Over the past few months, WBD has been doling out money to secure incremental sports rights; however, it is unclear if these deals will be able to replicate the value of the NBA in the eyes of distributors.”
It's over.
AEW couldn't bring back long-standing cable networks from the brink of obsolescence? Hmm.
Lol television is truly dead, this is now the timeline where all sports will be moving on from tv and onto whatever the hell these streaming companies plan to do with them. Only the most irrelevant of garbage is still on tv.
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>NBA will pay WBD to go away
>WBD uses this money to give tony everything he wants and more
>NBA is funding the next 5 years of AEW
Tony won.
But Meltz said...
Even worse, TNT is going to have to spend the $20M they were going to offer to AEW on legal fees now.
One of these streaming platforms are going to throw billions at the NFL just to air the Super Bowl.
>billions in debt
>lets give the money to tony
do aewxirs really?
Looks like waiting was the smart move after all
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Here's the best and worse case for Tony.
Best case
>Zaslav gives him a one year extension for basically the same deal with like a 3% increase giving Tony time to find a new home for AEW
Mid case
>The same as above but Zaslav makes it a "multi-year" extension with the understanding it only will be for multiple years as long as Zaslav is in power at WB. Which won't be long.
Worse case
>Zaslav tells them they have until the end of the fiscal year then it is over. This allows Tony to look for a new network or fucking create his own if he wants to go nuts. There is no increase and Tony and Meltz use the cope that WB suffered greatly from the NBA deal and it would have been all good for AEW otherwise.
It's already been done by Amazon. The next major package that is up for bid is Fox's NFC package. Amazon will want it and so will Netflix.
If they do in fact lose the NBA its gonna make them desperate to keep what else they have and probably over pay AEW
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Wtf is this shit man
>The network virgin vs the streaming chads
I'm genuinely thunderstruck at the level of delusion I see from piggies every day
Tony is smart letting the window expire. He can take offers from Amazon then.
>If they do in fact lose the NBA its gonna make them desperate to keep what else they have and probably over pay AEW
No that is not how TV works. Even if they had kept and matched the Amazon offer they were somewhat boned. The increase for the NBA property would have affected the passive income they got from it because it would be costing more to secure the rights for that content. When you owe $43 billion that is not good. The only way they could have added value to the new deal would have been to then charge extra on Max to view those games, which was what the BR sports package was going to be. Amazon knowing this, front loaded their offer with a bonus they knew WB couldn't make. They were right. WB now has $43 billion in debt and has lost it's largest passive revenue source with the NBA. They will need a MASSIVE increase in subscribers to cover for this or another sports product that can generate that sort of income. AEW is not going to do either. In all likelihood this is going to cause subscriber numbers to drop causing more issues in trying to get that debt into a manageable state.
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>I'm genuinely thunderstruck at the level of delusion I see from piggies every day
Well given you don't know shit from shit it's not surprising you get "thunderstruck" a lot.
>Mental illness
You fags need to go outside. Having disabled boogymen on an anonymous forum isn't going to cure your virginity. Neither is posting here 24 hours a day.
The slop has fried your brain sadly
230 people subscribe to Amazon Prime
We reached the point in the thread where you have nothing to say faster than average. Like I said it will be one of the 3 options I put up. None of them are good for AEW staying on WB long term. On the bright side you might get your dream
of sending Tony money. Khan might just make his own streaming network and have his core fans fund it.
Zaslav is doing this intentionally, frankly. All of these companies want to be bought out by a bigger fish than their own operations could ever hope to be. Disney was trying to do this pretty blatantly but they're still too fuckin big for Google, Apple or Amazon to be interested. They're the only companies big enough to purchase Disney outright. WBD's stock is a fraction of what Disney is worth and they're still overvalued.

This is why WBD floated the idea of spinning off different divisions of their company a few weeks ago. WBD's TV and movie division could be small enough to draw greater buyout interest from GoogleAppleAmazon or even second tier companies like Netflix. Their gaming division could be something Microsoft or Sony would be willing to buy.
NFL games suffer for it that's why Amazon has to pay a premium relative to what they get out of it
I remember you faggots thought WBD was getting WWE last year, now they cant afford AEW? You're a fucking moron
>You can't possibly know if you're responding to Rovert
>I can definitely know you're a Virginia
This is why you aren't worth taking seriously. You always sound like a crybaby bitch and a hypocrite, every time, and have no impulse control.
>Their gaming division could be something Microsoft or Sony would be willing to buy.
Their gaming division didn't ge brought because it's value comes from its IP's which are all tied up with the movies, TV and specifically DC. So if you want one part of that you have to buy into it all. This is the issue. No one wants DC. Period. People would be willing to take it like Disney did with Marvel because it gives them the IP, but Wb's situation is different. When Disney brought Marvel there wasn't an extensive TV film production tied to it. They had sold some of the rights and that was it. This let Disney create new infrastructure themselves. You buy DC you have to take on WB's entire film and TV production and then gut it and repackage it. It's just not as clean.
>I remember you faggots thought WBD was getting WWE last year, now they cant afford AEW? You're a fucking moron
The issue is that people like you, idiots, think WWE and AEW are comparable. You really think they are the same thing. You console war and listen to Dave. The truth is no one on the TV side think they are remotely the same thing. WWE is established brand that has been around for decades. The name value of events like WM are up there with the Super Bowl and the Olympics, and that is easily measured. WWE has quantifiable numbers for what it sells, who it sells to, and how it reaches them. This is why Netflix gave them money to fill out their live TV content. AEW is not on WB because it earned that right through the value of its content. It is on WB because of a favor of one exec to Shad Khan. it has stayed on there because of a favor from another exec to Shad Khan. There are only so many favors.
Lmao another ceo who failed
Corporate debt isn't real. You'd know that if you left your mom's house once in a while
>sign contract
>put clause in contract that allows other company to match
NBA's own fault.
You are the biggest mark on earth. Wrestlers laugh at people like you.
>It’s probably smarter for them to just turn them into old move and tv re-run channels.
Just like Ted intended.
based as fuck silver big leagueing zaslov
this will unironically kill TNT
>Corporate debt isn't real.
KEK. Tell that to Bank of America who are saying WB needs a shake up. Hell tell Zaslav who was recently hoping a new administration would allow more big corp consolidation so debt could be forgotten.
>You are the biggest mark on earth.
Are you not on Earth anon?
>Wrestlers laugh at people like you.
I don't know any wrestlers. I don't get mad at what people I don't know do. You should try it some time.
He's sitting there demonstrating knowledge of the media landscape, and instead of engaging, you're being a butthurt faggot bitch because you have no arguments. All you do is attempt to derail and demoralize because you're a fucking loser. And that's a shoot, brother
>n-no, you're the loser
I discuss wrestling on a wrestling board. You sit around being a faggot, trying to discourage others from speaking on topics. You do this any time a discussion isn't going your way. When a discussion isn't going my way, I just find something else to do.

AEW is in deep shit. We know it here, Twitter knows it, Instagram knows it. You acting like an asslicking retard changes nothing.
M&A have been on the table since day one at WBD
>M&A have been on the table since day one at WBD
Well sadly it isn't day one anymore.
>In April, a two-year Reverse Morris Trust lockup window for M&A involving the company quietly passed
No one is going to take on WB. Not at the debt they are at. They could sell off their parts but the market for who would purchase them is not a seller's market. The more likely scenario is they create a new entity that houses the debt and is separate from WB.
2 years minimum between deals and avoid getting on the wrong side of FTC. If Inside the NBA is gone, Black Twitter will bitch about it and get hashtags about racism trending, so whatever WBD pursues in the future could be all jacked up if they DON'T fight like hell to keep the NBA (that's if Democrats stay in power)

AEW's best options are a short 2 year bandaid deal with WBD, or a 2 year prove-it deal with someone like Fox (FX), and take catalog/PPVs to the highest bidder. It's a terrible time to be signing a 5 year all-inclusive deal.
Every single rational person seems to expect the deal to go through with no issues. The only people who dont are unhinged haters with some fucked emotional complex with WWE
>It's a terrible time to be signing a 5 year all-inclusive deal.
This is why it is so funny to hear people like Dave and his shills saying this will happen. Shows how little he knows. God bless Dave on at least making people pay him for his fucking ignorance instead of paying someone else to sound ignorant.
As for Fox, I don't see it. Fox isn't going to do the optics of getting of wrestling to bring in a lower fed. They are betting on regional sports and college sports and pushing them to grow their audience and value. This is the route ESPN took with the WNBA.
>“Warner Bros. Discovery’s most recent proposal did not match the terms of Amazon Prime Video’s offer and, therefore, we have entered into a long-term arrangement with Amazon,” the league said in a statement.
the AEW deal is gonna be ABYSMAL
>Every single rational person seems to expect the deal to go through with no issues
Rational people are also saying that a signing would be an extension at best since WB is in serious trouble and the news today shortens the time on Zaslav's regime.
>CTRL+F "carriage fees"
>No matches
Everyone in this thread is a retard.
Tell me about Hog Wheels; why is a fat pig in a wheelchair a wrestling fanboy?
Perhaps more than that
No they're not
Tina really booked AEW into the ground before securing a TV deal kek
Oh, so WBD's gaming division has nothing worth anything outside of its capeshit? What a shitty company. iirc, they do have Mortal Kombat, right? Someone might be interested in the division just based on that, but not at the current valuation.
You're obviously an anon who knows what he's talking about, unlike the large assortment of morons and trannies who inhabit /pw/.
He understands the TV business like he understands the wrestling business: not at all.
Just because they couldn't get NBA doesn't mean they'll give AEW the money that would've gone to it. They'll just buy other shit to cope
Living vicariously through the able-bodied?
>AEWtists prematurely celebrate the new deal
>It turns out they are now trapped on a dying network
Kek it just keeps happening
>You buy DC you have to take on WB's entire film and TV production and then gut it and repackage it.
Please explain. If some rich, content-hungry streaming company offered $6 billion for just the DC IP, WBD would be insane not to take it. and DC done right could be a long term cash cow like the MCU, but not under WBD management.
At least use the current AEW logo
You know they can just get other content right? Just like how Fox is replacing Smackdown will college sports
Why would they sue
5 stars from Meltzer btw.
No, im serious.
>Please explain. If some rich, content-hungry streaming company offered $6 billion for just the DC IP, WBD would be insane not to take it. and DC done right could be a long term cash cow like the MCU, but not under WBD management.
I did. Try re-reading the post.
Not that OP....but....
Multiple movies in various stages of production, post-production and release
It won't be a clean signing, they have to take over the entire machinery while purchasing the IP
WBD would sue because they believe they have matched Amazon's offer, and would therefore retain the NBA rights, as specified by the current WBD-NBA contract. NBA says WBD's offer is in fact not a match. Therefore WBD may sue NBA so a court can decide if WBD's offer is a match.
>I did.
>doesn't match bid
>gets turned down
>uh we'll sue i guess
The post he’s replying to literally says nothing they can realistically replace the NBA with would come close to recouping the losses from decreased ad revenue and provider payouts.
Well if you can't follow an explanation there are simpler subjects you can debate. Like just being a fan of something. There you don't need to debate facts. You can just give your opinion.
All the trannies who claim WBD can spend some of the NBA money on AEW and carry on need to read your post, repeatedly.
>Oh, so WBD's gaming division has nothing worth anything outside of its capeshit?
If you're a major company buying up game divisions you're really looking at the IP. It's the value. Look at MS. It brought Activision Blizzard for its portfolio of IP's not the studios themselves. The worthwhile IP's in WB's gaming division were rightfully games based on their movies and books and TV. DC shit. Harry Potter. LoTR. If you buy their gaming division but don't have the movie rights you end up in this mixed state like Spiderman between Sony and Disney. You dont have full control of the IP you have the game portion.
Thats my understanding, tnt has a oppertunity to match the amazon offer and tnt did ultimatley match amazons offer. Its never expressed that nba has to accept the offer, so the nba will leave tnt unless they come up with some last minute deal. The wildest thing ive read was that abc will pay nba 2.6b a year, abc pays the nfl 2.7 b a year. I didnot realize that the nba had such value, guess people really like squeaky sports.
What year is that up?
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TNT lowballed them and said they were matching. WBD in the fucking mud.
>David Zaslav
>David Za Slav
>Dave The Slave
Can it be any more on the nose?
2033. Closer than you think. Amazon is already making overtures.
The fucking sell lmfao
AEW won
>No hit original programming
>No Inside the NBA
Tony's 400k looking better and better all the time.
Reset the counter.
Karma is a bitch!
This long string on no milly's is going to culminate with "Based" Zaslav either being fired or stepping down. It's going to be a fun day on this board when that happens. Just warning my friend on here.
You forgot another possibility. WBD gives them a multi-year offer similar to what NXT's deal looks like and AEW has to take it because they have no other choices to stay on TV. This would mean massive cuts and a re-focus on trying to make touring and merchandising profitable. This would be hilarious to watch.
Well their original deal was already north of what NXT got. That's the thing that is mind blowing. Tony got a legit great deal from them and still hasn't been profitable. Their OG deal was 50-70mill. That should have made them solvent. But Tony isn't good at business because if he was he would be helping his father instead of doing this. Anyway a 3% increase on that would be a low ball offer. No huge increase just the same deal because he's Shad's kid. Problem is Thurston said he would need to make 2-3 TIMES that to be solvent. That isn't happening and wasn't happening even before the NBA deal fell through. Not sure what Dave is smoking to think WB would give Tony a 30% raise just because. Look at the deal WWE signed. Tony is nowhere near their numbers or brand and they will let him know that. So like I said a 3-5% increase would be the offer. Probably has been the offer.
2 billy
>Their OG deal was 50-70mill. That should have made them solvent.
>But Tony isn't good at business
>Anyway a 3% increase on that would be a low ball offer.
It really wouldn't be. AEW is underperforming. That time slot is primo for a network on most cable packages. It's not like they are going up against MNF or Friday night broadcast shows that are pulling 5.0 in the ratings. The Tuesday night H2H between NXT and AEW proved you can convince 1.5 million people to tune in on a weeknight with no competition. AEW is basically leaving 900k viewers on the table each week. They should own Wednesday night. Instead Vanderpump is kicking their ass. Honestly, why would you dump 60 million into AEW when you can get the same ratings with a cheaper reality show?
>he's Shad's kid.
How far does that get you if your network isn't affiliated with the NFL?
>Problem is Thurston said he would need to make 2-3 TIMES that to be solvent.
Which is exactly why they should use NXT as correct valuation. WBD is basically funding Tony's retardation. Tony sucking at life isn't a reason to dump money into AEW. How much money do you throw at a losing venture especially if no one else wants to purchase AEW's programming.
>Not sure what Dave is smoking to think WB would give Tony a 30% raise just because.
Dave is on the payroll.
WBD board is going to clean house. Losing the NBA is a pretty major fuckup. New management coming in and saying “get that shitty wrestling off our networks immediately” is literally exactly how WCW ended btw.
It's not gonna generate the same amount of money as the NBA will.
They don’t have to cut a deal with studios. They’re Warner Brothers. They own the rights to a few thousand movies and tv shows already.
In two weeks surely
>They should own Wednesday night. Instead Vanderpump is kicking their ass. Honestly, why would you dump 60 million into AEW when you can get the same ratings with a cheaper reality show?
They should be doing better and its something no one talks about. They keep giving seal claps for basically not having competition or coming in #2-#3 with any sort of change in literal weather. WB knows it could grab more viewers there with recycled content without a doubt for less as well. This was a big favor, and someone convincing people (gambling) that Tony had an IP that could grow, and be some sort of reasonable facsimile to WWE with time. It isn't.
>How far does that get you if your network isn't affiliated with the NFL?
Ha. That is the thing right? But Shad knows a lot people who know a lot of people. All these guys know you never know who you are going to bump into down the road. There's an obvious limit and we'll what it is soon enough with Tony, who seems to be burning through his Chance cards.
>Which is exactly why they should use NXT as correct valuation.
They should 1000%. Problem is they gave him the sweet heart deal thinking he was closer to RAW than NXT. Renewing him at $25 mil after giving him $50-70 to start is bad optics all around. Tony would balk. he'd have to. And WB would look like they are telling him to leave by offering him a non offer with that drastic a pay cut.
>How much money do you throw at a losing venture especially if no one else wants to purchase AEW's programming.
If you're Shad, hundreds of million. If you're WB you give him one more deal at ask for a ton of control. Or you renew him at the same amount with the understanding this is the last favor.
>Dave is on the payroll.
Yea. This is his golden parachute too. He helps Tony book this shit. He probably also gives him advice about TV execs and the negotiations. Which is like getting advice on how to run a music conglomerate from Brian Last.
doesn't matter. the Chuckster was gonna retire after next season anyway.
>This was a big favor, and someone convincing people (gambling) that Tony had an IP that could grow
That's the frustrating thing here. This IP can grow. It can and did pull ratings. Everything is in place and Tony is just fucking it up with Daniel Garcia dick gimmicks, the Bucks' retardation, and Mox bleeding every chance he gets.
>That is the thing right? But Shad knows a lot people who know a lot of people.
The other side of this is how much Tony is affecting his other properties. If you are in business with Shad you have to take a sober look at all these properties and if Tony has any long-term potential to own or manage these properties, you have to be rethinking any long-term plans. Right now, it's probably not affecting much, but if Tony is in the long-term succession plan, this is going to be killing the relationships that Shad spent a life building. How much will Shad push WBD if it starts to affect his other businesses?
>Renewing him at $25 mil after giving him $50-70 to start is bad optics all around.
I think people forget how the 5th year option played out last year. WBD already fired that warning shot across the bow. WBD absolutely could have pulled the plug in January and not picked AEW up. Instead, they picked up the option at basically $50-70 million a year. AEW literally almost died and no one noticed. I feel like they already gave Tony some extra leash and nothing changed. Even considering the optics, Tony just doesn't get it. At some point you have to negotiate a fair contract. Is it now? Who knows. But if I were WBD, no way would I lock myself into another 4-5 years even at $50 million given Tony's track record. Maybe cut an incentive-based deal that could be worth up to $75-80 million with only about $15-20 million in guarantees. I just don't know why you would give Tony even a 3% raise when no one else wants his programming.

I have it on good word that TNT has been in discussion with WWE to bring back WCW Thunder on thursday nights.

Eric Bischoffs shilling will all make sense soon enough. The rug will be pulled from Tony Khan quicker than WCW was sold.

The TNA crossover work has been a pilot.
>Does this give AEW a lifeline?
It guarantees AEW will get a renewal worth considerably more, because WBD are desperate. Very good news for Tony.
TNT Exec:
>Mr. Zazlov. The situation is desperate. Ratings are down. The company is $40 billion is debt. We are about to lose the NBA. What will we do!
>Do not fear. We will pay $200 million a year for Daniel Garcia dick dances.
>This IP can grow.
It could of, but the problem began when Tony got "Booker of the Year" 3 times. AEW has died since because he got validated. He now points to those fake awards when issues are brought up. he most likely even mentioned them in WB exec meetings.
>but if Tony is in the long-term succession plan,
Nah Tony has not been part of long term succession for a while. This is why he got an early inheritance. Shad's company will be run by a board and Tony maybe gets a seat there but in all likelihood it will be to stay silent and get paid. It's going to be like when Vince went public with WWE, a board with family members and people entrusted to run it. Except with Tony having much less input.
>At some point you have to negotiate a fair contract.
We're seeing that happen in real time. It's why there has been no renewal. Renewal's are typically discussed 2 years out from expiring. Not months before. And no TV deal is fully guaranteed. If you under perform they simply terminate with a pro rated portion or buy it out for 80-90% of its total value.
This is something I don’t think aew fans get, negotiations coming down to the wire like this don’t favor AEW
And if Tony doesn’t get a renewal, he has 4-5 months to scramble to find something else, when companies already have their 2025 tv schedule locked in
Kek I love this tranny headcanon that AEW is some kind of high value property for WBD. Pro wrestling is always low value thanks to its historically terrible ad rates. On stop of that, AEW is in a terminal state of decline. Its growth phase ended in 2023 and it's got nowhere to go but down. It's a very low value property at this point and AEW needs WBD, WBD doesn't need AEW. At this point Tony should offer to pay Zaslav to keep it on the air.
Two more weeks
Two more weeks until what? Until you touch a woman? That's never happening I'm afraid. Tony will be insanely lucky if WBD decides to renew AEW's broken corpse. But it's more likely that they won't.
The NBA negotiations were settled pretty quick and were far more complex
>The NBA negotiations were settled pretty quick and were far more complex
The NBA negotiations have been going on for waaaay longer than the last couple of months. The last CBA signed in 2023 including changes to the salary cap and structure because of the expected increased payroll, and that wasn't the start of negotiations. People have a belief that negotiations happen over "a couple of months' because that is when most people outside of the sport or business give a shit. Work like this takes years, fielding offers, networks planning how to market, what to market, coordinating what packages and takes into account things like the Finals, All star games, playoff formatting etc. Meltzer has you believe it takes a couple of weeks because he is unironically an autist who thinks he is smart. What business do you know makes billion dollar decisions over a few weeks? Here's a better one what business do you know makes major decisions with whatever amount of capital you want to assign them over a few weeks?
Wrong, window just ended recently. NBA had everything it wanted lined up after that but are stuck in a legal minefield
It can’t be a good sign that AEW is still having these seemingly weekly negotiations with WBD? Shouldn’t their deal have been finalized months/years ago? Tony keeps saying negotiations are going great then reports say no deal has been reached. Something’s gotta give.
>AEW needs WBD, WBD doesn't need AEW.
This is a great point and I'm sure Tony knows this. When he was using his Forbes contacts to give a valuation of $2 billion I'm sure it was a way to make Zaslav think that WB's ownership percentage in AEW was super valuable. I can imagine Zaslav's VP's listening to Tony wax poetic on how AEW could help WB's $43 billion debt and how he understands these situations because he works on an NFL team with a hard cap and salary caps etc. Zaslav has bigger issues at the moment. Honestly losing the NBA to Amazon all but ensures he is going to get pushed out. Him making an announcement that they lost the NBA and then renewed any other show let alone AEW is not an optic I think he cares for. There is a real chance Zaslav doesn't have a job by the end of the Olympics.
Yeah it's a much better sign when you're told instantly to fuck off like FOX did with Smackdown kek
Shut the fuck up rovert, the adults are talking.
>Wrong, window just ended recently
The window for WB specifically to match ended. I know because I posted it a week ago you angry little turd. The negotiations for the NBA rights has been going on for years. WB knew it had competition and could lose the NBA 4 years ago. If you want to defend your fed so badly here is a suggestion. Read about things yourself from several reliable sites yourself instead of paying $14 to a jew who is a gloried wikipedia admin to tell you what to think or worse, finding streams for free because you can't afford $14. If you can't do that understand that nothing you say is an argument. An argument has to have at least two valid points and you never have even one.
>It can’t be a good sign that AEW is still having these seemingly weekly negotiations with WBD?
It means they're unimportant. Now granted if I'm Wb I'm worried about a lot of other shit besides one brand of content that isn't even vital to any part of my business and isn't showcased on an important night. They have issues with their debt, subscription numbers, revenue, and now the optics and reality of losing the NBA which as someone pointed out is huge for a company that doesnt have the NFL. They have a small MLB package and the NHL (lol). That's it. And a bunch of alt sports like moto racing and what not. AEW is low on the totem pole. This idea that because they lost the NBA they have "more" to give to Tony is also insane and shows how little wrestling fans and Meltzer fans know about anything that isn't rated with imaginary stars. They've lost a major revenue source. They lost it because they legit didn't have the capital on hand to match Amazon's front loaded bonus payment to the NBA. Tony wants the PR of saying WB renewed them. He doesnt give a shit about the money. Even knowing that the wrong deal will keep him from being solvent he well keep on trucking. Look at him now still renting huge venues and then using a fifth of their capacity instead of saving money. WB doesn't need the optics of losing the NBA and then going "Hey no worries we have AEW!" for X years at a X price!" Bank Of America is already calling for them to sell off pieces or restructure themselves ASAP.
Actually WWE told Fox to fuck off with their lowball offer, sadly Tony is begging for whatever lowball offer WBD will give him.
>>Do not fear. We will pay $200 million a year for Daniel Garcia dick dances.
aewxirs really believe this
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WBD cucked themselves
If you notice they also wanted to share the package with Amazon. The deal breaker was wanting to put the games on both Max and TNT.
Fuck up of the century, WBD is going to clean house. this will fuck AEW hard as any deal 'in principal' they made is now null
Do the NBA have an actual argument? I get they want to go streaming because that's the future, but how does that convert to dollars, especially in the present?
>Do the NBA have an actual argument?
More than an argument. WB is just trying to save face. What are they going to do? Admit they didn't have the money to match Amazon's offer? It's one of those things where everyone knows the reason but they are letting WB be a karen and claim they'll sue. It won't go anywhere.
> I get they want to go streaming because that's the future, but how does that convert to dollars, especially in the present?
This isn't a hard idea. It works just like TV ad sales for cable with a slight twist. Streaming giants like Amazon sell ad space for these games, they just do it in a different way. Amazon will say "This game is presented to you with limited interruption by X". Or they sell the ads during timeouts. They also can integrate ads because they are Amazon so they have special segments for things like NBA apparel that you can buy "right now! Just click the button on screen now or scan the code" etc. Lots of shit with Amazon because it is so integrated. Likewise Amazon can highlight brands for things like Prime Day for a fee during these games. There is tons of revenue here. They also use the fact they have NBA games as another reason to sign up for Prime and shop more. The twist is that unlike cable TV and Meltzer retarded obsession with the outdated shit Neilsen is, ALL the data Amazon needs to know who watches, and buys, is exact and not representative of a small "demo". it's real time and exact. That is the most valuable info in the world because that can be used to further their algorithms that they use to sell their own platform to other brands looking to sell on Amazon. "Sell on Amazon. We know exactly who your costumer is. We have this many of them."
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>Pro wrestling is always low value thanks to its historically terrible ad rates
This part gets underestimated. I'm sure Kelloggs is champing at the bit to have Moxley's bloody face associated with Strawberry Pop Tarts. The ad market for wrestling is limited already, but AEW isn't helping itself by trying to appeal to "sickos."
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so even if a court finds that TNT's bid matches or should be allowed to match amazon's, couldn't the NBA just sign with amazon anyway? is there something stopping them from seeing matching offers and going with the amazon one over TNT?
>fatass immediately thinks of cheap goyslop
brother we're talking amazon subscribers not AEW live attendance
oh very interesting. thanks for the breakdown.
There is nothing that will stop the NBA going to Amazon now. It's already been reported they ended their relationship. Going to court to sue won't change that. If they were going to court to get an injunction to halt the transfer maybe, but they don't have a case for that. The NBA had a long relationship with TNT and that was the only thing making them even play along with these WB talks. Everyone knows WB is in a bad financial state. This is one of the prime (no pun intended) reasons the NBA wanted to find a new home. The future of WB isn't great looking right now. They have a ton of issues with their platform. If you're the NBA you don't want to wait and see that sorted out before your product can start being handled correctly. You want money, a plan and attention now.
>immediately thinks of cheap goyslop
What else would you associate with AEW? You have seen their live audience right? I mean, if AEW could score a diabetes medication account, maybe they could make advertising for their product work. Other than that, products you would associate with AEW are Ramen Noodles, Ranch dressing, and mayonnaise.
I got Fite bro I wont watch ads like a mark
Non American trying to talk about American television lmao
>I got Fite
how will NBA on amazon work?
do they even do live events? i thought they just had prime video. is it gonna be a straight up twitch stream?
same question for raw on netflix
not much else for an irish cripple to do
VPN dummy
>do they even do live events
They did Football for 2 seasons now. The Thursday night football game is their own thing. Same with MLB.
>same question for raw on netflix
Netlfix has been doing live TV for a while as well. Limited event. Mostly concerts. Works like TV. They tell you the time and date it will be live. You can watch it then. If not it gets saved as a recording you can watch like anything else. RAW will have it's usual start time to watch it live. If you "miss it" it will be indexed like a regular episode of anything on Netflix.
Sure rovert
Ted Turner loved pro wrestling though. Ted was based. The current execs at Turner are not. And that's bad news for Tony. That said, don't dismiss the notion that Tony will pay for the right to air AEW programming on Turner networks. He has the money to do it.
>AOL-Time Warner merger kills WCW
>Discovery-WB merger kills AEW
>I got Fite bro I wont watch ads like a mark
No you dont. If you did you would know it's called Thriller now. Just accept that you are one of the unwashed BO-ridden AEW fans that purchases mayonaisse by the 5-gallon bucket.
'fraid not
I've been calling it Fite for years. I dont call twitter x either.
>I've been calling it Fite for years. I dont call twitter x either.
Do you call it Hellmann's or do you call it mayo when you funnel it in your mouth while watching Dynamite?
>I've been calling it Fite for years.
You've been calling yourself a man for decades, doesn't mean that's true either.
You fags cry about everything lmao. Shoot mad cause I called it Fite. Have sex.
>Have sex.
Have a walk. Have a girlfriend. Have a boyfriend. Have a shit that isn't liquid. Have a breath of fresh air. Have shower. Have two showers. Have a pair of underwear that aren't streaked. Have some deodorant. Have a mint. Have a box of mints. Have a chair that can support your weight.
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WWE on Netflix
AEW on Amazon

It's kino
>is there something stopping them from seeing matching offers and going with the amazon one over TNT?
Yes. That something is a contract that allows WBD to match offers to retain the NBA. For instance, if Logo TV (the proper and rightful home of AEW) were to offer a contract of $10 million a year to retain AEW, WBD could match thst contract and retain the rights to broadcast AEW.
>That something is a contract that allows WBD to match offers to retain the NBA.
The right to match was something the NBA extended to WB because of their long term history not something written into the contract. They were told that if they could match an offer a concession might be made.
No, WBD Stock value lost over a billion dollars because of losing the NBA. AEW is fucked
That's not what is being reported about price matching and the NBA.

What is clear though, is that Logo TV is the true home for AEW's content and WBD needs to back off.
Horrific news, not looking good for aew
This whole situation with TNT wanting to keep the NBA is built around the NBA on TNT being so popular people wanted to know what was going to happen with that show. That is the pivot point TNT used to try to drum up interest with the public to retain the rights because up until then it was commonly known WB was going to lose this package. They have too much debt, and not enough of a streaming presence or stability to promote the NBA.
this is probably bad for AEW? WBD will likely be in a holding pattern while this plays out, maybe they agree a short extension in the mean time with a view to a full renegotiation after the NBA deal plays out
many are saying this
The issue is that the Amazon or TNT NBA deal won't start until over a year from now, so there's no major rush to get it settled. It could be settled in March or April of next year and still be (moatly) seamless

AEW needs something right now. And knowing TNT will be tied up for months into the future gives AEW more incentive to just take the best deal they can get and stop pushing for more.

It's actually the most based move I think I've ever seen and explains why Tony is melting down so much recently. TNT cannot commit hundreds of millions to AEW without knowing the NBA outcome, but if Tony begs for a deal, says he'll accept a 5% raise instead of 50%, WBD can sign that deal -- and a week later, drop their NBA lawsuit
I don't think the debt is so much an issue. Comcast has about $97 Billion in debt, but they also have hard infrastructure and assets to offset the debt. It really is about perception management. Truth is, I doubt the NBA is worth $2 Billion and WBD is trying to divorce the NBA but make it seem to it's investors that it was the NBA's idea. Is the NBA really driving $2 Billion in revenue for TNT? The truth is, without the NBA, TNT is basically just another movie channel. Which, in theory, would put AEW in a solid position to provide something unique from a programming standpoint. Problem is the product. It's shit. So, something is going on here. AEW's getting renewed, but WBD is either going to force changes to the product or they will get the product on the cheap. Status quo probably isn't an option.
>WB is using the NBA contract deal as a smokescreen to sign AEW
AEW is not that important to WB and never has been. A cursory glance at WB's content and problems would show that.
>I don't think the debt is so much an issue.
Bank of America and the investors in WB say otherwise. This is not conjecture it's stuff you can readily read for yourself. The $43 billion in debt is the issue and has been the issue. Every move WB has made since the merger has been to address it. Zaslav's mission statement was to reduce it and make it manageable. Comparing another corps debt to this corp doesn't yield anything relevant. WB has a particular investor class, with particular leadership and particular goals all its own.
> Is the NBA really driving $2 Billion in revenue for TNT?
No it's driving $6 billion. And that is passive revenue without any pay walls or tilling.
Meh ... maybe. I'm just going off the WBD 10-K. It looks like they have about $10 billion in credit they can cash in if they need and about $4 Billion in cash on hand. They do have $43 Billion in debt, which compared to Comcast, doesnt seem like a lot. So they can afford the NBA if it truly generates that much money. Which doesn't make sense that if it was generating $6 billion, why wouldn't they make the investment? It probably has something to do with TNT Sports, which is only 50% owned by WBD (I'm thinking maybe Shad owns part of this). Maybe they are trying to deflate the value there to increase their stake? Or maybe the other investors are strapped for cash (maybe Shad?). Regarding BoA, when it comes to finance and media statements, everyone is trying to work the system, so who knows what angle BoA is playing. Regarding Zazlov, WBD lost $7 Billion in 2022 and he reduced that to $3 Billion, so he's not doing that poor a job. All we know is that NBA wants out, WBD can afford the NBA, and they aren't in a rush to sign AEW. Regardless, I stand by my statement. They sign AEW on the cheap or Tony has to give up control and WBD has been balking at a new NBA deal, which means it isn't worth that much
I fuckin hope so, dude cant seem to do anything right
Im still baffled how he wasnt fired for rebranding HBO into MAX. Like thats like Pepsi rebranding into RC Coke
Anon they can't. Having lines of credit stops being a resource when you have $43 billion in debt from a merger that is now 2-3 years in and the expectation for that merger was to be at the top of the streaming platforms. They are a distant 3rd in that race which, as a wise man once said, second place is first loser. They are going to lose ground on that because that 3rd place rating is reliant on bending figures. Basically cannibalizing Discovery+ is the last huge infusion of "new subscribers" they generated. This after again, merging with ATT to gain their content and claiming the stockpile of IP's would push them into direct competition with Netflix. As it stands they grabbed their ankles and took it from Amazon. They do not have the capital on hand to match the purchase. To your reasoning of "they can match" they could have matched ANY of the offers that were part of the $76 billion deal and they chose the lowest offer to match. The Amazon one. That right there tells you their financial situation. This poker. They did the small blind to stay in the game. Problem was Amazon, who does have massive capital, front loaded their deal knowing WB couldn't match safely. This is really simple. If you know someone owes a shit ton of money, keep switching plans on how to lower that amount, and offer to continue doing business with you and then tell you they got another credit card does that seem safe? No. Not for a person or business. I already stated in this thread what the worst, mid and best case scenario for AEW would be.
>Im still baffled how he wasnt fired for rebranding HBO into MAX. Like thats like Pepsi rebranding into RC Coke
I thought he'd get fired after his strategy to stop selling their content to 3rd parties including Netflix. It was making them money which they needed. Even if the content wasn't exclusive to Max so what? Hook people on the content and have them know where it came from. Netflix built their foundation on grabbing other people's cheap syndicated shit and replaying it. Max I agree with it. The irony is WB has all this content and feels bloated and barren at the same time.
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If I had the money I would buy TNT stock just to use the amount of stake I have in the company to get AEW cancelled, thats how much I hate AEW and its gay fanbase
Look anon. I'm going off 10-k reports and taking info you've given me about the purported profits the NBA generates. We know Amazon is paying $1.8 Billion and if the NBA generates $6 Billion, then it's a no-brainer to take some of the $4 Billion in cash that WBD has on hand (per 10-K reports) to secure the NBA. Fuck, it would make sense to spend all of that $4 Billion in this case if you are generating $6 Billion and locking the NBA up for 11 years (Amazon deal length) where inflation will start to work in your favor at that contract length. WBD isn't having cash flow problems, assuming they aren't cooking their books. Whatever is going on, WBD hasn't really tried very hard to secure the NBA and they absolutely could have. I'd put good money on there being shady shit going down in TNT Sports and WBD is trying to either off-load their 50% stake or devalue it and buy out whoever owns the rest of the 50%, and I would also bet that Shad owns a large part of that stake. Regardless, this doesn't really bode well for AEW. WBD is playing hard ball and doesn't seem to care much for the sports business anymore, at least from a TNT sports standpoint. All of your scenarios are plausible, but more is at play here and WBD is in a position of strength and they aren't going to play patty cake with Tony or Shad. The final deal is either a soul-crushing deal close to the NXT/CW deal or Tony gives up the book. We'll have to agree to disagree.
The rebranding occurred in March 2022 and the merger wasn't until April 2022. Zazlov was with Discovery and wasn't part of the Max rebranding. If anything, he helped keep Discovery+ and Max separate.
>I thought he'd get fired after his strategy to stop selling their content to 3rd parties including Netflix.
It was Zazlov that re-started selling content to Netflix in 2023. Most of the stuff you are blaming on Zazlov was pre-Discovery merger. To date, he's paid back $7 billion in debt while increasing profits in his two years at the helm.
>10-k reports
Anon I tried to really put up with you for awhile because you're obviously lonely and trying. This is your idea trolling I get it. I mean I don't because it isn't trolling or funny, but I get that for YOU it is. Having said that I still hoped that responding to you with non seethe, non meme language would unironically rehabilitate you. Like you would get more normal through osmosis almost. Faking being intelligent and thoughtful would cuase you to be more of both. Sadly you're doing your typical repeating shit, and talking about things you don't know, in a more long winded way with more shit you dont understand. Granted with less meme language, so small kudos there.
>We know Amazon is paying $1.8 Billion and if the NBA generates $6 Billion, then it's a no-brainer to take some of the $4 Billion in cash that WBD has on hand
This sentence was sort of when I just didn't want to keep playing along and pretending I was having an intelligent convo with you. The $6 billion in passive revenue is not on hand you slow twat. It has been used to make the initial payment to lower their debt TO $43 billion. This is how they knew they had both $6 billion in passive revenue from the NBA and also how they knew they were fucked if they lost it. Sort of how you realize you are fucked in most conversations above a 4th grade reading level. The way everyone, excluding you because you are no one, knows they had no capital on hand is because the bid they made to match, the lowest bid like your IQ, was done by securing a separate $5 billion credit line to cover the poison pill bonus Amazon had offered. Now listen to me, if you've gotten this far I want to applaud you and warn you that you're at the limits of your painfully thin intellect. This is where an engineer would rush in and warn you you're overheating and need to return to the levels you're capable of reaching normally. Take the lesson from this and remember, always that lesson begins with the letter "L".
Promo's Promo's good good.
>It was Zazlov that re-started selling content to Netflix in 2023
Not my point. My point was he has waffled on this at least 3 times. Recently he said that they should explore re-selling shows. Again. Most likely because he realized they needed money, much like they needed it the first time he changed his mind on this. And I can blame Zaslav for shit that happened before he arrived. His appointment was with the expectation of steering them out of shit, not into more. Losing the NBA to the #2 that was already above you? No.
>To date, he's paid back $7 billion in debt while increasing profits in his two years at the helm.
He made tha payment with revenue from the NBA he just lost. Which didn't matter as not exploring a renewal 3 years ago is what set the stage for more people to walk into the bidding to lose it. And Zaslav's "profits" are from budget cuts and reorganization. WB is operating at a huge lose and has reached max saturation for its streaming service (pun intended). Zaslav's best idea for more subs? Create an add on sports package, based around MLB, NHL and NB....oh wait.
Idk, what's going to happen is Amazon/NBA are going to settle out of court and pay TNT to go away. WBD doesn't seriously think it can strongarm the NBA to agree to a deal. It's about money. WBD needs to pay down debt and a large cash settlement is exactly what banks would like. They could settle several accounts balances and de-leverage the company to where they aren't going to be at risk of going chapter 11 when the capeshit movies fail to deliver.

None of this money is going to be used for AEW, whatever they have in the budget/the money guys want to give them is whatever the deal is going to be. Despite the IWC and retards clamoring up drama, the negotiation process for a sports rights deal is actually pretty boring. Some guy who looks like the fat guy from moneyball is sitting on a computer crunching different numbers to determine the money value of the ratings,ad buys, how much they will get in a carrier negotiation,etc. Then Tony's Math guy gives his numbers. Then lawyers go over it along with insurance providers.
Then whatever wiggle room is still there they fight over.
There is no "hardball". Whatever the lawjew and moneyjew say AEW deal is worth is what a publicly traded media company can offer them, matbe going a bit higher but I promise you.
Dave Meltzer, X shit posters,"THEY GOT THE HOTTEST FREE AGENT".
Doesn't matter. It's all what some autistic math wiz n on a computer thinks after looking at tons of data.
>None of this money is going to be used for AEW, whatever they have in the budget/the money guys want to give them is whatever the deal is going to be. Despite the IWC and retards clamoring up drama, the negotiation process for a sports rights deal is actually pretty boring. Some guy who looks like the fat guy from moneyball is sitting on a computer crunching different numbers to determine the money value of the ratings,ad buys, how much they will get in a carrier negotiation,etc. Then Tony's Math guy gives his numbers. Then lawyers go over it along with insurance providers.
LOL. Hit it on the head. Meanwhile Meltzer and SRS are fucking giving updates and charging people and making it sound as if Tony is going to Paris and having some intense Wolf of Wall St. negotiation with Zaslav over canape's and scotch. I think wha happened is Zaslav's VP's told Tony there were other things they needed to handle while making him know what the terms were going to be. And Tony being Tony is now chasing Zaslav around asking to talk about shit so he can give an hour long powerpoint involving cagematch ratings,and clips of Dave stuttering. Tony knows what the deal is. He has been put to the back of the line and he knows what that means too. He shit for sure knows what losing the NBA means for WB which explains why he got so unhinged today talking about the deal.
so this is why the 'cord had a meltdown
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>AEW, coming soon to Corncob TV!
Hilarious that you pretend to be disseminating knowledge about WBD and negotiations and yet you can't read a financial report. You also don't know basic details about WBD's history and have gotten basic facts about Zazlov and the Discovery merger blatantly wrong. Your shilling is at least high-effort shilling. But at the end of the day, your three scenarios are all based on a false appeal to authority (Bank of America) and complete bullshit, which is basically what this board is anyway. All of your three "scenarios" are implausible and AEW, in its current incarnation, is basically a dead man walking. It's interesting to me that you are planting blatantly false info about Zazlov, almost like that's the target of the shilling. Maybe it's because Zazlov wasn't around when AEW was created and maybe because I'm right and Shad does own a stake in TNT Sports. Which is why WBD is letting TNT Sports die. TNT Sports wasn't a moneymaker even with the NBA, despite your made up "fact" that the NBA generated $6 Billion in "passive income." I don't even think you know what "passive income" means. Regardless, TNT Sports is being gutted because it didn't make money, even with the NBA. It will make even less money now that the only content they have is Tony Khan's fantasy booking retardation, but that problem will be corrected sometime around January 1st, 2025.
They are expanding TNT sports. They're giving it a large block on TruTV and have been grabbing up as much new content as they can. They're also just about to enter a major sports streaming partnership with ESPN and FOX.
>He made tha payment with revenue from the NBA he just lost.
Lol. What kind of crack are you on? WBD made $7 Billion from the NBA in 2023, they have $4 Billion in cash on hand, and they won't shell out $2 to outbid Amazon. You don't have a clue what you are talking about.
>They are expanding TNT sports. They're giving it a large block on TruTV
Think about this statement anon.
>Expanding on TruTV
They are reversing Time Warner's policy of not selling their content on other platforms and not allowing other company's content on their platforms. This has nothing to do with TNT Sports. It's ESPN and TruTV.
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You could have actually checked and saved yourself form embarrassment
AEW won.
And then you woke up
But enough about Ari's WWE
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>But enough about Ari's WWE
AEW employs a tranny and has men rubbing their cocks in each other's faces
Nigger, you are so fucking stupid. TruTV is wholly owned by WBD. TNT Sports is 50% owned by WBD. This deal bypasses TNT Sports. Which is what I've been saying. WBD is abandoning TNT. Try getting info from somewhere other than Twitter.
two more weeks
I keep hearing this in reference to AEW's new deal with WBD. Will it really be just another two weeks? Seems like I've been hearing this for a while.
I haven't heard anyone say they don't have one outside of unhinged incels
Tony says they have no deal. And that anyone saying they do, is acting in bad faith. But what the Hell does Tony know anyway?
No he didn't
Yes he did.
You're free to think anything is hilarious just like other people are free to not really care. Zaslav's mission statement since being hired has been simple; catapult WB into direct competition with Netflix. The low end result should have been sitting at #2 ahead of Amazon in terms of streaming share, with the high end result being that they are a true rival to Netflix. Everything he has done has been geared to that. The decision to stop selling their content to 3rd parties was to remov their content from Netflix, and make it "exclusive" to Max to enhance subscriptions. Folding Discovery+ into Max was to artificially bump the sub totals. it wasn't even done to get everything neatly under one umbrella because Discovery+ is still a stand alone option to subscribe to. TNT sports wasn't Zaslav's interest. It was BR sports. BR sports was being set up as an add on extension to Max. It has been included for free for this past MLB and NBA season with the understanding that "at some point in the future" it would become a paid add on. This was communicated to subscribers. The idea was to combine NBA, NHL, MLB and more to entice people to subscribe to Max AND add that package. This was Zaslav's idea to try to generate more revenue to get their debt manageable. I've said this numerous times in this post. The idea that you think people are "shilling" or have some personal vendetta against fucking Zaslav on a chinese image board shows how absolutely mind broken you are on this board. You think everyone is either a bot, shill, samefag or troll because that is legit what you do every day on here. But for whatever reason it doesnt tire you or cause you to leave or maybe post something constructive or maybe simply fuck off. Instead you get unironically upset at any thread or post that is trying to communicate something beyond creating a new meme, something you're literally obsessed with doing.
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Based Zaslav finna get that bag from NBA and give it to TK
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Zaslav doesn't make it back from the Olympics.
Just take the L and move on, faggot.
Wow losing Cody really did fuck AEW in the long run

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