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Wrestlers that made you regret being their fan?
Kenny Transmegma
Unironically jericho
Hes a huge whiner on twitter and treats airport security like trash
Years of correctly being wary of the WWE in shoot interviews and he still sells out like a bitch
What would you do at that age if all you knew was wrestling and all the terroritories were dead? Work at walmart?
cm punk
Please tell me youre a female fan......
Hulk hogan
I didnt know he is an insecure coward
Kevin Nash
Imagine that bitch was raped
Ziggler. popped so hard for his MITB win and eventual cash in on Rio only for his career to be a big mid burger
Foley. What a disgrace he has become
Damien Sandow. For just doing absolutely fuck all after he was fired
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Stephanie Vaquer
John Cena. Nothing wrestling related, I just really liked the racist iron man guy on that one show he did. I like that actor/character.

But no, man. Who gets worked over wrestling or wrestlers? Lol.
Boohoo airport security
That’s the most estrogenic shit I’ve read today, airport security are lazy cunts and worthless, skillless dregs, makes sense you defend them
Care to extrapolate?
Is it because she ghosted CMLL in a disrespectful manner?
coz of Dredd
Oh ok you're a fucktard, sorry I bothered
The Chudster
Zayn/Generico, turned out to be a huge liberal dork
Jim Ross
Shalom kike
The entire Bullet Club
Tyler Bate makes it hard to watch sometimes not gonna lie
nta but how a person treats those below them and those they have nothing to gain from is an accurate picture of their real character. tldr if you treat normal humps just getting by like shit you are likely a piece of shit.
normie people are some of the worst fucking people on earth, get real nigger
This but for other reasons, his midlife crisis starting with his rock band all the way to his current wrestling run has been so embarrassing it’s killed any goodwill he once had.
I never said they deserve to be treated well. What I’m saying is people show you who they really are when interacting with others when they have nothing to gain from the situation. Just like you are revealing a lot about yourself with how angry this basic fact makes you.
>n-no u not-a meee
Yeah, because of how she ghosted CMLL. I don't care about the other shit like her porn preferences or choosing WWE over AEW.
t. actual anon
I realize it’s probably upsetting to have someone clearly show you how rotten your character is. Don’t fret anon you can always improve yourself with a little effort at not being a piece of shit.
I don't have any regrets since I'm not a whiny bitch.
>reeee normies
>everyone else sucks, not me
nah everyone knows you're the cunt
Hulk Hogan.
When he was revealed as being a racist chud piece of shit it really let me down.
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I am, I wear my bad guy badge proudly faggot
fuck normies just on principle
tj perkins, fucking choreographed bitch looked shit on 205
nah TJ is a gud bruh
Sure is edgy summer. What grade you gonna be in the fall? Sophomore in HS?
Krispen Wah
Right now it's Cody Rhodes cause I got worked all year
Should have kept his dumb opinions to himself
Too cringegay nowadays
Can't believe she lost to Nancy
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His WCW heel run was kino
he fucked his legacy by not retiring 10 years ago
its just sad and pathetic now
>>15321507 Rhea after I discovered she burned coal.
None of them, because I don't support dimeless wrestlers.
Jeff Hardy

Like damn, bro, get some help.
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Daniel Bryan
Used to think he was the best, but he's just a backstabbing little fucking bitch and the reason why I actually laugh at the rape jokes about him. If you still like him you are a reddit cuck. fuck you
2 anons and Steph all slurping away and bobbing on Dredd together
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>Wrestlers that made you regret being their fan?
Never happened.

Unlike you fags, I'll never betray my heroes. That's what loyalty is all about.
Based Blue MAGA.
I respect that
Hangma’am. Total prick and whiny liberal faggot.
just a pilled up drunkin faggot
he's just become sad and pathetic
Should have stayed retired, he's just shitting on his legacy
never seen someone who was such a success in wrestling but such a massive failure in life and just a miserable prick
>Ultimate Warrior
Loved him as a kid but everything you hear about the guy is what a massive unlikeable piece of shit he was
Besides everyone who lost their aura and made themselves look like a fool in AEW
>Jeff Hardy
Could've been Cena/Austin tier. He was, for a bit.
>Sami Zayn
Somehow got the idea that looking like a hobo and wrestling in Lululemon Surge Joggers with shitty patches hastily sewn on by Mikaze was a good idea when he had great gear in the past and a brilliant babyface look
I'm one of the Batista lyrichads. Enough said.
I'm trans if that matters
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I stood by my favorite wrestler even when they were a jobber

if they have a million fans I'm one of them
if they have one fan its me
if they have no fans I'm dead
JR was a wrassler?
>treats airport security like trash
Do you have a makeshift coinslot-like poosyhole?
Is it scientifically possible for a former male to actually grow a real working vag through years of genetic alterations?
CM Punk
Kenny Omega
I can name tons. Let’s stick with the modern era.
Will Osprey
>didn’t know he raised a black son
>crying about blm
>noting really wrong but he just can’t stop shooting himself with these tweets man, just the butt of jokes
>”you won’t last long with the wolves kid”
>the gay entrance
>getting worked on Twitter
>turned herself into a ghoul
>wasn’t a fan but chuckled a little bit at his antics and then he got worked by /pw/ like a bitch. Also married a stripper.
>Will Osprey
>>didn’t know he raised a black son
You're an utter piece of low down shit for having a problem with this KYS.
Braun stowman
Seemed kinda based for a while. Now he's just bottoming for the Bucks and is a self-mark. Punk broke him.
Shut the fuck up peepfag
No. It's a based take. You aren't a man if you are OK raising another man's son, particularly if that child is some potato-IQ mutt. It's a level of self-hatred that isn't normal. Prioritizing the genetic advancement of some third-world moron over your own is a level of cuckoldry that removes any respect you may have earned doing backflips for smarks.
Hillary lost.
That sure is a lot of examples. Sure you aren't a thin-skinned bitch?
Yeah. You are.
There he is! I knew he’d show up.
Flip "faggot" Gordon
EC3 lol
Ospreay is currently destroying his legacy in my mind
Youre wasting your time with a child anon. Use your lifes moments better.
Him taking dicks to the face multiple time was a dead giveaway anon
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Mandy Rose.

She was the hottest thing going in NXT. She was an absolute unit from the waist down. I bought her t-shirt. I picked up her action figure.

It wasn't just the fact she threw it all away to go siphon money from beta paypigs for a living fucking her boyfriend on camera.

It's the fact she looks so absolutely pathetic next to the ones like Toni Storm, who was doing Onlyfans also yet came into AEW to reinvent her career.

Sorry but there's nothing admirable about you making a living selling videos of your boyfriend slapping your ass. People do that in their free times in their everyday lives.

And now she is irrelevant.
Based MIGAchad I also vow to protect Israel at all costs
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Based Trumpamaniac, brother! I almost turned on The Codeman when I found out he married a nigger. But then I saw her and "chocolate goddess" is my new kink!
No. I think some wrestlers I like are cringe as people, but it doesn't change how I feel about them as wrestlers. It's important to understand they're just people and can be retarded, too. Guys like Edge and Jericho are holding on way too long and it's making me think less of their legacies though. I don't regret being their fan for it.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH The fanboy got hurt KWAB
Are you the faggot that used to post the pasta about Mandy taking a dump on you?
Chud Hogan
starting to think wolfston is based for saying d-bry got raped lol
Chris Benwar
/thread worst Canadian wrestler ever
Edge. Ruined his legacy and became a meme
His NWA run is shoot kino. He’s been regularly the better part of the program for a while, but has been treading water since he became a manager full time.
Kevin Nash. Didn't know about what happened and he lied about it for so long.
Unfathomably based. Through thick and thin chads stay winning
legit he was my fave in 2007 and i hate 90% of his return run including everything in wwe

Benoit, Jericho
The Revival. Remember how good they were in NXT?

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