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/pw/ - Professional Wrestling

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So this is it bros. My calling. Right in my own backyard. For all the current pro wrestlers here, what should I expect? I'm 6'1" btw.
Take a bump.
Imagine all the smelly fat fucks at this event. I can’t wait for the thread here
I hope they haze the shit out of any marks that try this. Wrestling was better when gatekeeping was normalized.
I don't think that's what they were advertising, I think it's just letting normal people watch the tryouts
I can see how it will go right now
>"Okay, mr. shmekelberg let's see... you are 5'8" and you weigh 320lbs and you say you do not have any collegiate athletic accomplishments? I'm sorry, we're only interested in national champions. The AEW tryouts are occuring at your local shindie, maybe try them."
every single time
It's fucking rough, they normally last a few days, if you can make it past day 1 you've done better than most and can adjust, if PC training is 100%, the tryout is 200%, they'll want to see if you can handle harsher drills to show commitment
i've seen wwe next gen. theres no way any non freak athlete is making it through even 20 minutes of these tryouts
I’m 5’6 1/2 and live in Cleveland, give it to me straight /pw/, what are my odds?
AEW is always hiring.
Can't say who I am but let's say I know what's involved.

Expect a basic drill set, forward rolls, running ropes, back bumps, and short promo.

You'll be signing a release saying we can use your likeness without any compensation and we won't be liable if you get hurt.
Please, somebody go to this and post vids. Please.
Idk, but at least you're not a manlet. Good luck, anon.
They're allowing fans to WATCH the tryouts. Everyone in here is a retard
I prefer watching people fall on their back for a living than falling on my back for a living.

Also hate the idea of fame.
Ah. Tricksy bastitches.
Yeah. The idea of seeing some fat downies trounce each other is too great a bait.
There would be a slew of injuries and a class action lawsuit
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take a bump.
That's not what it means, they're just going to sell tickets for people to watch actual wrestlers (or as close as the local indie shitters get) do the try out.
So you're saying WWE would send them to their farming territory anyway?
There's gonna be physical challenges so if your an unathletic fatso you might not make it.

There might be an interview type of thing, prep a one minute introduction of yourself "Hi, I'm anon I'm this old from there, I want to be a wrestler because its been my dream since age 7 and I want to see if I can make it and if I can learn to hang with the pros" type of deal you'd do for any job basically except you don't have to lie why you want to be there. Practice doing it for a camera, maintain eye contact as much possible to the camera and interviewers and try to relax.

Talk to other people in there. Stay cool, stay relaxed, get to know people and be social. This is also part of the try out that you can work with others.

There maybe some acting so prep a character - this isn't gonna be a be all end all character but use something you are familiar with, a job, a topic, to base it on something more natural to you and your personality rather than for example trying to be Rick Flair -clone.

prep a some sort of 1 minute promo in character as a face and heel promo of the same length, and practice for example calling out an opponent to a certain type match type of promos and try different ways and moods to do the same two promos - do it excited, do it ominously and so slow it's uncomfortable, do it to beat, do it dismissively. This way your not dumbstruck if they ask you do something you didn't practice by heart.
Record yourself doing them, get comfortable being in front of a camera and being recorded. Wave your hands too, be animate, be alive.
Tuck your chin
thinly veiled Gargano joke?
you have to break into the business and pay your dues kid
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>Squat: 315
>Bench: 230
>OHP: 135
>Deadlift: 335

I'm thinking if I cycle roids and get to 200 - 210lbs, I might be able to work a midget powerhouse gimmick.
>they think they can actually try out
the fed would never waste their time letting their obese downie fans stink up a ring
I'm gonna show up, not read the script, no-sell my opponent, kick their ass, run the ropes, and then do a dive to outside through a table and pop right back up and yell "THAT DIDN'T EVEN HURT"
Watching a bunch of thots working out.. IM IN
It would be hilarious for OP to show runnin his K.O. ring apparel expecting to get a try out match in front of HHH.
>"Put me in Hunter, I'm ready!!!"
You need to summon Mace Mansoor and ask them.
Make a post about Metal Gear or Pokemon.
That's not what attend means
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It's my time, brothers
Ganbatte Anon-chan!
go to aew and you can be a monster powerhouse
Maybe on planet Stasiak
must be getting desperate wwe has very few if none big name superstars, very few mid carders too
What are the chances Tony shows up?
Post bussy then

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