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They sold out the Sumo Hall on the 27th, buddy
OP seething it'll get more attendance than recent NOOJ shows
NJPW is the best company right now and not even they could get 30k people on the dome in their home country
It's not the nineties anymore, grandpa, Japan is a harsh market. You will be lucky if Wrestle Dynasty gets 15k
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Muto's retirement only getting 30.096 was fucking grim
But OP is a AEW tranny and just wants to console war
Inoki's fault, I'm afraid
Lots of Japs saw Pro Wrestling as not just an art but a way to prove that nihongo ichiban and dirty white piggus get BTFO
MMA ruined that completely
And then MMA became dimeless too so now they don't care about either KWAB
Inoki could have easily still avoided the big Kwabbening if he were not egotistical and foolish
R.I.P. but he fucked up
Nobody's perfect
Hulk Hogan went to TNA
weak yen
>$250,000 gate just for THE FRONT ROWS is, le bad
>over $1,000,000 gates for EACH HOUSE Show is, le bad
WWE can only do house shows KWAB
The based Japanese immediately get sick of them after
They sold 11,000 tickets 2 nights in a row just for Tokyo, there's 22,000 attendance right there, expect a Japan PLE announced within the year
>expect a Japan PLE announced within the year
can't wait for you to get BTFO
Can't wait for you to never mention it again out of embarrassment
hogwheels finna BTFO
LMAO when they could get sportswashed and bring home barrels of money from Saudi? Or hit a market where they could actually sell some tickets like Europe? We'd be more likely to see a show in China this year than Japan. What do you expect? I's an island smaller than Texas with one major and like a dozen TNA sized promotions, all struggling to stay alive.
22k tickets is pretty great, they just did CATC which was an 11k international show
It's a harsh market because Japanese fans have made it vocal they can't afford wrestling tickets because of how bad the yen is getting
It hasn’t always been this easy for them over there. Let’s remember the Japanese economy is on its ass at the moment, so a sell out is doubly surprising. Look at the horrendously low attendance the whole puro scene is getting at the moment! Dark days only made harder by Khan’s raping and pillaging.
The yen was doing good when Muto's retirement show happened
No 22k tickets?
No $2 Milly gate?
double KWAB
wwe is shit
And you gotta think about how half the people that buy tickets wont show up. It's a regular thing for Jap wrestling shows to have half the announced attendance.
WWE just sold 22k tickets and a $2 Milly gate for 2 house shows, AEW can't even get 2k KWAB
sirs, this thread is about WWE and japan. Not AEW sirs
What, like the 22k tickets and $2 Milly gate for 2 house shows in JAPAN?
Filling a 22k arena is pretty impressive in japan. I'm assuming you mean they sold 22k for both house shows, right?
Rovert why are you pretending you have the slightest idea about what the japanese like
Honestly feel like the vid scared a good portion of the japanese crowd from ever going to massive crowd events. Before covid a fifth of the crowd wore masks on average
MMGay was gaining popularity in the late 90s and the wrestling boom was coming to an end. With or without Inoki's 2000s booking, the same result was gonna happen.
Imagine the kind of sicko who has access to all the great Japanese wrestling and decides to watch WWE.
So they couldn't even sell out the building and tickets were being sold for 20 dollars. That's shameful
>can't wait for you to get BTFO
lol. God if I had screencapped every thing you had ever said wrong I'd need more cloud storage. Remember when you swore Tony Khan never said AEW couldn't be profitable until 2025?
>So they couldn't even sell out the building and tickets were being sold for 20 dollars. That's shameful
I thought we were talking WWE not AEW.
Nobody cares about your faggot gaytard act, buddy. You spam droniE and slop and other coded words without mentioning WWE by name, but we all know what your retarded ass is doing

If you don't want to read AEW slander, if you can't handle the bantz and the shit talk, get the fuck off /pw/. Go hang out in AEWOfficial like a little bitch. Nobody here is interested in playing your little games when we all know you have no principles.
the wwe’s had a good enough track record in japan to probably make the case for a PLE to be set there probably next year. it’s been a while since japan hosted a televised WWE show after all.
KEK now you are coping and reaching.
Are you saying this when one WWE superstar going to Marigold outsold gAyEW
WWE does almost a completely different show in Japan than in the states. They also have several former NJPW stars slated to work in the main event.
They have AJ and Nakamura booked on two of the cards in the main event and will work a hybrid of strong style with normal WWE. Rey Mysterio is also in a title match to do more high flying than normal. Even though he's not even in a program with Priest and hasn't even been in the main event spot for years.
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The Japanese economy has been on its ass since 1989.
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