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Why is Jim Corny such a leftie cuck?
I don't get the doodle to this one. What's the one eyed alien hat referencing?

>Why is Jim Corny such a leftie cuck?
I'm guessing he was diddled by a man of the cloth, which would explain his christianity seething and being a sexual degenerate.
He wasn't gonna talk about it.
He wasn't gonna say anything about Trump either.
Brian "the least great" Last pushed the issue, saying "people want to know what you think".
People already know what Jim thinks and don't wanna hear it.
It's 20-30 minutes of thermonuclear dime repellant every single time Cornette talks about politics.
Brian's grifting for clicks on youtube so Jim obliged, but fuck does it suck the life and fun out of everything.
I'm not even a Trump guy. I listen to these podcasts as a bedtime story.
>I don't get the doodle to this one. What's the one eyed alien hat referencing?
I *think* it's a reference to that one Futurama episode? Where they all get brain slugs or something.
Sometimes the guy that usually does Jim's thumbnails isn't available so they get this unfunny fucking retard instead
Thinking Republicans are absolute retards doesn't make you a lefty, anon.
They hated Jim because he spoke the truth.

Cope harder KEK
>Has worked in a business that has dealt with Republican-like people in the audience to get heat
>Lives in Jefferson County in Louieville, the largest Dem stronghold in KY
>No kids, refuses to leave the house or deal with contact with the outside world
>Watches nothing but CNN and MSNBC for news

This. Part of it is Brian Last wanting to get clicks and listens and doesn't realize that not every person outside of big cities wants to listen to it. I myself have skipped these segments because Corny is a retard in politics, sometimes going as far as 30 minutes.

It's the brainslugs from Futurama. He was implying that Hogan was effectively enslaved into Right wing thought.
Watch Jim Corny be outted as a pedo in 4 years. Hes funny to listen to when it comes to wrestling takes but his politics are ass.
>Why is Jim Corny such a leftie cuck?
His wife is probably the main reason. He was never known as a political person until he met her.

Why are white conservatards still so retarded in 2024
Nice reddit spacing, Ojama. "White" isn't a pejorative, brownie.
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white is 100% a pejorative
they are all like pic related, fastidious incels, or limp wristed leftoid cuckolds. the least subhuman whites are gun loving ignorant hillbillies
Anon, I can understanding hating inbred rednecks, but did you really go on facebook and save 100 pictures of guys who are married to their sister? That's kinda weird bro.
Whites built your entire civilization. The reason you are not currently enslaved and treated like cattle is because White people decided it.
Ya seethe, cumskin?
I agree with Jim politically and even I can't stand listening to him talk about politics.
Cornette didn't pay any attention to politics until he retired from being on the road etc, because he was too busy. So the first period where he had the time to pay attention was the Bush/Cheney/McCain/Palin era. Nobody of mental competence is going to have a positive opinion of the Republican Party in those circumstances. And they've actually got more crooked and retarded since then.
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watching his ugly yeast infested wife get plowed by half the OVW roster broke him
also his co-host is literally a subhuman evil kike!
The absolute state of America
>Corny is a retard in politics
Please don't pretend that you, a guy who watches playfighting for kids, aren't a retard when it comes to everything.
If you read between the lines you'll find he generally has a low opinion of people who watch wrestling, even before Vince destroyed the territories. White Americans from Middle America (i.e. Wrestling's primary audience in the US at the time) tend to skew Right.
What are you talking about? Wrestling is like baroque with multi-layered narratives. Its nuanced narrative arc is characterized by subtle allegory, foreshadowing, verisimilitude, and postmodern fragmentation, all of which require intense, unwavering attention to fully comprehend. Unlike the more accessible forms of low art enjoyed by the unwashed masses, like opera, for example, or the works of William Shakespeare, an appreciation or professional wrestling demands unwavering mental, emotional, and aesthetic acuity.
everyone in the business had a low opinion of people who watch wrestling
>4 years
I don't think it'll take that long desu
I know you're trolling but aewtistic troons really believe this.
We already had a thread yesterday with almost 200 replies when half of this clip is them laughing at Trumps sons bogged wife. I thought rightoids didn’t get triggered
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>Haha, look at Trumps ugly wife.
Are those triggered rightoids with you right now?
You're a cuck
>Wrestling is like baroque with multi-layered narratives
Damn, did you use all of your 2 communist brain cells for that comeback? Kikes really did a number on you, by turning you into an uneducated, sign-toting, genital mutilating wrestling version of Carl the Cuck.
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>baroque with multi-layered narratives
>53 (pulling a stupid face though)

All looked better or equal as a dude. That's actually a lot better than I expected on the HRT side.
>dime repellant

It's by far his most successful video this week
That's nothing.
His Punk segments got more.
>all my enemies are evil
>all the people who agree with my enemies are under mind control
>only I can see through this!!
Funny how you didn't see through Biden's obvious dementia that the media lied to you about and covered up....
His last Punk segment uploaded barely got half of that
Cornette ain't exactly Rock Hudson but why did he settle for such a pig? He has a lot of money and is relatively intelligent for a hick so I don't get it.
Incredible that this is all that they know
fucking cartoon references to escape reality

The wing commander community is full of these people
He grew up in the south where a lot of people vote blue, and his entire career was working those "dumb hillbilly fucks", he probably considers himself very progressive compared to people around him and that's like his identity, but outside the south he's still very conservative

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