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>„I'm a guy, for all intents and purposes, never should have even made it to the WWE. I've had roadblock after roadblock after roadblock thrown in my way. But, not only did I get passed those roadblocks, I did it while flipping off the people who put up those roadblocks. I feel I have a responsibility to the younger wrestlers on the roster, the ones who aren't signed yet, and the future of pro-wrestling as a whole to help make this place better, and to change this place. I certainly can't change it by sitting on my couch in Chicago.“

And he did.

>Showed everyone you can stand up to those in charge by leaving the WWE, helping the yes movement achieve its goal
>His name became the chant of the defiant during the dark era of mid-late 2010s WWE
>Built a happy life for himself with a loving wife and getting to make money through his other interests
>Truimphantly returned to wrestling and became the main draw for the closest thing the WWE has had to a rival since WCW, leading to the eventual improvements we've seen in WWE today
>Once again stood up to asshole authority figures who tried to bully him and exposed another billionaire as a little baby
>Displayed true maturity by being willing to bury the hatchet and make some money with the WWE to reward them for changing their ways
>Already mentoring and selflessly giving his time and wisdom to the next generation

When all is said and done he won't be remembered as the GOAT because he had to sacrifice his prime to save wrestling the same way the Lord had to sacrifice his son to save man, but he'll be at the centre of the story of why wrestling is great again.
Shut up, Punk
>Showed everyone you can stand up to those in charge by leaving the WWE
And everyone followed him!...oh wait.
You’d love living in Best Korea m8
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You're right, nobody followed him out and made similar waves that have changed wrestling and the WWE to this day.
Kek. We do love Chez here
Apples and oranges.
bro i like cody but he’s never brought a new viewer to wrestling. he has no aura.
punk is a shitbag but it’s undeniable that his presence has made a lasting impact.
A lasting impact in normies driven away.
Punk didn't bring anyone new either. The obese smarks he panders to were already watching.
Nash made more of an impact. You laugh about him getting raped in an alley, but it’s thanks to him going to bat for the boys (and himself) that good stuff like fixed pay contracts for wrestlers exist. Your Philletty thinks that’s bad and should go away.
Based Chez
>nobody stood up for themselves and their dignity by leaving the WWE instead of staying for the safe buck
>Also the guy who is WWE champion because he left the WWE instead of staying to make a safe buck doesn't count
Planet fucking retard is leaking
Punk ended my 10 year absence from watching wrestling
Punk gives off the vibe of someone who grew up extremely well off and never realized it, so all of his normal problems in life got inflated in his own mind. I could look it up, but I don't give enough of a fuck about him to bother.
Its quite literally the opposite. He acts the way he does because he grew up in a shitty background with an alcoholic father and a nutcase bipolar mother. He's got a chip on his shoulder about escaping it all which makes him arrogant, and he's got trust issues where he will cut you out of his life the moment he thinks you're going to burn him because that's what he's used to.
And yet he acts like a pampered, sheltered idiot who overexaggerates all his problems. Maybe his sob stories about his parents are just a work, ever thought about that?
Punk's AEW behavior is obviously the same as every other trailer trash punk kid from high school. Well off people talk a big game but won't throw down or follow through with threats the way Punk will.
>Philfags have arrested development and think in high school terms
Oh wow, color me surprised!
No, he acts like someone with a chip on their shoulder about what they've achieved and can do and someone who has trust issues and will not tolerate someone fucking him over. Also pampered idiots don't fight. Look at the Perry incident. Perry talked shit because he actually is a pampered sheltered idiot and didn't realise that if you say "do something about it" to someone from Punk's background, they'll actually do something about it rather than look for security to hold them back.
High school is a shared experience that makes it easy for someone from age 20-60 to understand something, and Phil has spent most of his life still acting like a high schooler like most punks do.
Meant for
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>the only evidence Phil has of being a tough guy is manhandling a bitch that gets Meltzer horny about how feminine he looks
>replies to arrested development accusations by posting an autistic arrested development post
Holy shit, I knew Philfags were sad but this is just pathetic. No one with any fucking life experience looks back on their high school days, unless they were selling drugs or something it was just an extension of childhood with a pseudo-adult lining.
Pic related, Phil's contributions to the business: shitting out his vegan diet in the ring
Where did I call Punk a tough guy? I'm just explaining why your assumption was completely off.
>saying he still acts like a high schooler makes me a philfag
Are you even allowed to use a keyboard without supervision?
>arguing semantics
He's an egomaniacal paranoid bitch.
>uses high school comparisons no one cares about to portray Phil like a tough guy
>gets pissy he's getting called a retard with arrested development for putting things in terms no one with a life cares about
You're having an unrelated argument with yourself but keep replying to my comments.
I'm not portraying Phil as a tough guy. If you find the description tough or as if its trying to imply toughness then you must be a complete limp wristed faggot.
oh fuck off you prick. he's had a rocket strapped up his ass since the moment benoit died, get the fuck out of here
Where's the lie?
Cody himself credits Punk for inspiring him to seek his own road after WWE became a miserable place to live retard.
Lol, worked

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