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>“I didn’t like the match, but I will say I thought it was a great match. Close to a supermatch actually.”

Dave will never say anything with his buck butt buddies was bad
Retarded mentality, I'm afraid
Dave rates matches objectively. He doesn't take his own personal dislike of a match into account when reviewing it. We should all strive to be so impartial.
Then why does he say it's just "his opinion" when people disagree with him?
Based and truth pilled
Because his opinion is objective
I don't get how a match can be great yet someone like Dave doesn't like it.

I'm sure the "great" rating had nothing to do with The Bucks being his boytoys.
If Dave grades this shit on an objective scale and not personal preference then how the fuck can he explain why he used to have autistic fits about people no selling, moves looking fake, or injuries in matches not being worked or followed up on, but now will happily cream his pants when Ospreay take a 450 vertebreaker through two tables and then stand up 3 seconds later, or Bucks matches literally having opponents help people hit moves on their partners
he always gives shit like ladder matches and war games high ratings just because of the spectacle. I cant remember ever hearing him shit on one of those.
how come his whole thing is "its not about what i personally like, its about what worked for the crowd on that night"

and then he gave andre vs hogan a bad review?
The war games DDP won is one of his lowest rated matches ever.
If it was so great, why didn't he like it?
Because not everything is to everybody's taste. I can acknowledge that Elvis or the Beatles were great artists, but I still don't enjoy listening to them.
People who worship e-celebs are dumb as fuck
What's so great about their art? And if it's so great, why don't you enjoy it?
its amazing that its come out that dave basically likes shit wrestling and thats what he rates high is shit wrestling. the stuff he rates highly is always some ballerina act of a match and he's all cremeing his panties over it. so after all these years its basically just dave likes prancy prissy ballerina dance move wrestling the most.
They want to be cage of death so bad.
When was the last time Dave watched a WWE match that he didn't like but thought was a great match?
>rates matches objectively
Impossible. Nobody is immune to bias and anybody who thinks they are is an arrogant retard.
yeah okada is famous for ballerina dance moves
you're probably one of those turds that unironically posts a Miz or Corbin match as his favourite.
Strange, I don't remember this much squealing when Dave said the Bloodline war games had "terrible psychology" and then gave it **** 1/2
>just e-celebs
anyone worshipping anyone else is retarded in and of itself
huh wat u mean?
Okada's finisher is literally a 69 into dosey doe
It isn't about what works for the crowd, its about whether its objectively good or not, and Hogan v Andre sucked
WWE would have to put on good matches for that to happen and they aren't capable
Nobody wants to see your definition of a "good match"
how come you're mad about a review you probably have never read?
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It’s funny how Dave thinks saying shit like this somehow proves that he’s unbiased when all it does is confirm that he will shill whatever his “friends” do regardless of how shitty he knows it is.
if you don't like something then that can't be great for you even if every other person likes it you don't like it end of story, this is so fucking retarded
>lemeltz says something to appear he's an objective critic and doesn't allow biases to sway him
>just makes himself look like a retard in the process
Many such cases! If you've ever actually read a single match review of his you'll know he's a certified retard who barely even knows what he's watching.
Meltzer works every single mark into a shoot. He's, actually, a based retard
I liked the match but there was so little wrestling in it, why would he even rate it?
If you go back especially on older shows when it was harder to watch everything it's blatantly obvious he doesn't even watch half the shit he reviewed. There's a Raw match in 97 between Scott Taylor and Taka Michinoku that he gave ****1/4th or some crazy rating and half the match is during a commercial break and what's on TV is Taka doing his big splash and then Lawers kid interferes. Match was barely 5 minutes long, nothing happened, shit finish, but he saw a jap and an Indy midget and immediately gave it a high rating
that's still his method, it's clear he mostly rates matches before they even happened, based upon the people involved in the match
>There's a Raw match in 97 between Scott Taylor and Taka Michinoku
No there isn't
Light Heavyweight title tournament
Yes there is. I just watched all of 97 Raws a few months ago and had cagematch up while I did so I knew when to skip through Godwinns vs LOD or the fucking eternal and godawful DOA vs Boricuas gargage
Post the link
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>Hogan v Andre sucked
>one of the three greatest wrestling matches of all time
Dave Meltzer is based no doubt.
>the match sucked but since it was an aew show it was actually a great match
classic dave
This can be true.
You can enjoy car crashes. And still acknowledge it as one.
>>“I didn’t like the match, but I will say I thought it was a great match. Close to a supermatch actually.”
Dave's scale by his own words, and by the personality deprived faggots that repeat it, is a scale not about a match, a fake fight, being entertaining to an audience but about being "good". There is no clearer form of being autistic.
where'd ya go, anon?
Kek SchizoDave, you just gotta love this based retard
What a coincidence that a shitty gaylite match was "actually really good"

It's always the usual suspects with uncle Dave
Kek, you (and based Dave) got the e-piggu bubbling
this is proof AEW will eat anything Tony Khan shits up no matter what
>>“I didn’t like the match, but I will say I thought it was a great match. Close to a supermatch actually.”
One must be a jew to truly grasp the meaning

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