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Toy box’d
Scorpio Sky sucks. He was a body signed to fill a roster who was average at best. AEW grew and was able to sign actual names who are all far, far better
didn't this guy grab the "Brass Ring" and was TNT Champion before?

wtf is Tiny doing?
>AEW grew and was able to sign actual names who are all far, far better
Scorpio's better than the current world champ though
lol, lmao even
Scorpio has negative charisma, swerve is both a better promo and a better wrestler
>sign actual names
and how are they doing now?
Oh nooo not Scorpio Sky!
He should ask to work CMLL, or hell even RevPro, if Tony doesn’t have anything for him right now
CMLL is actually more bloated than AEW
Kek based laughter of agreement.

>Scorpio has negative charisma
I agree. Scorpio's a shitter and Kaz was always better.
>swerve is both a better promo and a better wrestler
Swerve has been visibly shook by fans multiple times, he's a dog shit promo and an even worse wrestler. He does over-complicated stuff and comes off generally uncoordinated in the process.
He was only good as Killshot doing hardcore gimmick shit.
Then send him to RevPro. Get the rust off of him
This guy is dumb as fuck. He KWABd himself. Then they gave him paid time off, vignettes to give him a running start, and he KWABd himself in his first match back on Collision. What's he talking about? kek. Most people in AEW don't even get that.
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PS5 status???
There's no rush. It's Scorpio Sky. He'll get a minor pop when he returns and then he'll be back to being the 3rd man in a faction or doing random jobs on Rampage.
Scorp is a terrible promo. He sounds fake. Now if he changed his gimmick to a middle class geek who is spoiled and rich, and came out in argyle sweaters, he'd have something, but we all know he's committed to this faux street tough guy faux mma gimmick.
My fav part of this is that trannies used to call for WWE to release people who were stuck in catering doing nothing. Then talent doing the "set me free" posts on social media. Now look at AEW. A roster so bloated with a guy running it so addled brain you can legit not wrestle ANYWHERE for near a year because he unironically forgot about you. Now the troon rallying cry is "Getting paid to do nothing? Sounds BASED to me." People support this company because they think being jaded WWE fans is a religion.
come on man I'm not a big Swerve fan but that's just ridiculous.
you don't understand wrestling
wrestlers themselves should ask for it, young ones above all.
Why wait months for a chance
>Swerve has been visibly shook by fans multiple times, he's a dog shit promo and an even worse wrestler.
Even though I think Scorp is worse, you're right about Swerve here. He's not ready at all. Rambling promos with a shaky voice and fake good guy vibe.
They say he should just go wrestle for indies but then he needs Tony to sign off on all his appearances, and Tony wants to book his own guys on indie shows
It's a vicious cycle with an autist Paki at the center of it all.
Swerve isn't a good guy. That is the whole point of his character.
The Acclaimed take indy dates nearly every weekend.
Then he shouldn't be on "team AEW" against the heels.
>Swerve isn't a good guy.
Sounding like a nervous faggot is his gimmick?
Too much nuance?

Maybe. But for you it's a shoot.
Well they're on tv and not bitching about not being used so
Is this the pre cope for when he's inevitably fired and shows up in NXT?
>Maybe. But for you it's a shoot.
I do think he's a nervous faggot in real life. That's why you like him. He's just like you and a nigger.
Maybe on planet retarded nigga
AEW only fires people if they're massive fuckups.

>/pol/cel is illiterate

Name a more common pairing.
>AEW only fires people if they're massive fuckups.
The roster would be empty if this were true. What actually happens is AEW only employs people who are massive fuck ups. Maybe you should apply.
That’s what I said in my original post dipshit
they needed a black guy back then. there’s swerve now who is better than sky so he’s not needed
Nah I don't watch NXTranny, I just think Swerve's absolute garbage.
Scorp's completely mid and boring but still better than swervetty.
They were running vignettes for his return for weeks but then stopped a month ago...
Then he should figure out how to sound like a villain playing the role of a fan favourite instead of sounding like a nervous dork that gets intimidated by the crowd.
>AEW only fires people if they're massive fuckups.
Kek true. I was loosely using the word more along the lines of letting them go/not renewing their contract. But you're right that there's a difference
Ah ok gotcha. That's fair man. Nobody's gotta like any wrestler they're just not into

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