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Watch on Wrestle Universe - 1,298 yen per month.


7.28 11th Tokyo Princess Cup 1st Round @ Ryogoku KFC Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)[12:30 JST]
8.3 11th Tokyo Princess Cup 2nd Round @ Shinjuku FACE, Tokyo (LIVE)[11:00 JST]
8.10 11th Tokyo Princess Cup Quarterfinals @ Edion Arena #2, Osaka (LIVE)[12:30 JST]
8.18 TJPW Shoko Nakajima Version 3 ~Niigata Triumphant Return Show~ @ Duo CEREZO, Joetsu (VOD)[13:00 JST]
8.23 11th Tokyo Princess Cup Semifinals @ Shinjuku FACE, Tokyo (LIVE)[19:00 JST]
8.24 EVE x TJPW: Japan & UK Wrestling Unite! @ Conway Hall, London (LIVE)[14:00 BST]
8.25 11th Tokyo Princess Cup Finals @ Korakuen Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)[11:30 JST]

Previous >>15314221
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1st for VENY!
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its naover
Creampies for Nao Kakuta
>do we have to, do we have to let it linger
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I look forward to seeing the confidence inspiring games of Shino Suzuki
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soon to be married player and married player
You mean it's nao over
Did Hikari really shit herself in front of her stalker?
Afraid so. The anus was offered up.
Nao retired to avoid the EVE show.
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>Kidnapped player
Be yourself you phony
I looked at the photo of all the players in the ring for Nao's graduation, and I mentally noted down their belt and/or career ceiling for each of them. I'm not going to post it here because it would be a long analysis, but suffice to say most players ceiling is just tag champ if they get their shit together. Some players are destined to be beltless (Shino, Kaya, Neko). I also believe both Itoh and Kamiyu can be PoP champs now.
she is being herself
>shino beltless
>kamiyu pop champ
Sounds like your "analysis" is worthless
I hope she make goofy face like that while she's having sex
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Neko isn't wearing a knee brace anymore
no more free wifi. 2nd worst team behind aa cannon. i won. you losers lost. haha.
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>Miu smiling deliriously
why is pom on the opposite side of raku and aino now?
That guy who said all the worst posts end in periods was right
kek you're still seething over free wifi winning the belts before kyokyo? KWAB
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miyu has a decent looking back, unlike her disgustingly pale dimpled cellulitic legs
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Wakana Uehara is a high-calorie player.
a visual plea for the career of Unagi Himawari
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The state of Himawari
thumbnail made me think it was going to be a whole lasagna
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messed with the wrong person
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When will the marriage/pregnancy announcement drop?
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kek mei thinks little ol gatoh move can do 1k at korakuen hall. tjpw couldnt even do 1k at ssp.
>tjpw couldnt even do 1k at ssp.
what was the attendance for summer sun?
Miu made a deal with the devil to become an idoru and, in exchange, he said he would drag her down to hell if she ever stopped smiling.

He hasn't gotten her yet.
cut akki loose and you might sell tickets
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togroomer is after another one
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I also believe this
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Tjpw experienced a chilly summer in the Halls of Korakuen.
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her career has been spiraling down
Chika is the kind of girl who would fall for a host and fall into crippling debt for him
unironically what went wrong?
>wakana looking like the monster face from this shitty movie poster
nothing. it was a good number for a filler korakeun show
Wow they made a movie about Pomu
a number of things actually but its easier to just blame koda since he is the booker
>the filler cope
This wasnt different from any other big show. You had your big main event, tag titles defended, 121milly in a special match, multiple guests, etc.
Nah. It wasn't built up to feel like a big show and none of the matches save the main were made to feel even slightly important, and that was only because Miu and Rika actually tried to build it up. The results of both title matches were obvious from the start. The tag titles were defended against an old team that was re-formed via backstage comments, and one half of that team is Moka. Nobody cares about 121million enough that them having a "special" match would matter. The only guest that mattered was Aja and at this point she might as well be considered a regular. They didn't even bother using the larger Korakuen seating setup that they do for Ittenyon
Im not reading all of that cope
I read your post, and it is correct.
If it that Korakuen show wasn’t called SSP nobody would say it was a big show
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>pop champ vs pillar
>tag champs vs ip champ
thats pretty big and if you think otherwise then I guess the current champs arent cutting it wwww
yes wonderland had the pop champ vs a pillar so I guess that was a big show too
Cool spot, if it gets refined I'd like to see it more often
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>muh pillar
go fuck yourself
So Shinkiba was sold out?
we are very very lucky to have Okubo Luna
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Bet he also calls it teej
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>I couldn't organize my words, and when I thought about it, I felt lonely and couldn't sleep, so I wrote and erased, wrote and erased...
>But in the end, what I really want to say is that I love you, Nao-san! Thank you so much for all the love!!
>We were only together for about a year and a half, but within that time, I received so much from you, Nao-san.
>In my second debut match, I fought with you for the first time, got my hair pulled a lot for the first time, got kicked in the face for the first time, and I hit someone with their own hair for the first time in my life!
>After that, in the matches and projects with Tokyo Joshi, even when we were on the same team, you would pull my hair, in a 3WAY match you would get on top of me, when we teamed up in the tag tournament I was the one who got swung around, we had BBQs and went fishing, we bowled together, you invited me to your YouTube projects and we filmed together... everything was so much fun!!
>Nao-san, you took care of me like a big sister, even though I'm not good at expressing my feelings or being affectionate. You saw through how I tended to stay in my own position despite having a strong character because of the many peers around me and gave me a lot of advice. I was saved by your presence. Because you cared about me and encouraged me, I was able to challenge myself to step forward a bit more... I don't think I'll ever meet someone who understands me this much again...
>Sometimes I think, what if I had come to Tokyo Joshi earlier...
>We acted in the same place, we stood in the ring in the same place, but we were never in the same place at the same time...
>It was because I met you in Tokyo Joshi after going through that time, because I followed in your footsteps, that I could respect you so much, trust you, feel at ease, realize how amazing you are, admire you, and still want to follow in your footsteps! When I think about it that way, I feel like there was a reason I met you at this timing.
I'd feel bad for her but she chose this path
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>But Nao-san!!
>I still haven't been able to act with you! I wanted to be on the same stage! I wanted to act together! I'm still following in your footsteps. I'm going to perform with a group you were previously part of...
>I realize I can't catch up to you as an actress anymore... It's really lonely. I always knew you were there... I'm frustrated that I didn't reach out.
>I loved your acting! I couldn't watch many of your performances, but I loved your delicate and kind performances that were so like you!
>Nao-san, you are full of love, overflowing with kindness, you always look out for others, you're so thoughtful, and in both acting and wrestling, you have this incredible ability to make those around you shine. That's why you yourself shine so brightly, and you have a natural charm that draws people in. I often feel that this comes from your personality, your experiences, and your knowledge!
>That's why you're so loved!!
>Once again, I thought, I want to be like this wonderful person.
>No matter where you go, I believe you will be a pillar of support for many people. I'm sure there will be many people in your future, just like me, who will be saved by you.
>But if you ever get tired... even if you're not tired! Please come back to Tokyo Joshi anytime! Your family is always waiting for you!
>I ended up writing a lot of my thoughts and couldn't organize them well
>But in short, I love you, Nao-san!!!!!!!!!!
>I hope your life from now on will be filled with happiness!!!!
>Please prioritize your health and have wonderful days in your new environment!!!
>Once again, congratulations on your graduation
the comedy match was a swing and a miss. i even saw people that are known to say positive things claim that same sentiment. thats when i knew the vibes were off.
Westerners don't count
tjpw is an international promotion so yea they do and you are a westerner too.
Pom/Raku shenanigans matches are usually fun but this was a rare miss
Shoko vs Kong was the only interesting match. All the title matches were filler with little to no build
Uta vs Mei was also kino
Sure but I meant as a draw to sell tickets
Rika/Miu had decent build, but the result was never in question. I wonder if it'd be better to have the TPC start in June and have the finals at SSP
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fuck aja
Daisy Monkey are shitting it up against tag teams that doesn't even exist. Everyone thought the tag division was bad last year but it's worse now
Dejimon are a great team. The tag division is worse because there isn't one outside of them and 121million
Come back Nao
Raku sucks
Yeah my dick!
Reminder that all general thread OPs are done by one autistic no life spic and if you beat him to a thread he will spam it with saged images to kill it
So we had a colt cabana thread and I was to post this and it went away

Yeah and we all hate him for it

But he does knows something interesting

Steve Greer and the netherlands
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I love being able to see Runa and Haru develop inside and outside of the ring
Why didn't she comment about Hikari Noa?
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Predictions form for round 1 of the TPC
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Probably because Hikari was forced out because she was a dumbass whereas Nao left by choice and was beloved? It's not difficult.
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if you care about how many people show up too a wrestling event and your anybody but the booker. your a retard
smug Moka
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>lower or higher attendance makes the promotion look worse or better and affects what talent they can attract, both freelancers and recruits, things like budget, etc.
>caring about these things makes you a retard
Is she still wearing panties tho?
Fat cream Neko thighs
Why does Raku's silence bother you? Miu's tweet was worse. She basically said we had a good run but UUGP lives on with or without you.
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finally saw the show, misao isnt able to run yet but she did hop off the ring when she got out. can someone clip when she did the spray spot?
its been 3 months since her surgery. maybe in another 3 months she will be training again.
>uses the wrong you're twice
Nah you're the retard, faggot
probably the last time we see her until the next korakuen hall show
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the moment Haru became the Michaels
Hikari spent years putting no effort into her performances, then no effort into her matches once she got bored of wrestling. Miu was the opposite of Hikari, wanting to be an idol more than a wrestler, but you didn't see her half-assing everything. Then Hikari got involved with Kathy Bates and started spilling secrets and phone numbers of her co-workers to said schizo. Why would Miu or anyone want anything to do with her? She fucked up, spent years being lazy and then betrayed the trust of her coworkers.
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hippity hoppity hero
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post the clip of Mahiro kneeling to Nao
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And don't forget coasted on being the hot alt girl who sold a shit ton of merch even though she didn't try or care. Whereas Miu wants to be good at everything she does, from muscle training to wrestling to idol shit.

But also yes, if my colleague leaked my shit to a fan, I'd be mad too. Or she's just not worth eulogizing like it's a big loss.
Which Yukata portraits show feet? I'm going to pick those up to encourage them to do more.
please leave wakamiya-san alone!
>I'm actually going to be wearing a wedding dress at this fan meeting!!

>It's going to be a while before I actually wear a wedding dress, so I'm excited...
>(Maybe this will be the first and last time...)
I can save her
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So goshdang friendly
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>Yesterday's song was decided by asking Nao what we should sing!! By the way, it had been a while since we did it in the ring, so there was someone who simply skipped their singing part! Haha
this kills the baby speculation
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Chinese hag stereotype
the blue square emoji has been replaced with a bus emoji
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Ehhhhhh Haru main evento?

For anon who stays at home and the girls who go plump in the night
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she's going over
I can't wait until Miu sabotages Shinos' career
why would she? she's one of the few people on the roster she's actually friends with
[Sad news]
After weeks of anticipation, Miu Watanabe (24) failed to turn over olympic gold medalist Eri Tosaka (30). Tosaka was finally turned over by MMA fighter and probable lesbian Miki Motono (30) later in the episode
shoot killed the business. I lost all respect for the POP champ
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I am looking forward to her confidence inspiring games.
The Scorpion to Toga's Sub-Zero
Damn Miu lacked technique but managed to muscle her out of position a few times, not bad
Do you think friendship comes before professionalism and respect for the craft of idoling?
>failed to swing Aja
>failed to lift a womanlet
kek what a fake tough girl
Wut? You’re either blind or don’t know what you’re talking about
technique is much more important than strength in amateur wrestling
>Athena:There’s a couple of women from Tokyo Joshi Pro I would like to wrestle.

We don't want her though
>doesn't actually name anyone
Suzume A, Kamiyu A, Wakana A
Why is Runa mexican colored?
That cat is fat
No it was very bad. She should fall on the sword
no skin bleaching products are allowed in the okubo household
sure is a lack of pictures of the youngsters with the more senior members
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She must mean her favorite Miyu Iwatani
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Why does Chika hide her Chikas?
I hope Shoko makes a toku club shirt
What did Hikari actually leak?
I assume Miu was trying not to hurt her for real, so she didn't get any sort of real grip on that waistlock. Otherwise she easily flipped her over, she just kept rotating in Miu's arms to stay belly down like a soaped up baby.
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They never think the wembley fc is what it is
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Why did Miu make us look like total geeks on national terebi?
When Addis End bowed before Naho Tsunoda for the final time my 63 year old dad started bawling
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Why didn't Miu just pick her up?
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I knew this face was looking familiar
is this 5 minute bit part the first acting role she's landed since retiring?
she has an actual social life
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Hyper Misao vs Athena
We need it
>interactions that actually happened
Shameful, Rika should've won
What's this from?
who on the roster have pooped their pants as an adult
Hikari Noso
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Itoh said she shit herself on stage once
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This is even worse than Mox losing to some can in Jiu Jitsu. I'm canceling my WU sub and burning my A4 autograph of Miu.

From now on, I'm a Stardomchad
is this Sareee's or Saori's poop?
How is not being able to pin an Olympic gold medalist worse than getting submitted by white belt in Jiu Jitsu
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It's not, OP is just being a dummy facetiously.
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Somehow UUG manager found a girl more retarded than Miu
this was actually clever though, she snuffed out Himawari’s spot to pull her own version
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They look cute

I miss the slow days of commenting every picture

Well this madness will end in a few years once the election tourism gets poached by future tik tok or something
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Uta with toilet paper
Toga plans to train hard so that she can princess carry Wakana at the next fan meeto
Toga has goals you go girl
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they're a cute couple
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where are shino's calves?
players who skip leg day will never have a chance to be my oshi
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Goddess of the Far Future
been hearing she's the next ace
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the next ace's Jannetty
She is decent, but this group is actually really good, not enough to beat the pillars yet but the increase on traffic may get them enough fans
How many bongs?
about 23 and a half
yes, Haru is Runa's jannetty. we all already know this
what if there are two michaels?
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It is possible
To many michaels you will mess the timeline..

Wait ok we need one more
What happened to Kuragechan
why isn't there more suzume posting
I love her too but she's Arisu's janetty
Not like this
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They're both Michaels
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how do they split profits?
tsu-shotto..? eeehh!?
Very exciting
What profits lmao
It's up
Remember when Unagi injured her arm in a match against Miyu and Kiso stopped the match and they rung the bell and then Miyu raised her arms in victory, instead of looking visibly concerned for her colleague, which is what she was undoubtedly thinking. What a quick thinking champ. That's my ace.

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