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Together Again Edition:

The WWE Japan tour continues. There was a change of plans with the matches.
Asuka makes her first appearance since the knee surgery, opening the show and greeting her hometown fans in Osaka.
Will there be any surprise appearances? Time will tell...

Asuka is recovering at home and continues to expand her gaming collection.
Kairi is looking sexo.
IYO is winning again.
Giulia is the Ace of Marigold while on her way to WWE.
Sareee is the Marigold World Champion and the SEAdLINNNG Beyond the Sea Single Champion, carrying multiple promotions.
Meiko is running SENJO shows.
Xia and Wendy posting is allowed, they're just not officially part of the Klub.

>Sareee & Arisa Nakajima vs Taiyo Matsuki & Tsukasa Fujimoto. SEAdLNNNG, July 26th.
>Sareee & Natsupoi vs Takumi Iroha & AZM. Sareee-ISM Chapter IV, July 29th.



KanaChan's post-surgery workout:

Previous: >>15290518
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These gals are SLIMES incarnate
Iyo looks older than Asuka.
forgot to include a match in the OP
>Giulia, Sareee & Rea Seto vs Utami Hayashishita, Kizuna Tanaka & Victoria Yuzuki. Marigold, July 30th.
Iyo also just had a match with Liv prior to the image so she looks ruffled up.
She wouldn't empress if she wasn't eternal.
Kairi is getting a new figure

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>This newspaper has learned that Meiko Satomura (44), the "Yokozuna of the Women's Professional Wrestling World" who is under contract with the world's largest professional wrestling organization, the US "WWE", has decided to retire from active wrestling. While still representing Sendai Girls, she signed a contract with WWE in January 2021 as a coach and wrestler, and has been participating in three WWE Japan tours since the 25th. Her upcoming matches will undoubtedly be on her "retirement road", and she is expected to make an official announcement from Satomura herself in the near future.

>According to multiple sources, Satomura has come to the conclusion that she will retire after carefully considering her future as a professional wrestler this year. The timing of her retirement has not yet been decided, but as April 2025 marks the 30th anniversary of her debut, next spring is considered the most likely time.
>April 2025
have her last match be at Mania and she puts Asuka, Kairi or IYO over
Me and you both know WWE isn't going to waste a Wrestlemania match that nobody except a few smarks will care about.
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Asuka post show comments from last night, and I think promoting she is going to appear on the Tokyo shows too?
better to have something like that than filler bullshit like The Pride vs Final Testament for 20 minutes
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let's see Kairi's nipples
Glam Pirate? I sort of hate it, sort of dig it.
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she's gonna have a new figure when I impregnate her and her belly swells with my child
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You've had your chances Batman, but you must be shooting blanks because she has yet to experience motherhood.
How will you react when it turn out Kairi doesn't want to have kids?
Why would she wants kids when she can buy more handbags and puppies
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I alright with Iyo's body chubbiness... but not her face chubbiness. Portion CTRL must change!

I've heard it said that Iyo is the leader of damage CTRL. I've also heard it's Dakota because she is the only one the speaks English. But if we're being honest here the real leader is Kana.
Asuka = Ric Flair in Evolution. The senior member. Still viable in the tag division. Obviously not the leader.
Not sure about this Evolution comparison. HHH was leader because he would have certainly beaten Rick, Randy or Batista if challenged.

An Asuka vs Iyo result would not be so certain. Also Asuka is far more accomplished and is a youtube superstar. And damage CTRL has somewhat wilted under Iyo's leadership thus far. I think it's time for a powerplay.
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the blacks look pretty good with their hair like that
Yummy mommy OL
LINKED UP with Jungle Kyona
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It’s irrational how much I love this woman, mother, who would never leave her family for me. Make it make sense.
If Kyona's knee wasn't made of shredded wheat she'd be the leader of the Japanese branch of Damage CTRL in Marigold and come over to the US for a few weeks at a time to help bolster their ranks. The saddest part is she isn't my wife.
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I think Asuka might be at her prime beauty right now bros
nothing better than a MILF
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our girl is showing up to the house show
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Day 231 of gooning everyday for Asuka
You are my empress
You are my clown that makes me coom
You are my Lickable Lobe Lass
You are my milky MILF
You are my kute Kana
You are my fine footed fox
You are my bountiful bosomed beauty
You are my mommy body babe
You are my grand slam goddess
You are my big titted tag team champ
You are my pit princess
You are my ageless angel
You are my anal addicted auntie
You are my waxed wench
You are my strapon seductress
You are my hopefully healthy hottie
You are my longest undefeated streak sweetheart
You are my overly attractive Osakan
You are my lovely lewd lady
You are my naughty natured nymph
You are my pale porcelain goddess
You are my cock craving cougar
You are my hopefully-healed-soon honey
You are my sword wielding woman
You are my cream-pied concubine
You are my face painted pleasure
You are my gorgeous GOAT
You are my swimsuit succubus
You are my 20 year titty titan
You are my enchanting ecchi enchantress
You are my oppai cutiepie
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looks delicious
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she cosplayed as Asuka the last time WWE was in Tokyo
she's in the front row, might get a pic with Asuka when she comes out
Rossy is there. Something is going to happen.
several Marigold players are in attendance
it's happening
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Why is Big Daddy Daisuke Sekimoto in the front row, I was assured there was no connection?
>Something is going to happen.
cardiac arrest, hopefully
Get off 4Chan Kanako.
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Could it be? IT IS!
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hopefully Asuka knocks him out cold. Dirty old homo nonce.
Homocord woke up
Fuck off Nanae.
Nanae's a cunt, and you're a confessed troon
We don't like Rossy here, faggot.
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(You) talking to yourself in the mirror doesn't count
Meiko pinned Dakota, then challenged Bayley for the title tomorrow.
No one listens to Asuka calling to hate Liv, the crowd is delighted with Liv. Asuka lose again, start shouting schizos
love love asuka's big huge smile
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What did she mean by this?
She's just so beautiful <3
God this woman is pure sex
Asuka needs PASSION
Japanese WWE fans are ugly as sin
>WWE fans are ugly as sin
this is true worldwide
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what does "imkin g dakota" mean
>I'm King Kota
What if Nanae actually tried to mend fences?
are you really
not gonna happen since asuka's ego is so big.
remember when she said that stardom was created to defeat her
Asuka took a pic with Rossy because Bull told everyone to play nice for her night
Meiko vs Bayley tomorrow
asuka is quietly seething
She can fuck off that fat hag KWAB.
Japanese fans hated Asuka haha
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Stop the cap monkey brain.
> [Schizo headcanon]
they were ready to throw something at her, they didn't like her bad words to the white princess
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Gunther with Daisuke
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I'd fuck all of them

What a lucky fuck. He gets to motorboat Kanako whenever he wants.
many players were allured
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Why didn't Asuka and Meiko come out?
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full res
both of the Inaba sisters say they want to wrestle in WWE some day
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Is that former Kana Pro Wrestling player Daisuke Sekimoto?
I'd fuck all of them
Cody is like that
>Bayley is getting a match with Meiko
Sasha in shambles.
Bayley do be living out all of Nomillé's dreams
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has this singles match ever HAPPENED when he was WALTER. cos that match would kick ass
Yes, they've also tagged together too!
I'd kiss this Jap on the lips if it meant I might get a taste of Kana Chan's pussy.
what do you think she is like irl?
Is /Kabuki/ on the side of Iyoposters or the Oinkposters.
We support Masami
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I love her.
No I do
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If Damage Ctrl goes after the tag titles what combo should it be:

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I don't care for either. They're annoying.
I wanna eat that butt
Im ready for some main roster Sky Pirates kino myself. Asuka can go afyer a singles belt.
>Sniffs respectfully
Keep that shit on twitter Jay

There are people online who actually think Nanae did an "L" sign next to Asuka's picture, but it's the "Passion" sign she used for 30 years, she's a fat cunt but not that stupid,

Showzuki was pointing at her Iyo shirt, it's a common gesture, she's known Iyo and Kairi for 13 years,

Please don't start drama where there is no drama
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Like this one?
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found Xia today. lying about her and age and looking for hook-ups only
Just uninformed western fans who know nothing about Japanese wrestling, then applying western views on to Japanese people
you might have found a fake account
>Asuka=World champion
>Iyo/Kairi=Tag champs
>Dakota=IC champ
Natsumi deleted the photos. The Asuka weirdos are insane
isn't she married and wouldn't she be elsewhere than new york
she apologized too and said she didn't know. what were people accusing her of?
not married, but she's still dating that guy
She was pointing at her Iyo shirt in front of the WWE poster with Asuka on it and that dumbass Iyo hater tried to make it sound like she was giving Asuka a thumbs down.
what do people do with fake accounts? get money from the simps?
there was multuple Liv Morgan catfish accounts ruining simp lives. I have a bipolar neet family friend he gets catfished all the time. He shows me pics of models he talks to online. I subtly have to remind him how many teeth he is missing and how many piss jugs he would need to empty to have a women in his bedroom.
It's just western fans who don't really follow Japanese wrestling, they only understand how things work in America, so they can only see things with that viewpoint, I'll let you know, some of the cute emojis western fans send to Asian wrestlers basically mean
>Go fuck your mother
>Eat shit
But they think they're being cute fans, for example, this emoji means Showzuki is upset or has been crying

Don't fuck with Asuka fans ya dumb bitch!
She didn't, she pointed at her shirt, Westerners just don't understand other countries
She couldn't have changed her hand position to make it look less dubious?
It's not dubious in Asia, I do that hand gesture every day
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Kairi disrespecting the business with ruthless heel aggression works me into a shoot every time
It wasn’t dubious at all. What those fans were implying made no sense
Fake fans and twitter clip watchers going after people they've never heard of
Meiko is having a press conference in 2 hours

>Marigold fans trying to defend what happened.

They were doing a clip package on Smackdown of the Japanese tour. And in one spot it looks like they got a pic of the Asuka superfan bar owner taking a pic taken with the Kabuki gals while she leaned in over the railing.
Asuka fans revealing themselves to be drooling retards
No, I fucking hate Nanae, but I'm also not a clueless fake twitter fan, so I actually know who these people are, nobody in Asia would ever think that shit is an insult
Stop the cap faggots.
Twitter faggots don't know a Joshi has been doing the same pose for 30 years, and attack another girl for pointing at a shirt, but they're too autistic to admit they're fake fans
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I miss her
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I don't listen to the opinions of wiggas who don't know Kairi was originally a ninja
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Asuka got her
They should be ashamed of the way they treated Showzuki, embarrassing behaviour
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gotta love the GOATS
Hearing Kairi is very upset with the IWC this morning
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She is unironically recruiting
Just open NXT Japan. Let Meiko and Asuka run it. Watch all the allured players come.
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Kairi's attractive
The Meiko press conference has started
God, I bet she's a little freak in the sheets
Meiko is starting her retirement tour in September
Meiko wants to focus on training/coaching/producing after she officially retires from being a wrestler
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need to see them make out
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Day 232 of gooning everyday for Asuka
You are my empress
You are my clown that makes me coom
You are my Lickable Lobe Lass
You are my milky MILF
You are my kute Kana
You are my fine footed fox
You are my bountiful bosomed beauty
You are my mommy body babe
You are my grand slam goddess
You are my big titted tag team champ
You are my pit princess
You are my ageless angel
You are my anal addicted auntie
You are my waxed wench
You are my strapon seductress
You are my hopefully healthy hottie
You are my longest undefeated streak sweetheart
You are my overly attractive Osakan
You are my lovely lewd lady
You are my naughty natured nymph
You are my pale porcelain goddess
You are my cock craving cougar
You are my hopefully-healed-soon honey
You are my sword wielding woman
You are my cream-pied concubine
You are my face painted pleasure
You are my gorgeous GOAT
You are my swimsuit succubus
You are my 20 year titty titan
You are my enchanting ecchi enchantress
You are my oppai cutiepie
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I wish I could meet Kairi. I'm jealous of that little boy.
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I would marry her if she'd have me
allured players
also, bar lady is back for the second Tokyo show
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pics from yesterday's show
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Not familiar with this player but she seems visual
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u da man goon
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Kairi got Liv this time
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Tomoka Inaba, she's the one Sukeban make dress up in a gimp suit
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Kairi had a title match against Liv, it's unusual for them to change the match card so much for a house show, which is nice to see
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it looks like the lev punch meme
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kek it does
WWE is dumb for not filming Meiko vs Bayley. It would do well on social media and youtube.
as expected, Bayley retained. They teased Tiffany cashing in and Meiko put a stop to it.
Kairi is pure sexual energy. Just something about her
Liv Morgan pinning Iyo Sky in Japan?

Sorry WWE fans, but I’m a proud Joshi mark. Gotta go on a rant.

Do the people that defend this company and its long history of ridiculous booking decisions and scandalous business practices not understand that this is why the loud, vocal minority of actual pro-wrestling fans (not sports entertainment casuals) will never take them seriously?

We don’t give a fuck how much money they make. It’s a matter of respect, of taste, and of showing the world who you value more as a talent.

I mean Jesus, Liv fucking Morgan? This is like Manami Toyota losing to Kelly Kelly at Budakon. Like Ayako Hamada losing to one of the Beautiful bimbos in TNA, only worse. This was IN JAPAN, not in front of the xenophobic Florida hicks telling Sky to go back to China. Not in front of some bumpkin casuals in Little Rock.

This was IN JAPAN.

At an arena with paying Japanese fans.

Less than 3 weeks after she beat Utami. Wtf man.

Of course AEW was just as bad with Willow Nightingale going over on Tam Nakano, but Nakano isn’t signed under TK and for all his flaws, I just can’t see a scenario where a future-signed Mina Shirakawa loses to Anna Jay at Forbidden Door in the Tokyo Dome.

WWE fans, come get your man Haitch. He’s showing his WM19 true colors.
Iyo just pinned Bianca clean
No Giulia on today's show either. No fucking idea what WWE is thinking, as all of the hype surrounding her is now pretty much completely gone. And they are gonna give the rocket push to Stephanie Vaquer now instead, who has a real shit attitude and only got signed because she had ONE good match against Mercedes.

Amazing how the WWE are ran by fucking retards who can't capitalize on fan hype at all.
Asuka's expression is pure sex

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