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Does anyone have the updated version of pic related? Was Drew ever added to the collage?
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you killed but not the man the idea?
>you killed, but not the man, the idea
a record melty time
Dimes incarnate
i kek every single time
kek was waiting for this.
kek it really do be like that though
I can't wait for Drew to bring up worker's rights.
pretty old and not updated considering HHH is one of his best friends, AJ has buried the hatchet with him, Cena likes him, Kenny has said in three separate interviews that he respects him and has no problem with him, and even Eddie has said that he would've preferred if he had stayed even though he doesn't like him
.t Canon Made-up Punk
>pedomod deleting the threads with the picture
It's just a work marks. That's why we're deleting this shit, so you don't fall for the work. It's for your own good, MARKS!
First time this repetitive faggot hole of a board has made me laugh in living memory
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>updated version
Here you go! No Drew hasn't been added yet
>considering HHH is one of his best friends
As if Triple H doesn't still loathe the guy's existence. He's just smart enough to realize it's better to do business and have CM Punk under WWE's umbrella and direct the hatred he and his fans carry back outwards towards AEW all while making money doing it
This. The fact he got to see Punk come crawling back 10 years later with nowhere else to go despite not a thing he had an issue with being even remotely different is more than enough I'm sure for Paul to eat whatever shit he has to and smile along and act like his friend
>Lulu fell off the face of the earth shortly after meeting him
He raped her after she rejected his Starbucks gift cards
>Punk takes pics with women
>Drew takes pics with little boys
Kek it really do be like that
>You killed but not
>The man the idea
Who /dontdeadopeninside/ here?
Asked for some chick's phone number and Phil cut all ties with him on the spot
Hausman tried and failed to cancel him under Phil's orders after Jericho started drunk tweeting about Brawl Out
>with women
They're girls anon
>Phil is dwarphobic
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Why do you think Paul is as miserable as you?
>HHH says he loves working with and being around CM Punk
>AJ says that he has buried the hatchet with Punk
>John Cena and CM Punk have a friendly meeting after he came back
>Kenny Omega says he and CM Punk reached out and have mutual respect. Says Brawl Out was mishandled by the people who didn't want to talk things out after the fight
>Eddie Kingston says he wishes Punk was still in AEW despite not liking him

Now what stupid? Are you gonna cope in a different way?
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You could had downsized drew so hangman doesn't look so much like a bitch by comparison couldn't you...
Why did Paul have a whole Raw script written and given to Zack Ryder featuring him on it and letting him get all his family and friends to come see him in Long Island just for it to be fake and him to not even be booked on the show?
It wasn't just some chick it was the Paramore singer. Horny was out of pocket.
I too call things which disagree with my narrative works and things which agree with undeniable facts
HHH only friends are the kliq, mark.
He sold his father in law for power and being a Hollywood slave
Also , Phil tried to be lockeroom leader while both Jericho and Booker laught at him.
Bookah probably doesn't like him but like HHH need to endure his democrat ass

i don't blame Booker T for standing up to the locker room cancer who recently tried to make demands again (like demanding to take total control of NXT away from HBK) even though Punk's on an incentives laden contract.
At this point, he’s probably egging Drew on so he doesn’t get another heart attack dealing with Phil’s daily kvetching sessions and the fallout of his self-absorbed antics in his office
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Reminder that they don't like eachother because they're fighting over pussy
Only incels think this
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Only incels think they're fighting over "muh spot"
>if I post from my coomer folder hell think I'm well adjusted
Maybe if you get your GED you might actually get some
Projecting virgin. Keep thinking it's about wrestling politics lmao
What the hell is wrong with indians?

Anyway getting some butter chicken tomorrow
at least you manlets can cook
Fragile /pw/dos
I can't wait
Don't know what would be funnier, Brawl Out 3 or an instant injury
I don't know and I don't want to know
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AEWsisters... how do we respond?
based haters

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