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Tama Tonga is currently the most expensive pro wrestler on Cameo. Acknowledge him
i no joke instinctively read "retired professional wrestler" as "raped professional wrestler" when i saw kevin nash on the list
>hey chuck, did you ever get around to fucking wandy?
who the fuck is vulcan unironically
that's egregious, but vicky for $500 might be even worse.
One of the guys from Australia's version of American Gladiators. Not worth that at all
You can get Joe Hendry for $60 which is a better value than anyone on that page
Amy Weber was a diva for like two weeks, she ain't worth 10% of that.
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Who are you picking, Lex or Chico?
I wouldn't pay more than $20 for something like this. Maybe throw in a $20 tip if it's good and not just some copy paste fill in the blank crap
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Oh dear heavens
>36 reviews
>Meaning Timmy Tonga has made $36,000 minimum for half an hour of work
God bless the MFT
>more than double the amount of people would spend 1000 on Tama than 600 on MJF
Surprised Jesse has that little buyers. Bret has almost 2k, did he say fuck Bill Goldberg at the end in all of them
>1912 x 150 dollars = 286,000 dollars
Wtf people actually make bank off cameo
And you can do them sitting in your living room or waiting at the airport. It's easy money
He was also a prowrestler (I saw him on indies in the 90’s) and was in a Pierce Brosnan Bond movie.
>these dumb cunts thinking people paid that much for Timmy Tonga
He’s upped his price recently so whomever does now is a dumb money mark.
I'm going to pay him to shoot on you you dumb bitch
Sounds like a lie to discredit Tama
Who the hell wanted a cameo from him before he joined the Bloodline
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Kek classic Tama.
>top dolla
>5 reviews
>cameo-anon isn’t around anymore
>can’t fund a le epic meme tama tonga vid
The following have less reviews despite had cameos longer than him and much cheaper
>Tama $1,000-36
>MJF $500-17
>Vickie $500-19
>Greg Valentine $400-9
>Ziggler $299-16
>Mickie James $250-25
>Nikkita $250-25
Everyone else is also cheaper been around longer and have less confirmed purchases.
>Honky Tonk Man
>Magnum Ta
>Random nigga next to magnum ta
>both bellas
>ruby riott
>amy whober
>and whoever this jessica bitch is
Tama is a retarded draw and it is hilarious that he of all people has benefited the most exposure wise from leaving new japan.
Let the man make good merch or cut an actual promo and hes off to the races even further

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Yea just throwing that out there I am probably the most vocal of tama tongas fans on here and I probably wouldnt pay a 10th of that.
If I am spending a 1000 dollars on tama tonga I should be able to meet the dude in person and just bullshit with him for like 30 mins at least.
Alvarez is the better talker if it's a topic he cares about.
Paying 600 for an MJF cameo is insane when you can see him live for free with a guaranteed comp ticket whenever AEW are in town
>The following have less reviews despite had cameos longer than him and much cheaper

Tonga probably raised his rate recently and most of the reviews were from when he might have charged $50 or whatever.
That sounds like some mighty fine cope buddy
I know how fucked smarks can be, but for real, who the FUCK is dropping $500 for Vickie Guerrero?

$85 rate in the only archived page.
>Kevin Nash
oh no
Click on his 36 reviews, last one was in May 2022 and began in 2019. Rate was $85 in 2023 and probably started lower.
If I had a voice as unintimidating and embarrassing as his I'd make sure as few people could hear it too
>Solo's Goon outdoing MJF
holy based. E-Chads win again
based lil nigga not pricing himself out of a job and cleaning up despite being a terrible promo, you love to see it
Too lazy to check but does he at least do them with face paint on
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Whatever happened to the anon who use to pay wrestlers on Cameo to give a shoutout to /pw/?
jobbed out to covid
For $1000 I better get to top him or at least a good power bottom sesh
Straightest Tama fan
Gotta love the Lexmesiter
Cameo Chris, he's still ourguy
I hope he didnt die that would suck rather he get bored with it all than that
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>400 bucks
Where the fuck do you see shida
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I know better than to click links from 4chan and I just dont believe you.
The more likely scenario is he created it this year and has been charging 1k from the gate. 36 people then bought it and everyone thought it was 1000 dollars spent on a 5 star experience
Retard, he has his NJPW belt on
Hes using an old picture.
(Please tell me you arent this easily worked)
You can set your own rates.
>Tunga Lunga (36*1000)
$36,000. Okay, but he has to give half to Triple Paul.
>Flair (412*500)
$206,000. That's more than two million dimes. Nice.
>Rybitch (147*250)
$37,000. And he's a retired nobody who blocks people who give him attention.
>Kevin R. Nash (172*200)
$34,400. Only thanks to putting himself over with that shoot video mark.
>Rikishi (34*149)
$5,000. The entire worth of an AE midcard coconut.
>Bret fucking Hart (1912*1150)
Goddamn. Everybody on this page overvaluing themselves should thank the hitman for drawing the house.
who the fuck is chico?
don't pretend like you don't know, it's not cute
Genuinely don't know but I do know what pussy feels like
You mom's doesn't count, lil bro
What are you 12 with the your mom jokes?
I bet you wish I was 12, you fucking pedo
And I bet you wish you weren't raped on that hot summer of '92
>Tunga Lunga (36*1000)

You didn't read. His price was $85 in 2023 and his reviews are from 2019 to 2022.
May 2022

"Muh Bloodline is taking over Cameo!" - no reviews in over two years
No need to review, you already know the MFT is a 5/5
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I want a Jesse Ventura cameo so much
then get one
In this economy anon????
for me its greg valentine
is it tho
I should get one
do it
If i had the money i'd drop 500 on her for a sph video.
Why is Vicky Guerrero 5x more than Matt Hardy, Kurt Angle and Jesse Ventura?
the 'E takes a cut, i've heard it's half or something crazy, and they recently did a company wide policy revision that allowed them to take even more. so it's still good, but not as much as it appears.
Uh oh the 'cord is up in arms over this one
>I know better than to click links from 4chan
then you're retarded, you can literally read the URL and see where it will take you when you paste it into your browser, if you weren't a newfag zoomer faggot you would understand that rule only applies to obscure shady links, not ones which point directly to a commonly used and reputable website
who the hell is vulcan
Because she's better than them by a mile
The only person who said it was half was Dijackoff who is a notorious liar

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