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These poor people have to put up with Shota Umino all year when all they wanna do is YEET
Kek what a molten hot fed!
I was told that the Japanese don’t even know what wwe is
Was I lied to
Yes, the Japanese E-GODS are ravenous for the chance to attend a Japan PLE
why Japanese promotions can't get anybody to react?
You see this or Fantasticamania and looks like a different spectacle
‘Fraid so. Wwe actually sold over 20k tickets there. The universe bends towards embarrassing aew troons but they just don’t learn
>Tsujischizo is an edrone
Imagine my utter SHOCK
AEW fan pretending to be NJPW fan
The light of WWE has enriched their souls
react to what? a decrepited naito?
And then the bell rings lmao
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They had to get a smaller setup than the full Osaka show
They need to go to Osaka once every 5 years to get the same numbers NJPW does when they go there multiple times per year
And NJPW still mogs them in Abema numbers
>You're seething and copin-
Where's the lie, though?
Shottetty Geeketty does suck tho KEK
even japanase people rich
W after W for the E, baby!
WWE showing Mexico and Japan how to do wrestling right. The PLEs are coming
They sold 20k tickets. Keep trying to spread lies though, you’re definitely not upset!
what do they do during fantasticamania? I always skip that one
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I'll be seeing your bitch ass in 2025 when WWE takes Backlash to Japan and ethers Bushiroad into submission.
20k tickets for a 5.5k building they didn't even fully sell out? Nani?
Shoko is an EliteStacy
Try harder, shitpost senshu
You’re spreading lies again, lil troonbro.
What makes you think this isn't WWE being the smart business they have always been and hitting an area they don't usually visit for the novelty boost? They'll come back in 2 to 4 years and get these same numbers again. Maybe do a Beast in the East show.
You're sounding like the loony trannies shouting about the NXT Japan wolf.
enjoy the show
They are partnering with Japanese promotions now to have a more steady presence there, in an attempt for a PLE. They are literally doing the same with Mexico. Cody did the same tease
For wrestling shows, it literally sells out at 5.4k
Even with non wrestling shows, the maximum capacity of EDION Arena Osaka is 8k
There's empty seats in that webm and you think they somehow managed to get two Japs per chair?
You can google this yourself, retard-kun
Learn your alliances before you speak.
>They'll come back in 2 to 4 years and get these same numbers again.
You're a fucking retard if you genuinely think that. WWE has a deal with Cyberfight, they didn't seek that deal out when they had Netflix lined up just to run house shows one weekend every 2 to 4 years. Japan is getting a PLE next year and it'll blow Bushiroad out of the water.
She is literally an AEW wrestler
Even if WWE were to get one PLE per year in Japan (This is not happening lol), how would this blow Bushiroad out of the water?
And Cyberfight is partnering with NJPW too, you know?
the drones astroturfing their japan shows remind me of ubisoft and the yasuke shit
they signed with abema before netflix, it would never have happened if netflix deal came first
why are aew and wwe even bothering to do shows in japan? all I hear people say is the yen is down and japanese wrestling is dying
>Even if WWE were to get one PLE per year in Japan
Who said anything about one PLE per year in Japan? Trannies literally cannot read and have the reading comprehension of a fucking retarded baby who got dropped on its head, do better.
>And Cyberfight is partnering with NJPW too, you know?
So? Cyberfight is talking about streghtening their relationship with WWE, Cyberfight is airing WWE. Can you say the same about NJPW? No, you can't.
>INB4 "hurr durr that doesn't mean anything!!!!!!!!!"
yeah, it does. get fucked your subhuman failure. Oh, and I accept your concession, not that it matters what a tranny thinks.
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>Cyberfight is airing WWE. Can you say the same about NJPW? No, you can't.
Cyberfight airs NJPW and every time they do, they completely blow WWE's numbers out of the water.
it's weird how shota umino has all these haters claiming that he's overpushed when he literally hasn't won anything
Everyone knows they are trying to get the people to love that geek and it's not working KWAB
Failed ace
Uemura clears
>ethers bushiroad into submission

This is not a bad thing though.
>Everyone knows they are trying to get the people to love him
yeah that's literally what they're trying to do with all their young guys, retard
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NJPW is desperately trying to get him over, but he is failing on every front. Even our 5ch BROTHERS shitpost about Umino being an overpushed, under delivering meme getting overshadowed by everyone else in his generation.

This is a HEAT STORM board btw

Fatso (Rovert) did not like this thread
The only reason Shota has a career in wrestling, in spite of being terrible, is because Red Shoes is his daddeh.
What’s the attendance number?
No official number, but since they did the wrestling set up in the arena without selling the seats in the entranceways and it looks like they sold nearly all the seats they put up, it's somewhere in between 5.1k and 5.4k
Bizzump fuck wolfcoon
Everyone lies on here anon its up to you to experience and find the truth or be dumb and just blatantly believe everything you hear
Japan has been ALLURED
kek based this got them seething
AEWtists constantly lie especially about their own gender
Kek what a white hot internationally beloved wrestling promotion
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>Tsujischizo is an e-fag
roflmao even
>the absolute state of Shooter
Wait, why are there fans on the hard cam side???
poop dick wrestling could never
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he shufflin
the japs are mad at the guy who recorded this video
now they think wwe will never return to japan for breaking the rules lol
show me
kek japs would kill wodditards alongside me

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