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[Sad News] All In tickets are currently being given away for free
>free tickets for doctors and nurses

wow its a nice gesture
Tony is such a cheap prick
>Pro Wrestling Counselor

Down the road not across the street.
With all the injuries they have, they could use a few in attendance
>E Drones desperately looking for a reason to trash AEW

Yeah this is mentally healthy
We love Counselor here, newfaggot
Stop posting your own shit on here and buy a banner. This is why your father doesn't love you
This. Not surprised when they still try and use that email about free tickets for military all these months later. Wait until the edrones hear about Tribute to the Troops
Hahahahaha what a dead fed
reminder: there are more career-ending injuries in 1 Smackdown match than every single match TK has ever booked put together.
I see the one AEW fan has found some new twitter user to obsess about. Doesn't change the fact that AEW has to give tickets away.
Trips means it’s true
Seat Filler Kings we are FEASTING
literally every company gives away free tickets. thats what comps are.
>WWE has never given tickets away to emergency workers

Damn that slopshop is even more disgusting than I thought
Grim!! Why can’t aew legitimately sell tickets?? Are their few fans left just really poor or something?
Wait are these good seats because I'd be eligible? Was going to buy one closer to the day but I might just cop a free one
0 organic demand I'm afraid. Sad but true.
You're thinking of Smackdown fans, who got their show cancelled because they're stupid, cultist poors.
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>112 results
No it would appear that would be you aew tranny pedos who can’t even give away tickets apparently. I mean you can’t even sell out an esports arena kek
dipshit doesn't realize they'll just release 200 more after these "sell" out. The illusion of scarcity is a powerful selling tool.
Considering “distributed” is usually 20% higher than any official sold number that anyone gets from the venue or government, not a shock.
or they just did a small set of tickets for nhs and you're too much of a sheltered retard to realize this type of thing is an extremely common practice
no actually its you because slopdown got cancelled
Counselords, our guy did it again. He got the trannies seething on a Friday.
Yeah it's common practice for dying sports leagues and events that have weak demand.
It’s too easy, look at them melting down in here kek
Vince is going to prison for trafficking.
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>b-but WWE
pathetic lol
Legentil activity
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kek what a dying sports league that has weak demand
>WWE gives tickets away for free to veterans and people in the army
>AEW gives tickets away for free. Full stop.
To be eligible for a Blue Light card, you need to be a member of the National Health Service
Always the trannys trying to tell us about tribalism and normal behavior. Look in a mirror.
No, theyre nosebleeds
We don't care about your logic round these parts. Tranny promotion bad. Plain as.
Lmfao grim
Bamageretty could never
>be soldier
>spent all my money on keyboard duster / whisky / K2 / spice
>want to see WWE Tribute to the Troops
>can't afford tickets
it's not FAIR
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I hope Gareth attends. He's never attended any of the WWE shows in the UK. Not even the one in his own city. It's actually weird. You would think someone at WWE would comp him a ticket for all the shilling he does for free.
>Blue Light Card
Holy based
lmao this really has the poop dickers seething
TKO stock has been doing great tho
>this is the fat pig calling anons fatso 24/7
Is this true? What about the WBD stock?
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AEW is pitiful
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So it's trending up despite losing the NBA? Great news for AEW
lol it's true
AEW fans love to see numbers going down. It's what they're used to.
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who doesnt?
when your stock is that dismal it can basically only go up. It was the news that they are splitting up WBD that boosted the stock.
went up before that
Which is the bigger number? 1.74 million or 756 thousand?
So has your blood pressure and weight since you keep getting dunked on this week.
Neither of those numbers even matter right now since everything is locked in for 5 years
>Neither of those numbers
Which is the bigger number 1.74 million or 756 thousand? Even your limited education makes this one easy.
Those GED comments got to you huh?
>blue light card

You bongs and your caste systems....
>Those GED comments got to you huh?
Not everyone is the same person. And I don't get insulted when someone special needs or slow tries to say I'm not smart. It's like a fat faggot like yourself, calling someone gay or obese. Now once again, which number is bigger 1.74 million or 756 thousand? Do you want to consult the cord? Do you need a life line again? I'll let you call for help. As usual.
why are you so mad bro?
>why are you so mad bro?
Your autism means you have a hard enough time discerning emotion. Let's get back to you trying to count ok before you start running from threads again. Which is bigger 1.74 million or 756 thousand? You read tax reports right? Which is bigger little bro?
what's a tax report? i've never heard that term in my life
>what's a tax report?
Something your "friends" in the cord think they can read. Probably the same ones that think they're Wordsworth. Which is bigger 1.74 million or 756 thousand?
The poet from the 1700s? How's he gonna help me read tax reports?
Who can help you figure out which number is bigger 1.74 million or 756 thousand?
You tell me
Oh hey we hit the limit where you run out of shit to say and start using meme speech. That was fast. Now you have to figure out whether to keep seething or abandon the thread to come back later. 1.74 million or 756 thousand is too much for you to admit you're wrong. Like usual.
Fraid so
Why do you keep bumping these threads when it was posted that there was only 112 of these tickets available?

How big is that number? That's like half, right?
All In 2023 killed the territory.
>only a million more people watch the red hot fed
Jesus that's pathetic
There's something about AEW that disproportionately draws in people with mental illness and personality disorders. Their fans would rather sit around on the internet "battling e-drones" rather than make clips with cool moves, funny interviews, etc. Their entire presence is anti-WWE instead of pro-AEW

They will counter by insisting that "e-drones do the same thing", but WWE has been profitable for decades and has generations of fans. AEW *needs* grassroots support to grow, they *need* a volunteer army to push the product.....but AEW fan doesn't listen, can't be productive and has no attention span.

Like imagine being pro-Independent music but you spend 95% of your free time talking shit about Taylor Swift or Drake and their album streams and how full their shows are. Who does that help? Nobody, you're pissing into the wind. Spend time talking about the artists you're hyping up, tearing down others is a misuse of time.

Expect things to continue like this until AEW fan grows thicker skin
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>There's something about AEW that disproportionately draws in people with mental illness and personality disorders
They must share WWE's audience.
>all this dronie projection
Lol come on cupcake give it a rest. Or are you that 'I don't watch WWE but defend them daily because they're profitable' faggot?
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>Lol come on cupcake
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oops, right folder, wrong pic.
I am a fan of balance and cooperation, and retarded shitstains like you ruin that. So I have no choice but to destroy you at every opportunity.

You throw out words and terms that you don't know the meaning of and can't possibly defend the use of. When you get called out, rather than double down, you just move to your next string of insults like the dipshit you are.

AEW needs grassroots supporters to make video clips, to mass-engage on social media, to hype up moves and quotes and promos. AEW needs 100 more DrainBamagers who spend time on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok with real humans with impulse control -- not retarded fuck-ups who compulsively spam out when things don't go their way.

What's the story of AEW from 2019-2022? Why aren't we seeing compilations of Swerve's growth, or Hangman becoming more unhinged, etc? It's because assholes like you sit around waiting for everyone else to do the work, and in the meantime, you're here on 4chan being a faggot and making people hate AEW fans even more.

You can't even go 5 minutes without saying "but WWE". You are emblematic of why AEW continues to slide. The two companies have completely different needs but as long as you INSIST their needs are identical, then your shitty behavior becomes justified in your eyes.
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>oops, right folder, wrong pic.
Making fun of retarded AEW fans is a profitable business, that's 2024 for you
Yep you are that faggot thanks for confirming.
every retard comment like this you make, it just proves my point more. You're in a battle for Page 1 of 4chan, you've never given a shit about AEW.
Pissant company vibes

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