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Makin' konnan seethe edition

>Death Triangle invades Arena Mexico to take on the all star trio of Mistico, Volador Jr and Mascara Dorada
>Angel De Oro and Star Jr face off in the finals of Torneo Leyanda De Plata
>Templario in action ahead of his title match against mjf next week
>one of the best trios in the world competes as Max Star, Futuro and Hombre Bala Jr look to continue their hot streak
Titan my fucking boy
>International talent
>Tournament final
>building the next Aniversario (that 3rd match)

CMLL has too much talent right now
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tomorrow's card that gayew trannies won't watch because there's none of their guys on it
They should send Volcano to AEW
A good problem to have. A stacked show and the card doesn't even have great guys like
>soberano jr
>atlantis jr
>the villanos
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aew wouldn't be able to handle him. Kraneo too
>Flip Gordon
>Capitan Suicida
kek, based Mexicanos
>>Flip Gordon
Scurll must regret going to work for AAA instead of CMLL. Maybe his comeback hashtag would've actually picked up some steam
The appeal of CMLL and AAA for wrestlers and fans shifts over the years, CMLL was in rough shape when he got canceled and AAA was the better option at the time
Probably wouldn't have worked regardless since njpw shoot wants nothing to do with him and cmll and new japan like to keep eachother happy
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*Jay White wanted nothing to do with him

Hiromu brought up Scurll just a few months ago on Japanese TV.
Would they not have booked him in the year+ since jay white has been gone if that was the case?
You're the same kind of dipshit that thought AEW wouldn't sign Ibushi because he called New Japan a "black organization" (yakuza) on twitter.
You're so retarded, the new japan/cmll relationship is totally different from the new japan/gayew relationship. When Dragon Lee fell out with cmll we all understood that meant no more new japan for him, even though they still really wanted to book him
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acepto su concesiĆ³n cabron
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>la Catalina is returning soon
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Next ti get poached
Once a week always the high spot
>Once a week
I enjoy the Tuesday and Saturday shows too
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>more attractive with their mask type players
Is it on baked?
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do you guys think they'll let Death Triangle get a win?
Also yes
unsurprising news
The konnan will seethe show
I'm sure that wwe partnership will happen anytime now
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I have been sleeping on Nautica...
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Out of the six women wrestling tonight, she's the only looker imo
Yeah Stephanie leaving did a number to the visuals department
Funny though that the top 4 visuals imo(Catalina, Zeuxis, Reyna Isis and Persephone) all aren't booked
Persephobe wrestled

I watched the show it was good, am surprised the good shape mistico is in
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Also no Tessa tonight
>Jay White wanted nothing to do with him
This was later dispelled as complete bullshit because White and Scurll train together at the same BJJ gym in Florida

Don't listen to puro smark podcasts, they genuinely just make shit up out of thin air because there are basically no dirtsheets to disprove them.
Exclusively for Esfinge cock
That photo was taken before Scurll got cancelled. Jay doesn't go there anymore
>puro smark podcasts
SRS was the one that first reported it, not J-Cast or any of those other shows
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Cute butt makes up for her giga chin
I really wonder how MJF will be received by Arena Mexico next week and how he'll try to antagonize the crowd
The chin is the best part
Templario will try to kill him as is tradition
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we're live chicos
>that one girl screaming
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based lucha brother
Legal issue please understand
Oh no laws

I never understand those
Show time
deafening zero meido chants
mistico betting boo'd in arena mexico of all places is fucking insane
Based penta is the Mexican John Cena
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This has already cleared the bcc vs cmll guys arena mexico match
You all think vikingo will make appearances in arena mexico since he wants back in aew?
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not in the near future.
I think somebody like Taya is more likely
First there has to be a waiting period where he publicly denounces AAA
Probably wouldn't be a good idea to burn bridges for him considering he's not nearly the star that the Lucha Bros are
Gotta love Volador
Would rape
Who really won that day?
Me, for getting to watch peak
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Promotion of the year every year for 90 years
Pretty sure he only got signed this past February or March
What's the way to watch lucha if I don't get a tv channel
t. Only watched Puerto Rico wrestling on cable years ago
Was she really selling fart audio tapes or did I get worked by a headline
Friday show streams on baked. You should watch a month of those and if you like it seek out more

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