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>wake up
>Oinko Pie is still ugly, still the WOAT and lost, and still the ugliest fat pig in wrestling
Yep, today is going to be an excellent day! Except for Oinko fans who will most likely 41% themselves KWAFP
(Fantastic news)
Interesting news indeed
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Reminder the fat pig Iyo was an edit.
you're hearing this more and more
reminder your parents hate you
Both pictures look like a fat pig to me
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>she lost every match on the japan tour
why is paul like this?
oinko is a born loser
House shows aren't canon. She won the Utami match.
>house shows arent cannon but beating a jobber at a mudshow is
left looks like more of a shop than the other and that's saying something because it looks just as bad as the original Oinko, piggers lose yet again
I just click on everything
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Fat swine
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>microwave PoV when you're reheating that Buc-ees brisket you bought extra
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This is Liv's' Bitch!"
exposin the business
so is she gonna smarten and slide about a foot forward or what
Based Liv
She looks ugly in both though
Kek Iyopiggers once again mass reporting Oinkoposts because they are so gotten to. Truly the softest group of people on /pw/
Many people are saying this!
Iyocord having a melty
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>wake up
>Oinko Pie is still the genius of the sty
Yep, today will be an oinkcellent day!
the softest oinkers in the biz! sad!
Grim on the left, grimmer on the right.
Uhoh! I wouldn't have done this if I were you, OP. The Iyocord might pay someone to dox you!
Kek, Hogwheels BTFO
Oinko piggers can't follow basic logic, I wouldn't worry about it
This board is fucking unreadable at times
Liv is bigger than pro wrestling
>Oinko lost in Japan
Oh dear, first Triple H sent her away to some backyard fed and now she's even lost in her home country.. Oinkers can't stop catching Ls
it do be like that
You still samefagging?
based Liv
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Based Liv loves her some Iyo
I've heard many people say this.
Yep many people do be oinking this
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>jobs twice
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