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Triple K strikes again
What gave it away? The fact that he's never appeared on TV again since Vince left for good?
It's Omover
Limeys "give up" on trying to sound like legitimate news.
Omos already called them a rag lmao
He should have been used as a special attraction. I feel like MVP not getting Omos a shot at Roman for a Saudi show was a missed opportunity.
That's funny and ironical because nigs never evolved to Homo Sapiens, they basically are still Homo Erectus.
this fixtation on 8"0' tall guys who can't work was clearly a Vince thing
WWE gives up on fifty white wrestlers: ...
WWE gives up on one black wrestler: RAAYYCIIIIIIISM!!!!!
Omos is physically amazing, but I guess you can only do so much. They have Oba Femi now, who is still a giga nigga in his own right, but he's a great wrestler too.
please don't hire him tna
please don't hire him tna
please don't hire him tna
please don't hire him tna
Dude always sucked
thats funny because. its not true and you are a dicklet jealous of bbc
Black fragility is so hilarious
yeah Oba is like 6'4 or something but at least he can work and sizekweens of 4chan cant complain his height
firing MVP was a sign that he isn't staying. name one memorable omos promo or segment. if anything all he had that gay waist coat and MVP and nothing else.
>said the guy who complained about black people on 4chan all day instead of doing something
pussy ass nigga lmao
Omos is only tall, he doesn't have that gigantism look of Andre or Khali that make them look freakish or a physique like Nash or Kane.
Kevin R Nash would've never given up on Homos
he also has all the personality of a slow basketball player from nigeria who barely speaks english
>Gets triggered by racism on fucking 4chan
Go back for fucks sake.
>tossing all of Vince's favorite dildos
>not fantasizing about bbc all day means you're racist
that's the least hyperbolic greentext i think i've ever posted because there's people out there that believe that in earnest

It's true.
You see a homo and it makes you erectus
I honestly don’t think Omos is that bad and certainly not Khali levels of embarrassing. His matches with Braun and Brock were great spectacles and the match with Seth was pretty good.
you mean white fragility. you got triggered by your own tiny penis size. go wank to porn while black men stay winning fucking white girls
You are so fucking mad lmao
>Imagine thinking racism works anyone.

The only people who don't laugh at racism are women, and their opinions don't count.
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>you literally realize the only reason Vince kept pushing this retard was cause of his BBC fetish
Should pair him as Liv Morgan's bodyguard. Rhea/Dom vs Omos/Liv at Bad Blood. Once Raw goes on Netflix, their relationship can get interesting. Based.

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