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Someone post wembs of women getting beaten please
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kek what a cold-hearted handsome devil
You know, I'm really confused on why guys go for girls like these. The incredibly vapid, shallow girls who are apparently hooked to social media like an IV, posting incessant, obnoxious, worthless and unnecessary things online constantly. I never understood it.
sex. thats why. people arent complicated, even less so men. we hook up with women who like us and will give us sex.
Hook is a mimbo, a male bimbo.
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>I'm really confused on why guys go for girls like these
Because they're fucking young retards, anon.

How old are you?
If you're not over 35, I guess you haven't realized that most people under that age don't know SHIT. Do you not remember being young and foolish? Being led around by your dick?
You kind of just posted something useless too, so I think you understand it quite well
I don't get why you'd need to make some gay dance for this. I hate zoomers so much.
Most of the girls who make these are fine. It's just trendy.
I guess that makes sense. It's just so easy to see now, it can feel frustrating.
They are "Baddies" if you're not a virgin you'd know the high you get being with a "dangerous" type girl
>Being led around by your dick?
Legit never happened to me after high school. I've had complete control over my libido since the beginning of college and only got intimate with girls that I could see myself having a family with.
Well, surely you've had enough male friends to understand you're the exception rather than the rule.

Most young men fly at women cock first and think about the consequences later and people who can't shake that mentality are the ones that end up with 5 divorces.
most men aren't signing up for something serious. we want pussy and a girl on our arm that's it. we get the most out of short term relationships once we get over the hump of finding one. the trouble is, most of the time we get suckered in by pussy and the ease of not having to find a new woman. we get comfortable and accept their bullshit slowly. that's when they strike. then women take advantage of us and we're screwed for the long haul.
He should be fired immediately. Drugs are illegal
We already have himbo.
mimbo predates it
Long slim brown body and jungle hair. This gets him hard? Jesus.
She's fucking ugly you witless loser
He says posting his unsolicited beliefs on an anonymous image board with no plans to speak of for his Friday night. Lmfao shut up
Cute zoomer retard sub 100 IQ couple
Once Hooks hair goes so does his career
Who dat Zendaya?
Are zoomers seriously trying to pretend it's unique to smoke weed and drink alcohol?
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>itt virgins larp as experts on on male and female relationships
>ITP virgin seethes about loneliness
The poses and movements are so unnecessary, generic, random and meaningless that it pisses me off. Stupid bitch.
....... Is anyone going to tell her Hook's not white...?
Turn your monitor on
Hook is low energy and wants excitement in his life.
There is joy in being around a hot bitch bro
Pussy is pussy. If you are able to get it, why not go for it? Drawbacks are negligible. That's how a lot of dudes think. Nothing much to understand here, it's pretty basic. Normies are called normies for a reason lol.
He could do better
How can Hook look so white while his dad is una creatura?
italians be like dat
Where did you get this picture of me?
kek you're jealous
have sex
Who the fuck is hook?
the only thing cooler is going on 4chan to let everyone know how normal and not unique those things are for you, who is very cool
dude if all I gotta do is sit in the background as she makes some dumb video then she'll blow me why the hell would I want something more complicated?
Well in what you call "common behavior" is just an example of why many people are shallow, cry about their sadness online and part of the reason the state of the world is the way it is. Do you want to keep being an animal or something more?
nobody cares, himbo.
shes good in bed. Just when youve had enough of her shit, she takes you to bed and acts nice again. Its the brat type.
bend over then
so is this actually hook
fuck women
Sup tranny
classic 4chan incel post kek
I hope she sees this lil bro.
Only non-chads date them instead of pumping and dumping them since they don't feel like they have enough game to easily pull another bitch the next day, so they hang around the first attractive broad they scored with until they get dumped or cheated on. Dealing with their behavior for guaranteed access to pussy is better than having to go through the difficulty of constantly chasing after new girls.
Not gonna lie fellas this is pretty pathetic
She's not ugly wtf are you retards on about? You dumbfucks lust over that ugly forehead izzy bitch but think this girl is ugly?
why do incels watch wrestling?
why are you so obsessed with incels?
It is. I don't make the rules. Don't gotta tell me that lmao.
i want to watch them fuck
Achmed pls
Found the roastie
Yes, she is ugly
Brother, the man should be the dangerous one in a relationship
Sex must be good for a little bit
>Hook is a stoner
lmao no wonder he's incapable of getting a clue..

I'm 34 and gf is 28 and there's about 50 pics of me with those dopey dog nose filters etc on the internet. It is stupid as shit, but in the moment it feels kind of good that your gf wants to show her e-social circle who her bf is. Plus these types of girls are kind of all that's out there, anon.
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Only one I have sadly
Hook taking after Kurt, Cody, and Brett
holy muttola

nothing less than total zoomer death is justified at this point
She's very cute, Hook has done well for himself.
you're ugly
but enough about you
All women born after 1980 are like this. Men don't have the option of being picky.
I don't know about that.
Lmao boomers who never got a clue are so easy to spot
She’s black. Personally not my taste but she is kind of mid looking
Zoomers are honestly gross tbdesu
as far as black go she is light skinned and cute. She doesn't look like a monkey
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>my son is dating a niggress, but I digress
Isn't Taz half black or whatever? He got pretty upset when Sabu called him a nigger.
No, he’s pure Italian
what nationality is Sriracha anyways
Why do so many good wrestlers have jungle fever
cute couple tbqh
I agree and they're not my type, but thinking any girl will completely match your ideals is stupid.
That's because zoomer guys aren't any better, that's why they go for these types of girls. Birds of a feather flock together
the irony here is that hook isn't miserable and you are. kek
I hope he sees this bro.
Kill all incels
Based incels working the simp into a seething shoot.

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