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Bianca is shoot so fucking pretty bros
i'll always be a jade man
iyo prettier
pro wrestling makeup artist always go full crossdresser when it comes to women
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>iyo prettier
Bianca, Jade, Lash, Jakara, Kelani we eatin good Kween Lover.
>remove makeup
>is prettier
Rhea and Bianca
right pic is alright but on the left she shoot looks trans
nah but her fake hair looks good here
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My fave
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>you will never hang out in japan with your qt ebony muscle gf
why even live
I love black women so much
I want to see a small asian man fuck her
they couldn't satisfy her
She's so fucking cute. I love her smile.

Her thick black southern accent is insane.
Jade looks like Israel Adesanya with a wig on
Glorious White Rod I presume
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The difference between heaven
And ugly hell
Maybe on planet retard.
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Nah Jade is better
Giant man hands
How is she not pregnant?
Waiting for the right BWC to cheat in montez with
I don't think trans people can get pregnant.
Guess that's why you're adopted.
Bianca is wife and mother material, and that’s a shoot Jack.
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Bianca whore era
she is but I prefer her looking thinner, getting a fatter ass, and bigger titties
I have a giant white dick, they would fit perfectly.
Say what you want about the rest of her, but she got some thighs...
>for years Vince never pushed black women
>never pushed asian women
>later becomes a depraved coomer
>discovers ebony porn and asian porn
is this why Bianca and Asuka got megapushes under Vince?
>Say what you want about the rest of her
I want to fuck her cute face. I want to fuck her juicy pussy. I want to fuck her nice black ass. I want fuck her nice soft feet
No she isn't
she knits and cleans for montez. I saw it on youtube once but she has made her own costume, so she is old skool
>black southern accent
doesn't exist
you would know
daisy dukes aren't erotic
Cody has more than one... baby momma
>be random Japanese
>walk by her
>wonder if all black women are that fucking JACKED
Looks like an ape. You have shit taste, but you're marginally better than than all the yellow fever faggots on this board so you got that in your favor.
They probably thought that was a black man to be honest.
Nah that's you
>bianca belair
>jade cargill
>lash legend

Fuckin hell man, this is just great
I think any piece of clothing that revealing is erotic
>est over her crotch
she has the juiciEST pussy
hides the ass shape, stiff as starch, mundane color, not cut enough

daisy dukes aren't erotic unless you're a mormon or amish
I watched a street interview yesterday where a jap girl said she's formed her impression of blacks from seeing Usain Bolt in the olympics
>>later becomes a depraved coomer
Vince is shoot like 75% gay, it was only when his libido started dying down did he push ethnic women.
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>brakku niggu go home
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Japan rejects Yasuke, but bows to Kweens.
Monkey faced ugly bitch.
>I'm a black monster with a low IQ
Based China
Some people can't handle that she's cuter then their waifu apparently
That's an oxymoron. Most of ebonics come from uneducated black and white southerners.
Supposedly that's why he hired Gail Kim
Japanese people are fucking retarded. They're so sheltered that they'll believe anything they see for the first time as absolute truth, for some bizarre fucking reason.
>Ah, that westerner is handsome. All westerners and the entire west must be handsome.
>That spanish woman is beautiful. All spanish women must be beautiful.
>That egyptian person has a tattoo. All egyptians must have tattoos.
It's so weirdly childish.
it's tough to get jiggy with it watching JAV pixels
The perks of living in a homogeneous society, man. The average jap hasn't even seen a black person irl. It's probably a huge culture shock when one goes over there and chimps out.
She has really nice feet which is rare for a black woman.
Cut your feet off.
I will never get over the fact she looks like the OG Gerudo
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Genuinely one of the cutest smiles in the biz.
Must be protected at all costs.
Why not both?
I see 2 discolorations
good looking couple
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Something about Kweens and Japan drives me wild.
You know the idea that Asian guys have small dicks is a meme right? My wife dated a Canadian-Chinese guy for a few years before we met, and apparently, his dick was bigger than mine.
enough about you
That's a turn on for me
is that a pregnancy test?
Jakara Jackson
Red Velvet
Queen Aminata
Kelani Jordan
It's a great time to be a Kween Chad.
No. He didn't want to hire Gail Kim because he thought nobody would find asian women attractive. And JR had to show him asian porn for him to hire her.
Anon that just means you got an acorn dick
The white jumping spider

Yeah I know been dealing with it for years
yeah she cute. especially for an old gal
Pretty's definitely the word for it. I don't care for her as a wrestler, but she has an enchanting smile. Queen, not Kween.
Nah she's a kween. Jade too.
it's bald goblin with no tits
>I will never be raped by this black muscle goddess.
Why even live...
It's such a weird look. She is genuinely very beautiful and has a sort of innocent vulnerability to her smile. Then you look down and see this jacked hulkish body that could rip you in two. Jade on the other hand is kinda sharp in the face, a little more worn and leathery looking, but it matches her body at least.
Yeah she's perfect for the feminization treatment, slowly but surely getting rid of all her muscles while making her wear more girly dresses

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