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>kenny's asshole came out
legitimately grim. hope he's okay
So he'll be back in September, great to hear
thats not what was reported
fuck off bitchtits
Tama Tonga happy and healthy
I thought he had intestine inflammation or something?
He should have had the surgery as soon as he stopped wrestling, I'm gonna guess he will look like a zombie in the ring when he comes back.
he got the same gut disease he made fun of Brock having
Yeah. Imagine having fucked up guts. Hurt, inflamed, thin intestinal walls. Then getting them stuck in a hernia.

I got Crohn's and had that happen. I'm very lucky to not be shitting in a bag yet.
Girl, this is why you do not get into fisting
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>I got Crohn's
is karma real?
Lol. Yeah. Fuckers with Crohn's (like me) shouldn't be grunting to lift things. Especially on camera. Good way to blow shit 6 or 8 rows deep, lol.
Yes, in the sense that if you set a bad trend in motion, you’ll eventually fuck yourself over one way or another. In the traditional metaphysical sense, it was understood that you’d suffer as the people you’ve hurt suffered in your next life.
so what really caused this? I know people say brock's was due to steroids and diet so I'm assuming thats likely right?
Evidently not since Excalibur was the one that actually started that back in PWG and nothing has happened to him
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roman had the a similar hernia surgery and it fucked him up bad (thats what the scar is from), brock had the same diverticulitis surgery and it fucked him up bad
kenny had both within a year, must be a motherfucker to get through

had a pretty much all protein diet
I legit didn't realize that was a scar, I thought that was just romans skin fold on his stomach kek
kenny has a soul doe
You can just develop diverticulitis or Crohn's, the way I get it. Usually signs develop early on; just lots of stomach issues like puking or shitting all the time.

Stuff gets stuck and rots in your guts, opens holes in them, and then you go septic. Ain't fun, yo.
>had a pretty much all protein diet
youtube tells me that overdosing on protein isnt harmful and just gives ya gas
It was never about Brock. Steen’s version of the F5 was referred to as “Deep Sea Diverticulitis” but that was at least 2 years before Brock even joined UFC
risk factors include
-- too much protein
-- steroids
-- painkillers

so it's basically not surprising that a lot of wrestlers have issues with it
Kenny was healthy in Japan where the government actually cares what foods their people eat. He came to America and started eating GMO Round Up Frankenfoods and got diverticulitis within 3 years.
go back
they'll probably get it too
They're both crazy explosive athletes. Maybe the two most explosive today and their cores factor heavily into their work.
Might have something to do with it.
Wouldn't surprise me. I drastic change in diet is gonna effect you one way or the other. Different additives, GMO shit... Oh yeah. Wouldn't surprise me at all.

Now have a predisposition to gut issues, the lifestyle, and a hernia, lol.
I know lots of movement or heavy lifting makes it flare up, so yeah.
>he made fun of Brock having
this never happened
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Kenny would never do that, he's got nothing but nice things to say about everyone
Thats fine as long as he can make it to Wrestle Dynasty.
We can have Omega vs Okada 5 next year at at&t stadium.
Well, he's gay.
Okada is unfortunately winning their next match so it should be at Wrestle Dynasty, then Kenny wins their sixth match at at&t stadium
fraid R so
Kenny got his guts busted because of all the pills he was popping in New Japan and then AEW to cover for not getting surgery to fix his body.
>at&t stadium.
>at&t stadium
I can not even imagine how much of Jerry's World they would have to tarp off if AEW held an event there. Imagine fucking 4k people in that stadium.
Tony would bus in every homeless person within 100 miles.

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