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Bayley has a BBL.
BBL Bayley confirmed.
Bayleyjeet ain't gonna like this one.
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they are so petty
>Every woman has plastic tits
No one cares
>Woman gets plastic ass
Everyone interested
Wasn't this common knowledge for a while now? It's why she always covers it, must look weird.
Who's the geek in the middle?
Thigh/Leg/Ass ratio is all fucked up. Still would lick her delicious ano clean
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probably the best bbl and fake tits on the roster. it almost makes it look like she is naturally curvy, which is the look women should strive for. not the ant bodies which look comical
What is a BBL?
A fake ass
Big Booty Latina
Taking fat from other parts of a womans body and injecting it in their ass. Before it became popular thots were gettiing hard silicone butt implants.
Hows onlyfans working for her these days? Woman can make a shitton of money but still find herself dry, envious and unhappy.
Brazilian Butt Lift. A tit job for ass cheeks. They take fat from the stomach and stick it in the ass. Sadly it didn’t reduce Bailey’s pig like stomach.
wasn't she doing a podcast called Alpha Mindset or something?
Yeah with her dimeless insecure husband.
Sad about Sasha's "hair" and paint jobs. She could be damn cute.
I love when females insult each other for cosmetic surgery. Find it crazy hot when the old divas would call out each others implants and whatnot
Holy kek this guy still posts
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She definitely wears pads
I'm thicker than a Snicker
I'm thicker than your ninja
Don't act like you don't know me
These yams deserve a trophy
Baby, it ain't no mystery
Got the best BBL in history
This cake will make you show up
I know you see this glow up
As BBL Bayley
BBL Bayley
All that bbl talking has made nia missed that she was skinnier lmfaoo
Cole world out here ducking fades
Out here ridin' a bike with them dusty ass chains
Drake got addicted to Percs at 30
Dot 5’1, he can’t even touch net
They say Dot gotta jump to sit down
Quavo still mad about Chris Brown
A$AP Rocky don't know what to do
Please do us a favor, don't get in the booth!
A$AP, please stay away from the mic
Just put on that fit, it's gon' be aight!
A$AP, please do not respond
We don't wanna hear that shit. I'm begging
So why'd she get it?
looks water or gel based too based on the jiggle
All women are whores, anon.
idk, she had a pretty fat ass while she was still making next to nothing in NXT
>It's why she always covers it, must look weird.
Could be just cellulite. If it looks like a mountain of cottage cheese...
The technical term is lipoforming.
They use the technique in Japan for breast enhancements, as they frown upon silicone jobs.
I only know one case of a woman doing it in America, Demora. She went very far with that.
Makes me wonder why the WWE girls who opt into talent enhancement surgery don't go for lipoforming. When the silicone implant breaks, it's trouble. Lipoformed talent doesn't break, it's just fat. No risks.
so you you like muscle butt's like rhea ripley?
Big Bad Labia
Literally who is Lina Fanene?
the amazing red, they’re ripping off his shit from 20 years ago now but at least in a wrestling school he’ll get payed for it
>not knowing amazing red
Dean is looking ZESTY
muscle is preferable to cottage cheese
If I remember right from when my wife got her bolt ons put in and we were doing homework if you do the fat implants you can only go up the equivalent of a little more than a cup size. Which would be fine if you already have some titty and just want to hit the next level. Not so good for titlets or women with non typical body shapes, like jacked or something. Someone like that Tiff Stratton who was both. I believe the fat starts reabsorbing at some point also. And the options for inserting them and where your scar placement will be is more invasive than something like a Keller funnel procedure.

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