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What the heck happened?
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What is going on here
She moved to 'murica
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jew tell meme
Fat pussy Shida
Why is she wearing a diaper?
age has made it so that fat goes to her face and combine to make it saggier and ugly
Cheap old hooker
Honest question, does she drink?
She was still hot last year. She's been in a depression spiral since Tony took the belt off her again.
Yuck. Used to love shida.
How can you watch wrestling and not like paags and pawgs
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Jews got her
another one gone.
on her gaming stream she drinks "whiskey soda" nonstop in the daytime.
someone got the unaged one?
Was going to say this. She eats a lot of goyslop now. I knew when her current outfit got a girdle put on it that she would start fatmaxxing.
Bros...where is the passion?
The wall happened. Kenny dumped her for a man.
I will NEVER stop supporting Shida!
Whoa, i knew shida looked diffrent but a picture says more than video sometimes. >>15338370
Femine penis, wrapped in thigh fat.
thats the clitty
I don't see anything wrong here
They are burying her. She's not being used well. Jobbing to get shit talent over is a crime. She is a great wrestler and they would rather push a hack like Mercedes.
>What the heck happened?
Riho Smith won.
She's on Kenny's home playing videogames with him and their cats meanwhile shida is eating her depression away.
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Tony Khan't shite booking. I'll never understand how he fumbled Shida so badly... oh wait, yes I do, she isn't former WWE and she isn't one of his favourite toys. She's fucking wasted in this company.
NOOOOOOOOOOO YOU CAN'T LIKE SHIDA!!!! YOU HAVE TO WHO I SAY YOU LIKE!!!! IT'S BAD WHEN VINCE AND PAUL DO IT BUT IT'S FINE WHEN I DO IT!!!! But seriously, I don't mind Shida losing, but I want her to have actual feuds and storylines. None of my favourites are being used well in AEW, except for Squishy. It's why I've basically stopped supporting and watching.
Damn, Hillary Clinton looking piggie.
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Shida's soles...........
>cunning loli schemes for twenty years and even takes the bogpill to win the MCbowl against tomboy worstgirl
animes for this feel?
bruh how the fuck did she hit the wall so hard
she actually used to be cute
Tony Khan's booking. It's does things to a person.
>blonde Japs
Worst shit of all time desu
Shida has a child?!
Yes, it's me. Despite being 29 years old, she still breast feeds me... I love my Shida mommy
If you really love her you'll tell her to get on a treadmill asap.
I still would
I love blondes. I love Japs, but like you, I don't like the blonde look on Japanese women. Gimme jet black hair, brown, or stuff like Asuka if they can pull it off.
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Never fucking forget what Tony took from us with his awful fucking booking.
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I have cummed so many times to this picture of Shida. I just love the look on her face and the dismissive way she's flicking her hair. It's just the right amount of bitchy and sexy. She wants you to fuck her brains out, but she's going to judge you and if you'd don't preform to her standard, you're not worth her time and she'll make you feel like the most worthless piece of shit in the universe.
>girdle isn't even sized properly
>middle panel wide open on the bottom

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