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WTF IYO bros?
i thought she was a primary player...
>Win in Marigold main event
>Lose to former jobber-for-life Liv in the WWE
HHH be like that
Fucking buried lmfao
Kek based another Iyo thread

>buried on a house show
Touch grass.
This is like Mirai losing to Miku and Misa losing to Natsumi.

There goes WWE's popularity in Japan.
>getting mad at house shows
you’re a faggot
>getting mad
What part of lmfao implies anger? Is it the laughing part?
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Liv was more over too LOL
someone check on iyojeet
>the WWE Universe (fans) in the venue erupted in huge "Iyo" chants
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Are joshipedos going to hate Liv now like they hate Lyra?
Why? Because of a house show that isnt canon? The reason there was any bitterness towards Lyra was because of her being a Becky nepobaby. Honestly Lyra has been jobbing too and jobbing to Iyo aswell. Any waifuwars at this point is just memeing.
Liv is pretty much the Japanese stereotype of how they see American girls. Just like white incels lust after kimono-wearing hime cut Japanese girls, the Japanese incels lust after bleach blonde, tanned skinned, slutty white girls.
>The reason there was any bitterness towards Lyra was because of my deranged headcanon that has on basis in reality
>that has on basis in reality
Good morning Lyrajeet
>person gets called up
>gets backstage segments with Becky where she faces off against Liv the champion
>immediately runs through Kairi, Dakota and then Iyo to make it to the Queen of the Ring finals weeks after being called up
I wonder why people would come to that conclusion.
The history between her and Becky comes from NXT. It didn't come out of nowhere. Beating Kairi and Dakota makes sense for the power level that was established of her in NXT, and her beating Iyo was depicted as a really close match where Lyra winning was a big upset. And then Iyo got her win back a couple weeks later. Genuinely deranged for anyone to have a problem with it.
>and her beating Iyo was depicted as a really close match where Lyra winning was a big upset. And then Iyo got her win back a couple weeks later
At the time nobody knew that. It was a new girl who came in and immediately beat everyone in the heel stable. It would've been her beating Asuka prior to beating Iyo if Asuka hadn't been injured meaning she would have own through Kairi, Asuka AND Iyo which I assume was the original plan. Compare to Tiffany who is way more over and has to take pins from Naomi prior to getting any sort of push. Though Lyra is paying her dues now.
>At the time nobody knew that.
Yeah, that's the fucking problem with dumbass smarks. If their favorite wrestler isn't instantly the world champion, then they think they're getting buried and Triple H hates them personally. They're incapable of considering that maybe there will be more to the story next week.

The whole reason smarks were mad at Becky to begin with is that she won the battle royal to become women's champion when the smarks wanted Liv. "Liv didn't win tonight? I guess it's all over, and it's all Becky Hogan's fault!" These people are so fucking stupid.
This reads like a /pw/ post
>Becky Hogan
Don't insult the Hulkster ever again. He at least drew dimes.
Liv is a top draw, Iyo is just a midcarder.
Why didn't you post the full quote?
>Although Iyo suffered an unexpected two-match losing streak, he showed off his world-class skills without reservation, and the WWE Universe (fans) in the venue erupted in huge "Iyo" chants.
Newfag doesn't understand Japanese translation.
>a taunt pin
reminder this used to be reserved for literal squash matches back in the day. The ultimate showing that your opponent was trash and not even close to your level
You're the retards who said house shows are canon just because you wanted to inflate Kairi's win loss record artificially with all those house show tag wins. Now they're not canon again?

Stupid Joshipedos can't even be consistent in that
kek what a pig faced jobber
They already hate her, but it's more like they hate white women in general rather than some specific ones, I don't know why they are like that.
they hate all women that bury their shit japs, so every other women on the roster
>Getting worked by house show championship matches
this could have been the feud...
instead we got lame reah and dom soap operas
Nobody cares about Iyo after Bayley turned her and her friends into a modern day Job squad, so yeah, it would've been a failure
>loses to Lyra
>has to feud with Lyra aswell as Kacey and Katana
>now has to feud with Zoey Stark and Shayna
They should have her feud against someone who can actually get reactions from the crowd.
They hate black women too
What we got is way more over than Iyo has ever been
> Because of a house show that isnt canon?
Kek this made me laugh. Iyofags are the soi wars fandom of wrestling aka downies
It's amazing how over women can he when they get attached to male wrestlers.
Liv's current angle is the only interesting thing going on because Liv is based
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Liv has always been more over than Iyo.
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I wish Liv would rape me.

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