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ZERO HERO LINK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyW_6-XGUJA
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>5 people waiting
Yikes... impossibly grim.
Tony's really giving away he was never a real ROH fan by the way he keeps booking six man elimination matches and calling them Survival of the Fittest matches, when SotF was always a tournament, not just a match type.
80 now
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>debut of the MxM Collection
>working a ROH pre show
They should have stayed in fucking Uganda lol
Dijak was hyping it on X. He can't even make the pre-show.
where can I watch.... help
Can't believe Angelico is still there
zero hour is free on roh's yt channel
i know but what about after :((((
Zero hour is on X but the dumbass hasnt hit play on yt
Watchwrestling.cc or some shit. Just Google watchwrestling and it will be one of the links on the first page
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CM Punk won
>Death before Dishonor
>all today
I'll just watch the royal rampage and then watch the others
W for our guys
What the hell was that fact from commentary? First sandnigger to win? What?
they trying to out nigger and out woman NXT? Jesus.
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Marina Shafir feet
wait Marina is now like a female Ishii? Why is this bitch no selling shit?
you know at least one of those freaky ass niggas kept her socks whenever she was throwing them to the audience in those brief aew live appearances
oh they did the Kevin Von Erich gimmick off PPV, okay then. Survival of the Fittest will be by FARRRRRRRRRRR match of the night
with respect, what else is the point? Is it for heel heat? I genuinely see no other reason she'd throw her socks into the crowd unless she thought they'd keep em.
who the fuck is griff garrison?
>Anthony Hendry and Griff Garrison
There's only one worthwhile wrestler in this ring and she's not even wrestling.
>infantry is cyclops-pilled
incredibly based
Infantry gear going hard
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I like these dudes
>near 600 day reign
ROH titles lmao
the guy who was in a tag team with Brian Pillman Jr before he left for NXT
still not watching smackdown
he faced Edge a while back
Griff has potential but is eternally lost in the shuffle
Should rename this to death before dimes
Because none of these geeks have ever drawn one
Pretty sure Maria had a playboy cover
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>Thread 1
As if there will be a thread 2
The InfantryCHADs!
We did it!
done him there. Lol!
go watch slopdown bitchtits you complete failure at life
Just wait, activity is gonna sky rocket when Ricochet makes his surprise debut
>The Outrunners
>outrunners on screen
feeling incredibly vascular already bother
The apron on this ring is fucking huge.
Out runners just lost to orange in a 2 on 1 squash. Why would they go against an AEW team and be competitive now? I am not judging either team, I am just saying pick fucking one Tony. either they compete or they are jobbers.
It's the way AEW rings are. Tony said it's legit so they can do apron moves easier
why is nothing happening?
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>Ricochet will debut in the show featuring literal whos
Outrunners have shown a lot more than top flight has
I think they do the debut at Wembley and do Will/Rico at All Out. Big spot and you don't need time to build that match.
Will there be blood at all?
lol this got the poop dickers seething
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Oh shit, black Taurus
Probably in the Texas Death Match.
>texas death match

i will now watch your PPV
It's time..
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>maaan these white bois finna weird
Did Jimmy Jacobs some up with this spot?
mortosbros we've got this
kommander hulking up brother
kommanderbros we got this
Now that I think about, where does ROH fall into in terms of companies? I'm only familiar with TNA and WWE (and for TNA just their PPVs if I catch them)
It seems more like TNA, smaller company, commentators are allowed to treat it as pro wrestling instead of super serious combat
Kommander got air on that one
ROH at least when it was founded was basically THE work rate independent promotion in the US
ROH is in limbo world, they're just doing enough to keep it relevant. TK is just keeping it on ice hoping he can find a rights deal for it when it's time.
kommander has that dawg in him
KEK kommander fucking sucks
tremendous showing by both
he's 25, has a rep for some sloppy spots but he tries some of the most insane shit
Based mortos
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Dax is getting molested tomorrow night.
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>he's not neckstrong, he doesn't have a neck
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it's time
The better to cuck titties
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whose titty is he going to suck
I missed Melissa
You're not a melvin, right anon?
Kyle should bust these submissions out on dynamite
what the FUCK did they mean by this?
Look at ROH's color scheme.
I dunno what the sound guy tweaked to make the 1000-ish venue make it look like there's 5000 motherfuckers there, but save those settings for tomorrow's collision
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>ROH titles continue to not show up on ROH TV
Did he fuck up the first low blow?? What the hell was the point of the first rollup for them to grab the raffle for him to get a visual pin on the guy that he was about to just pin anyway?? I think he fucked up the first low blow and accidentally did a rollup, but that doesn’t seem possible.
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need hirsh v bozilla
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lmfao did that fat russian midget injure herself again?
leyla leaky!!
>bleeding women
nah you are
I like this look for Leyla more than her normal gear.
Sound mixing is super underrated
LMFAO beat the fat piggy
fuckin a, these broads going at it
this ppv lowkey based wtf
This is nuts for a womens match
hoes killing hoes
The spirit of LU lives
poor leyla is struggling with the big ladder and table
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hell yeah!!
this is hilarious
for the love of the game
leyla's arm is bruised up bad
ROH PPVs are always based. It's the weekly show that sucks.
These first couple of matches have delivered
5 stars in my book
think leyla's arm might be broken
She just came back from an injury too
that was one of the best women's matches of the year
her hand also smacked into the ladder
For the love of the game
oh shit, tall paul is there
He replaced Stokely as ROH authority figure.
Only watch the PPVs and avoid the weekly shows. It's better this way.
I have hopes if it goes back to studio it will be better
Tony seriously needs to throw in the towel and let ROH die. This shit is just an AEW show with ROH logos slapped all over it. This is worse than WWECW.
meanwhile to tna jobbers in tna, fuck off
The PPV has been great, fuck off
reminds me of the recent g1 shows, just fun back to back stuff
fuck off bitchtits
kek slopdown must be boring
Pure championship has to go. Has no purpose
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yeah it never really worked
wheelers we're on thin ice
that shit looked like it hurt
give roh a real show, give the hungry fuckers a chance to kill eachother for my entertainment
well goddamn, Shane Taylor promotions has a champ!
Wheelie blown the fuck out
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>the main event is on already
Billie Dimes
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>Billie Starkz (19)
Her future is pure, GANBATTE BILLIE CHAN
What is this mustard look?
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Actually send Billie to Queen's Quest Tony you fucking mark
so will this get good or is it all gonna be trash?
Queen's Quest is dead. Saya Kamitani is going through the five stages of grief
Where do you even watch this live?
This isn't the smackdown thread
better than smackdown
He's just dragging ROH's corpse through the mud. This is worse than Clone Wars era ROH because at least those still felt like ROH shows.
saya and billie build a new unit. my billie player needs the sparkle only glorious nihon can provide.
this is also true for takeshita who needs a g1 victory and title run to evolve from big dog takeshita to tribal chief takeshita.
tony is just too busy to think about his buddies and how they can help! brother you need to just promote wrestling and not fuck around with priemer league and the jags
watchroh dot cum
slopdown sucks
My guess is that someone who wrestled tonight will be in the 5STAR
Billie is a heel though
The most sad part about ROH these days is that the world title is gonna be sympathy runs for old school ROH guys that aren’t in WWE. That belt is never going on a rising talent as long as ROH is dying.
im remembering utami vs billie and how it was fun and based and slop
but her in stardom tony
Rising talent will be getting opportunities on Dynamite or Collision
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bro you a tiny bitch you cant life the billizon
Ah shit. For some reason, my webbrowsers and adblockers prevents it.
I won't get worked this time, fuck you billie
Exactly. Holding any ROH belt is just a consolation prize because Tony can't find time for you on Dynamite. The ROH belt hasn't been worth shit since Jericho dropped it to Claudio. It's the definition of a belt as a prop.
tony forgot to think of a new angle
Based velvet
billie flew too close to the sun
Tony making ROH his black champion show pauletty in rambles
why are all the black jobbers winning belts tonight?
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fear not billiebros, we're gonna move on to that world title
Athena will retain then, so they can do Athena vs Billie for the title
Velvet has actually improved a fuck ton and hasn't been a jobber in awhile
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i thought tony fired the dork order midget
why is he back?
Tony going the wcw theme route
>rampage is on and cmll with death triangle as well
this always happens with a roh ppv
When is the death triangle match?
bro im watching 10 things
>Sign all these guys to huge money
>Hide them in ROH on shows that a maximum of 10,000 people globally watch
Horrible. The state of this card. Bonus points for begging to have Ishii for 3 months only to use him in a zero physicality TV segment and then send him off to ROH
it's the main event so one can probably still watch the roh pp in full, just probably miss couple of matches of cmll
the aew jobbers make enough to pay for a cheap apartment
i see the tag belts and six man belts as equivalent to the old WCW US tag belts
Roderick Strong is warming up by competing on Rampage right now
>I think they should hotshot the rematch to the most overrated match of all time immediately with no build
>The audience who will mostly not know about the 10 year old meme match will care about it for no reason
>It's a great idea to job out the new signing right away and make him immediately worthless
>Better yet, do it while Ospreay is in the middle of a programme with MJF
Yeah that's not the most retarded thing for every possible reason
Damn, I don't fucking care.
slopdown got cancelled
The crowd is hot for this one, but the Von erichs need a lot of ring time
smart to put dustin with them, no better vet to guide them
You think Johnny TV, Taurus, Mark Briscoe, Roddy, Athena, Ishii, O'Reilly, Raven, Bennett, Maria, etc aren't on big money? Tha majority of guys on that card are making huge money.
go sully some other threads you polesmoker
they're making just enough to pay rent and save a few bucks a week
>Noooo don't call me out for being a retard, you must watch WWE if you hate bad ideas
What sort of bizarre cope is that lmao
company man Shibata
>atlantiiiissssssssssssssssss jr.
fuck, I thought there were only 2 matches left.
if wwe ideas are so good why dont i ever watch it? sorry cuck angles arent my thing
Why are you so upset?
They're all on at least 600k annually.
being this stupid should be a crime and the judgement should be a bullet to the head
No one said anything about WWE except you, schizo. Wheel onto some grass, dude
Sorry you feel that way about yourself
what exactly is shane's phenotype
tony making me watch 2 shows so i dont have an extra screen to shitpost
big shotty has hops to spare
That's still not good. They're very much minor league championships that no one really cares about. The ROH belts aren't going to mean shit until Tony recognizes it as a separate brand with its own roster rather than just secondary prizes the AEW roster can also go after if they feel like it. But obviously making ROH its own brand means getting a TV deal, and even then, I could just see Tony continuing to use ROH as AEW Dark rather than establishing itself as its own promotion.
CMLL goes over
good lord
was Athena originally sent to ROH for injuring Britt baker?
All this chocolate
If it was, it payed off because Athena has carried roh
Damn, Athena is actually gonna beat Joe's record.
Athena has outgrown roh. The fuck?
carried to where?
Send Aminata to Stardom for the 5STAR
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I really appreciate Lexi's contributions to the show
Being the only thing worth a damn in roh
It's time to MAN UP
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noo tony get out of the auto zone
Penta and Mistico seem to be building to a match
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tfw no O’Reily’s
Mark is so based
great color on mark
Give roddy back his neckstrong gimmick and end UK tony
great main event
10 dollar ppv is basically a steal
Pretty great ppv all around. Going to cmll

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