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It's friday night and time to sit down with the boys, order some jack or some cold ones and talk about the week just gone.

Did you carnie anyone? Shoot on a colleague? Turn heel on a friend, partner or family member? Have a Macho Man/Miss Elizabeth reunion with your gf? Relapse and go on a cocaine binge? Bang any rats?

Let it all out, brother.
I miss sniffing coke with the boys at the weekend, know i'm just a /pw/ schizo at the weekends
I just do a load of speed and drink a bottle of vodka and write schizo ramblings all weekend then spend the rest of the week coming down at work. Rinse and Repeat. had a few psychotic breaks but it's no biggy. Cocaine on your own can be fun too.
Stuck in catering waiting to get booked. Keeping ready. I don't have to win, I just need a chance.
yeah but i'd end up sniffing too much then thinking i was ultimate warrior and cut promos in the mirror
I played pickleball this weekend. Pretty fun!
that's based though? record it at post it on pee-dub
man those /tv/ druk threads must be ice cold if we're doing this here
nah it's cos stories are funnier when they're told in kayfabe.
Don't know if I'm going to do anything this weekend. Got nothing planned.
costs too much money now and i'd end up doomposting the next day
>Bang any rats?
I fucked my friend (girl) over the 4th of July and basically got kicked out of the friend group because everyone was jealous
where's nash?
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I completely fucked my life and my only hope at all is if I get a massive push for something I made.
To the left of Taker.
What did you make? OF? A machine that turns potatoes into french fries? New drug?
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>fucking a qt
>she's on top, it feels incredible
>she can see I'm getting hot, it's nearly time for the match to end
>'I'm not on the pill Anon, so let me know when you're gonna cum'
>that finish doesn't work for me brother
>blow a huge load inside her, holding her hips so she can't pull herself off
>'WTF Anon I told you to let me know!'
>plans change
>she runs to the bathroom
>I quickly get dressed and leave her apartment (never work a heel gimmick in your own territory)
>ignore her messages
time to leave the fed if they ain't got anything lined up fo ya. Not even a dancing gimmick?
Austin lookin real gay here
You gotta reach for that brass ring, Anon. Maybe it's time for a new gimmick? Have you tried getting over with the other workers so they'll put in a good word to the booking committee?
mmmm now that's badass.
How did you become the Janetty to yourself, Anon? tell us.
Better than fake gay like the rest, except Gerald.
I make fun of Kevin R Nash KWAB
>>that finish doesn't work for me brother

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