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more like ring of organ donor(because it's dead,get it?)
This seriously looks like a TNA taping.
It's a stretch but I appreciate the effort to be original
KEK looks like an episode of smackdown
I don't
Post something about Kevin Nash next time instead
>Death before dishonor
more like Death before drawing a full house
MXM are fucking based
Leave AEW alone!
mighty dark in there
seeing the state of roh is like seeing an animal who got run over by a truck but is still alive. You just want it to die for it’s own good
kek even aewtists can't pretend it's a separate show anymore
>bitchtits hatewatching AEW's training school

the card fucking stinks so this isn’t surprising
Fatso (Rovert) thinks I'm actually watchintg this garbage HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA here's some clips of the empty arena tubby!
Oh uh this is will trigger a bug spam
now type this without being a pedophile
>ROH is a training school
Now this is the funniest cope I've heard all week!
AEWtists can not stop losing
These are all the same person [bitchtits] btw
go watch smackslop and leave the real wrestling to the intellectuals
intellectuals don’t watch wrestling or post on 4chan
>PigVert thinks he’s Stephen Hawking now because he was crippled too
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Having another melty fatso (Rovert) don't make me call your dad to ass rape you with no lube.
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>tony paid 40 milly for this
>ROH Death Before Dishonor
More like Dead On Arrival lmao
a new cope
roland barthes and andy warhol and werner herzog are noted wrestling appreciators who also post on 4chan
Why did you (You) me ya bitch? Leave me out of your make believe feud.
you'll say I'm larping, but I have a shoot PhD and am a tenured professor at a tier-1 Research University who's written four books and countless articles
prove it
I'm so glad pro wrestling is dying. In 20-30 years it will be no more.
Grimness of the highest order
Ring Of Emptiness
Stop pretending, PigCripple.
you shut up, chinaman bot. we love original content here on 4chan.
woddditards exterminated with ease
Tony sending these pics to Zaslav and demanding he sweeten the deal...
is this smaller than the crowds old roh used to draw or is it about the same?
ROH was never great at drawing crowds, but they had buzz. It's been the walking dead since they lost HDnet and Sinclair took over.
This. Even at it's peak, it was basically modern day ECW. It was never going to be able to grow and compete because the money wasn't there. Any talent that got "over" and had talent was going to sign with either TNA or WWE.

It was basically an unofficial feeder company.
Omg rovert wtf thought he was crippled
I wouldn't call that an empty arena, I'd say that's what I'd expect for a company like ROH which was one of the top indies.
Even the front row isn't full
Is this their "residency" home in TX?

If so, I look forward to all the laughs this shall bring. E-Gods win again!

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