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all midget wrestling
Ngl this is pure cringe. Basically pointing out that punks scuff with Perry was fake and its all a work.
In what way?
Punk had the sucker punch and he still couldn't handle this lil guy?
The fact the he is OK with drew doing this shoot and drew is doing it to "spice" up the feud but he obviously asked punk if this was OK to do first.
He was literally choking the fuck out of him and Samoa Joe was telling him to stop before it turned into a lethal legal situation you dumb fucking retard.
lmao sure phil
kek why are aew "wrestlers" so tiny?
You can deny it all you want but both Punk, Joe, Schiavone, and even your hero the dog fucker Tony Khan all say the same thing. Why do you think he "feared for his life." There is also video footage of it too. If Punk was so weak Perry would have gotten out of it easily on his own but it took Samoa Joe to save him you stupid fucking moron.
>Why do you think he "feared for his life.
Because he lunged at Tony, probably yelling "I'll fucking kill you" which is probably why they didn't have audio.

>If Punk was so weak Perry would have gotten out of it easily
one second after punk grabbed him after the sucker punch two guys grabbed both and punk had his arm around his head and not his neck. i'm sure it was mildly uncomfortable though.
is this real?
wasn't there some kind of altercation in an office after the perry shit? thats prob where thats from
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Perry is a pussy lol
Look at any street fight where some guy has another dude in a choke like Perry had Punk, Perry should have easily taken punk to the ground and been able to get on top of him to punch the shit out of him. But he's so fucking weak, Punk being like 6'1, he didn't move a fucking inch and just continued to choke perry.
Being in street fights is exactly why I think you're full of shit, he had a light grab and it immediately stopped. If Perry started to put any real pressure on Phil's fragile bones they'd bend like a blade of grass.
Drew and a fan
Nice 'shop
bump :)
Big Mike-esque

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