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remember how badass he used to be?

this guy was never good.
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Why'd you edit him?
jtg looks great
ken is drugged out tho
>When you're the only guy (besides Chris Masters) from the mid-2000s midcard who hasn't gotten the call from WWE
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I always loved Ken Kennedy, and always will.
cool as fuck
he thicc
JTG and Chris Masters are two guys I'm surprised haven't went to WWE or AEW in the last few years.

I mean JTG was a jobber without Shad but at least he has some personality and a good look.
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I didn’t think he could look any worse
Chris Masters got himself blacklisted the last time he got fired. No idea about JTG.
is that dean ambrose from death jitsu
What did he do?
>almost 50
>tons of injuries
Not shocking honestly, just kinda sad.
I think JTG is fucked because cryme tyme was/is/will be a package deal and the other half isn't around anymore

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