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Evil Fucking Company
Kys redditor
>getting this upset over a house show
Joshi fags are so fucking retarded
The only thing gayer than AEW fans are joshi marks.
>going to see a retard show
>angry you saw retard things
lot of angles here from which to suggest self immolation
I don't like Liv either, but she's literally Women's champ
This is how democrat voters actually talk. Don't be this gay.
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noone saw it
please kys OP
It's typical. They throw over actual skilled wrestlers for talent they are pushing. It's business. More shirts and merchandise will sell of Liv than any other girl wrestler right now. Just like AJ jobbing to Cody. Cody is a shit wrestler and can't carry the belt. But he's hot right now. Oh well, it won't change.
Joshi marks deserve the rope. Based Liv and Based Paula Veck
So they can show the massive outrage the crowd had at Iyo losing right?
fucking reddit, jesus christ
this is like manami toyota losing to kelly kelly at budakon
Maybe the Japanese incels want to see the exotic blonde white girl go over the same way obese, smelly, incel neckbeards want to see joshis go over in America?
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>all those empty seats
>still more than Trannymite
I am so happy that AEW soaked up all these autistic pieces of shit and keeps them away from WWE. I really hope AEW gets renewed.
Sure, that's why he's into Joshi wrestling specifically, huh?
I'm a joshi fan and I hate all the retards who claim joshi wrestling "takes wrestling seriously". it's just as stupid as the rest of the wrestling.
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I don't get these people. Why do they lie to themselves like this? When I went to japan I went to a small show where they were showing having some of the students wrestling and show what they can do. All the guys and girls there are honest about going to see the cute girls do cute things. The cool wrestling moves are just a bonus. This was in osaka a few years ago so I'm not sure which it was at this point.
Depends. The types that watch women's wrestling in japan absolutely want the cute or sexy gaijin to go over. Especially if they have her dressed lightly. Since this was a wwe show I'm guessing it's more of a house show audience where you want the local talent to win or look good.
There's literally been multiple threads being samefagged for hours here about Liv beating Iyo at a house show. Since when do people take house show events so seriously?
kek what a mark
Since when is it disrespectful to job to the champion?
Wrestling fans are such retarded fucking marks that it's not funny.
This is true. Just when you think AEW fans are the lowest form of human existence, you remember that Joshi fans with reddit accounts exist.
I imagine that there is significant overlap.

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