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I thought Dakota Kai was a lesbian? Lol she's dating basedy Thorpe
No such things as lesbians
Eddy Thorpe is a lesbian
>A Black King
She's "bi".
We been knew Charlie was bi chud
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>It should have been me...
Wow, I thought they were both gay.
>dates Eddy Thorpe
>dates Duke Hudson
this bitch only dates down low niggas
Good to see Karl representing his culture and displaying the traditional drink on his people in this pic.
Maybe they're each other's beard.
He's Native American
They'll make beautiful ethnically ambiguous babies.
Damn I hope Shayna's ok
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Dakota's on Team Dick
That was never more than tumblr tranny headcanon
You're right her and Shayna were just really good friends lmao
damn, he fucked hayter and now dakota? lucky bastard
Guess she realised that queering doesn't make the world go round, brother
Never heard of this dude. Is he NXT? Cause Dakota robbing the cradle is based.
Shes only 2 years older than him
Grooming isn't all about age, buddy. It's about a power dynamic. Idk this dude, but it should be illegal for WWE stars to date NXT students.
anyone that talks about power dynamics and age differences seriously is a subhuman leftist retard trying to control other adults lives by trying to tell them who they can and cant date/talk with. long as she's 18+ and he's 18+ its not anyone but his/her business

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