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Tony Khan just announced he is changing it to AEW: Ring Of Honor on the scrum. Says ROH has more value that way.
Fucking grim
yeah he's obviously still desperately trying to get WBD interested in ROH and this is his newest idea. I don't know why he cares so much.
might as well rename rampage to that like everyone said he should when he bought the company. or he should've had collision be AEW ring of honor which would have made sense with it originally being the phil show. fucking retard
AEW: New Japan Pro Wrestling
AEW: World Wonder Ring STARDOM
Yeah I don't get his fascination with it happening this exact specific way. Just fucking name something already on air ROH. You own all the shit, it's literally in your control. ROH can be on TV tomorrow, literally tomorrow if he wanted.
I don't see that helping unless they get it on TV and replace another show
he needs to be paid for another show to not look like SUCH a fucking moron. it's not enough in his head to have rampage change names, this dumbass wants his 'developmental' brand on tv making money to.

you know, like a real wrestling promotion.
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>I'm changing the name of Nostalgia Bait Endless Money Pit That Nobody Has Time to Watch to AEW: Nostalgia Bait Endless Money Pit That Nobody Has Time to Watch
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Tony could have got ROH on CW, but he screwed the pooch
HBO Max is meant to have premium content and he's trying to sell them 2004 bingo hall camcorder shows
He shouldn't have bought ROH. It was/is dead. He didn't need the rights to All In. All Out should have been the Wembley show.
>or he should've had collision be AEW ring of honor
Fucking retarded. This thread has zero good ideas
It would basically be exactly the same
>admitting ROH has no value on its own and slaps AEW branding on it in a desperate attempt to get WBD to pay for it
G to the R to the I to the fuckin' M
Wow the AEW branding is just what this dying fed filled with jobbers needs to be successful
Hahaha!! I love shitposting, but this is too good to be true. Almost had me tho.
I think the idea was that buying ROH and acquiring the catalog denied WWE an asset, bolstered his own catalog to use as a chip when it came to streaming rights and it all sort of made sense if you squinted. They had Punk, Danielson, Joe, Cesaro, Nigel Mcguiness, Chris Daniels, The Briscoes, Adam Cole, Jay Lethal and really 90% of the significant figures in the history of the company. It’s a way to make the lineage of your company seem a little deeper. Plus they got the rights to All In which is meaningful to that crew. I’m sure they at least floated spinning off one of the shows as an ROH show. Really they should just rebrand AEW as ROH because it’s radioactive at this point.
Ring of Honor would have been better off being a tab on Peacock.
>All In
>All Out
>Double or Nothing
as a non-aewtist, that shit is confusing. you'll never have a WrestleMania with branding like that.
This is a good business decision, I’m shocked.
jusssssttt.....that means even more ROH belts on AEW now.
>denied WWE an asset
Trust me, they were not bidding on ROH. Nobody was. That's why Tony overspending made him the target of jokes for years.
Yeah as a fellow E-God these names are too confusing. The gambling schtick in general is so tacky.
Right. If Tony is so gung ho to rebrand, maybe he should start with the Vegas gimmicking for multiple events?
He just bought it because he thought CM Punk was his best friend.
I dont know if they were bidding on it either. Tony gets into imaginary bidding wars about everything and overpays to the maximum. He allegedly gave Ospreay and Okada 3 million a year. They wouldn’t have sniffed anything like that from WWE. I do think WWE would have bought the ROH catalog just to have like they’ve bought pretty much every other territories archives. It’s useful to have control of. You never know whose legacy you can exploit because of a sudden death. It’s useful for video packages and documentaries. That sort of thing. Would they have paid what Tony paid? Hell no obviously.
Tony is not a serious person. And he sucks worse at business than he does booking wrestling (he's that retarded).

To get more $$$ from the Money Mark, all you have to say is:
>"uh, yeah, wwe totally sent me contract offers. you want to see them? uh no, um, wwe sent them printed on self destructive paper and if I didn't sign them in 5.00 minutes, the paper spontaneously combusted! almost burnt my house down."

Contract tampering indeed.
Pretty smart actually. Never thought about that before
I don't get his obssession with being loyal to a dying network like TNT
ROH is worthless, nobody wants that shit on their catalogue
Autistic people are normally loyal to a fault because they hate change
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It’s real. https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/LTHUWorwpp
The only good business decision related to any of this would be to shut ring of honor down and use it exclusively as a library. Any other business decision relating to roh is a bad decision
Nobody is looking ROH videos though.
I don't like it, but it seems like a WBD call

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